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OSPI Bilingual Education. Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives AMAOs for SY 2012-2013. Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives AMAOs As required under ESEA and the US Department of Education. Prepared by Gil Mendoza, Assistant Superintendent
OSPI Bilingual Education Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives AMAOs for SY 2012-2013
Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives AMAOs As required under ESEA and the US Department of Education Prepared by Gil Mendoza, Assistant Superintendent Paul McCold, Administrative Program Specialist Alyssa Westall, Bilingual Program Supervisor OSPI - Bilingual Education
Title III Federal Requirements Title III requires States to ensure that all districts annually assess the English proficiency of all LEP students. • Each State’s ELP assessment must • be valid and reliable, and • provide for the evaluation of LEP students’ levels of speaking, reading, writing, listening, and comprehension in English. Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 202 / Friday, October 17, 2008 / Notices, p. 61829 OSPI - Bilingual Education
What’s required? States must set annual targets for each AMAO and determine whether each subgrantee is meeting the targets. The AMAOs targets must include— at a minimum, annual increases in the number or percentage making progress in learning English (AMAO 1); at a minimum, annual increases in the number or percentage attaining English proficiency (AMAO 2); and making AMO in reading and math for the LEP subgroup (AMAO 3). Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 202 / Friday, October 17, 2008 / Notices, p. 61833 OSPI - Bilingual Education
What’s required? Title III accountability provisions apply to each State and its subgrantees. Title III accountability requirements do not, in general, apply to individual schools and do not apply to individual LEP students. Federal Register / Vol. 73, No. 202 / Friday, October 17, 2008 / Notices, p. 61829 OSPI - Bilingual Education
What are AMAO’s? Federal English Proficiency Targets Required by ESEA Title III AMAO – 1 PROGRESS Percentage of LEP students in Grades 1-12 who show progress in learning English. AMAO -2 ATTAINMENT Percentage of LEP students in Grades K-12 becoming proficient in English. AMAO – 3 ACADEMICS Percentage of continuously enrolled LEP students in Grades 3-8 & 10 meeting statewide assessment standards (MSP & HSPE) on reading and math. AMO for LEP students (Annual Measurable Objective) formerly AYP (Annual Yearly Progress) OSPI - Bilingual Education
AMAO – 1 Student progress in acquiring English language proficiency 7
Percent of Students Making Gains OSPI - Bilingual Education
AMAO-1 anchored @ 85% of districts meeting target average across 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 OSPI - Bilingual Education
AMAO – 2 Students attaining English language proficiency 11
E (attainment WLPT) = 11.5% + 1.67%*ln(x) AMAO-2 WLPT anchored @ 85% of districts meeting target average across 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 OSPI - Bilingual Education
Percent of Students Transitioning WLPT-II to WELPA OSPI - Bilingual Education
AMAO-2 WELPA anchored @ 85% of districts meeting target for 2011-12 OSPI - Bilingual Education
Percent of Districts Meeting Targets OSPI - Bilingual Education
AMAO – 3 Student academic proficiency in Reading and Mathematics 16
Percent of Students Meeting Standards OSPI - Bilingual Education
Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) Washington’s Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility Request Annual Targets on State Assessments in Reading for 10th Grade for “Sample High School” the lower the starting point the steeper the growth required 18
AMAO – 3 ACADEMICS (AMO for LEP students) OSPI - Bilingual Education
Percent of Districts Meeting Targets OSPI - Bilingual Education
Meeting All 3 AMAO Targets Status of Title III/TBIP Education in Washington State 21
Percent of Districts Meeting Federal Targets OSPI - Bilingual Education
Percent of Districts Meeting Federal Targets OSPI - Bilingual Education
AMO Targets and State Policy Assistant Superintendent Gil Mendoza gil.mendoza@k12.wa.us • AMO Waiver ̶ How were AMO targets set and why was the waiver necessary? • State Accountability Index ̶ ELLs included with the goal of aligning state and federal accountability. • State Advocacy ̶ Goals and efforts to establish more appropriate targets and accountability measures. • AMAO 3 ̶ Interpret your district’s data in the context of state averages. State testing results for ELLs have improved over time. However, targets have become more challenging.
AMO Targets and State Policy Assistant Superintendent Gil Mendoza gil.mendoza@k12.wa.us • Federal Title III Requirements̶ The state and districts receiving Title III must fulfill federal mandates for parent notification and Title III improvement plans based on the currently approved targets. • A Meaningful Process̶ Use the data and tools provided to evaluate and improve your programs and to have meaningful discussions with stakeholders. • Input on AMO Targets? Email gil.mendoza@k12.wa.us. Your feedback is appreciated as the agency continues to advocate for appropriate accountability measures for ELL programs.
Title III Accountability Requirements Parent Notification Districts that have failed to meet one or more AMAOs must notify ELL parents within 30 days of receiving AMAO results. 67.5 http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/BilingualProgram.aspx 7.4
Title III Accountability Requirements Parent Notification Additional languages coming soon.
Title III Accountability Requirements Year Two • Public Law 107-110, SEC. 3122. ACHIEVEMENT OBJECTIVES AND ACCOUNTABILITY • (b) ACCOUNTABILITY • (2) If a State educational agency determines, based on the annual measurable achievement objectives, that an eligible entity has failed to make progress toward meeting such objectives for 2 consecutive years, the agency shall require the entity to: • Develop an improvement plan that will ensure that the entity meets such objectives. The improvement plan shall specifically address the factors that prevented the entity from achieving such objectives. • The district must consult with parents, school staff, and other stakeholders.
Title III Accountability Requirements Year Four • Public Law 107-110, SEC. 3122. ACHIEVEMENT OBJECTIVES AND ACCOUNTABILITY • (4) If a State educational agency determines that an eligible entity has failed to meet the annual measurable achievement objectives for 4 consecutive years, the agency shall — • (A) Require such entity to modify the entity's curriculum, program, and method of instruction; or • (B)(i) Make a determination whether the entity shall continue to receive funds related to the entity's failure to meet such objectives; and • (ii) Require such entity to replace educational personnel relevant to the entity's failure to meet such objectives.
Title III Accountability Requirements Year Four • The LEA must develop a plan which specifically addresses the • factors that prevented achievement of the annual measurable • achievement objectives. • The district must consult with parents, school staff, and other • stakeholders.
Convene stakeholders. Analyze AMAO data using the Data Analysis Worksheet. Complete and submit a Title III Improvement Plan using iGrants Form Package 671.
Steps to Develop Your Title III Improvement Plan Convene stakeholders to include district and school administrators, teachers, para-educators, parents and community members. Analyze data using the “AMAOData Analysis Worksheet” to determine factors that prevented achievement of the annual measurable achievement objectives.http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/pubdocs/DataAnalysisWorksheetSept2013.doc
AMAOs How do I find my district’s results? 33
1 2
AMAOs 2012-2013 AMAO District Summary results for school year 2012-2013 are expected to be posted on OSPI Report Card by Sept. 26th. • Look under the WELPA tab and the AMAO pull-down menu http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/WLPTAmao.aspx or you can download the summary data at http://reportcard.ospi.k12.wa.us/DataDownload.aspx under the WELPA Data Downloads section for AMAOs by State, District and School. • These files do not report cells with less than 10 students in order to comply with FERPA requirements, since they are available to the public. 36
AMAO 2012-2013 The Detailed Excel AMAO files are posted on the OSPI website in the EDS application “Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS)”https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/Login.aspx . • If you do not have access to WAMS, contact your District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) to provide you with the file. • The Detailed Excel AMAO file provides the same information as had been reported in previous years on the WABilingual website, without the conditional formatting. • This file includes all results regardless of the minimum cell size, so are only available by logging onto EDS. Please treat these data as confidential in compliance with FERPA requirements.
AMAO 2012-2013 1 2 38
Select the file indicated under “Detail Excel AMAO file” to download your file. Detail Excel AMAO file 9/4/2013 40
Formatting your Detail Excel AMAO file to evaluate Title III To format your file like the one below, follow the instructions in the PowerPoint found at: http://www.k12.wa.us/MigrantBilingual/pubdocs/AMAO2013formattable.pdf 42
AMAOs How do I analyze my district’s results? One process as recommended by Paul McCold, OSPI 44
What can we learn from the AMAOs? • AMAO-2 provides a map of where the need for English language support services are the greatest in your district. • AMAO-1 reveals where the progress of LEP students in acquiring English is the slowest in your district. • AMAO-3 (when ELD is controlled) reveals where students require additional academic content support in your district.
Download the AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet You need this to follow the steps
AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet Analyze data using the AMAO District data for SY 2012-2013 to determine factors that prevented achievement of the annual measurable achievement objectives. • Download AMAO Detailed Excel File from OSPI in the EDS application WAMS https://eds.ospi.k12.wa.us/Login.aspx . If you do not have access to WAMS, contact your District Assessment Coordinator (DAC) to provide you with the file. • Complete this “AMAO Data Analysis Worksheet” to identify areas of concern. Use additional copies of the sheets below as needed. Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Migrant and Bilingual Education
Part I AMAOs. Use the Detailed Excel File for your district to complete the following questions. • Which AMAO Targets were not met? • Scan across the district total values (1st district row) to locate which AMAOs fail to meet targets. Use the percentage column for grades reporting “NR” to see if they have less than the targeted values (67.5% & 7.4%). Recommendhighlighting cells not meeting targets. • Indicate below which AMAOs the district did not meet, and for which grades at the district level. For AMAO-3 list subject and grades that did not meet. • (First highlighted row is an example).