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Sparse Independent Vector Analysis: Dictionary Design using a fast ICA/IVA Mixture Model

This research paper from the 2008 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science explores the design of a dictionary for signal representation. With a focus on batch Maximum Likelihood estimation and computational feasibility, the study introduces an Adaptive Newton ICA Mixture Model. It delves into the assumptions and examples of dictionary design for audio, image, and EEG signals, comparing overcomplete and mixture approaches. The paper emphasizes the importance of sparse estimation and independence in source modeling, and discusses convergence rates, marginal sparsity, conditional density, and the complexities of dependence in signal analysis. It presents the benefits of using a mixture model for analyzing and representing signal features efficiently.

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Sparse Independent Vector Analysis: Dictionary Design using a fast ICA/IVA Mixture Model

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  1. Sparse Independent Vector Analysis: Dictionary Design using a fastICA/IVA Mixture Model 2008 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science July 7, 2008 Jason A. Palmer Ken Kreutz-Delgado Scott Makeig University of California San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093

  2. Outline • Want to do batch Maximum Likelihood • Large amount of data • Maximum Likelihood asymptotically efficient • Iterative estimation of the dictionary basis vectors—estimation of sources in overcomplete case is prohibitive • Use Adaptive Newton ICA Mixture Model • Assumptions: • Only a small number of basis vectors used in each sample • Small number of subsets of bases recur, rather than all possible n choose m combinantions • Generalized Gaussian Mixture model • Independent (conditionally sparse and non-sparse) features • Dependencies • Generalized Gaussian scale mixtures • Variance positive and negative covariance • Examples • Image bases • EEG bases

  3. Dictionary Design • Learn a set of basis vectors to represent a signal of interest – audio, images, video • Examples: • Speech segments • Image patches • EEG

  4. Mixture vs. Overcomplete • Approach 1 – Overcomplete Dictionary • Approach 2 – Mixture of bases (like best basis) • Assumptions: • At a given time at most num channels basis vectors present • Basis vectors do not combine arbitrarily but form subsets or groups of commonly occurring or mutually exclusive features

  5. Maximum Likelihood • For dictionary design, we assume that a large amount of data is present • Maximum Likelihood is asymptotically efficient (unbiased and minimum variance) • Use a “batch” method, iteratively estimate dictionary • Adapt source densities in an EM context, use a quasi-parametric source model – specifically a mixture model of Generalized Gaussians

  6. ICA Mixture Model • Want to model observations x(t), t = 1,…,N, different models “active” at different times • Bayesian linear mixture model, h = 1, . . . , M : • Conditionally linear given the model, : • Samples are modeled as independent in time:

  7. Source Density Mixture Model • Each source density mixture component has unknown location, scale, and shape: • Generalizes Gaussian mixture model, more peaked, heavier tails

  8. Computational Feasibility • We will use an iterative algorithm, in which the basic steps are: • Estimate the sparse or independent sources or feature activations given dictionary • Update dictionary based on estimated sources • For large dimensional problems estimation of sources by iterative or even one-step methods takes non-trivial time, requiring inversion of a matrix for each sample • Example: data = 100 x 1,000,000, time to get sources = 1 ms per sample, one complete iteration takes at least 1000 seconds = 15 minutes, 500 iterations takes 6 days • Need iterations to be order seconds, so need source estimation to be very fast (less than 1ms) – simple matrix multiplication , can’t afford inversion

  9. Computational Feasibility – Newton • Even with fast source estimation, we need iteration number to be order 100, not 10,000 • Gradient, and “natural gradient” methods are linearly convergent, very slow at the end • Newton method yields feasible convergence time • Using ICA/IVA mixture model allows implementation of Newton method without matrix inversions (2x2 block diagonal Hessian)

  10. Convergence Rates • Convergence is really much faster than natural gradient. Works with step size 1! • Need correct source density model log likelihood iteration iteration

  11. Independence and Sparsity • Independence means source density factorizes • Sparsity means source density has heavy tails and high probability of zero • Usually both are assumed • True feature independence may be more useful than artificially imposed sparsity • Decision theoretic calculations (integrals) simplified due to density factorization • Coding may be improved by producing true “innovations” without “interference” in errors • Sparse estimation amounts to enforcing a particular form (sparse) on the source densities

  12. Marginal Sparsity & Conditional Density • Sources may only be sparse when considered as on/off sources • Speech • Edges • Using a conditional mixture model, one can localize the model to the “active” periods, where conditional density is modeled • This may or may not be sparse – again it can be enforced if desired

  13. Dependence • Not generally possible to decompose observations into a set of independent features • Types of dependency • Variance dependence (co-occuring features), AB • Mutual exclusion A(not B) • Gaussian Scale mixtures • Simoncelli, Wainwright – multiscale wavelet coefficients, steerable pyramid • GSMs are spherically symmetric – not sparse within subspace • Generalized Gaussian Scale mixtures – maintain sparsity (directionality) within feature subspace while modeling dependence

  14. Dependent Subspaces • Dependent sources modeled by Gaussian scale mixture, i.e. Gaussian vector with common scalar multiplier, yielding “variance dependence” • Use Generalized Gaussian vectors to model non-radially symmetric dependence • Skew is modeled with “location-scale mixtures”

  15. Dependence – Mutual exclusion • A(not B) • Gaussian Scale mixtures can be used with Generalized Inverse Gaussian mixing density • Feature A activation is scaled in inverse proportion to Feature B activation • Examples: • Edges pointing in different directions at same location • EEG sources responding to exclusive events

  16. Detection of Variance dependence • Variance dependence (subspace structure) can be determined a priori and enforced, or can be estimated • Estimation strategy – start with assumption of independence and detect deviations in pairs – then group • Both types of variance dependency can be modeled by “variance correlation” • Positive variance dependency implies power (variance) in feature A is high when feature B is high, and A is low when B is low • Negative variance dependency implies that high power in A implies low power in B (relative to its mean power, or variance) • If power correlation is large and positive, then features are assigned to variance dependent subspace • If power correlation is large and negative, then features (or their subspaces) are assigned inverse variance dependence

  17. ICA Mixture Model – Images • Goal: find an efficient basis for representing image patches. Data vectors are 12 x 12 blocks.

  18. Covariance Square Root Sphere Basis

  19. ICA: Single Basis

  20. Five Models – Model 1

  21. Five Models – Model 2

  22. Five Models – Model 3

  23. Five Models – Model 4

  24. Five Models – Model 5

  25. Variance Dependence • Variance dependence can be estimated directly using 4th order cross moments • Find covariance of source power: • Finds components whose activations are “active” at the same or mutually exclusive times

  26. Variance Correlation – Model 1 Before Grouping After Grouping

  27. Variance Correlation – Model 2 Before Grouping After Grouping

  28. Variance Correlation – Model 5 Before Grouping After Grouping

  29. Positive Variance Dependence

  30. Positive Variance Dependence Joint density is almost spherically symmetric

  31. Negative Variance Dependence

  32. Negative Variance Dependence Joint density has less common activity than product of marginals

  33. Image Segmentation

  34. Image Segmentation 2

  35. Subspaces of EEG components

  36. Variance Dependent EEG Sources

  37. However product density is approximately “radially symmetric” Radially symmetric non-Gaussian densities are dependent Marginal Histograms are “Sparse”

  38. Conclusion • We presented an efficient method for learning an overcomplete set of basis • A Newton algorithm is used with adaptive source densities and a mixture of basis sets • Dependency is modeled using Generalized Gaussian Scale mixtures • Variance dependency is detected using variance correlation, which is faster to calculate than mutual information

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