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Explore how NDIS funds education supports, eligibility criteria, and transitioning processes for students. Learn about funding under NDIS and continuity of support. Discover ILC services for non-eligible individuals. Plan for a successful transition into the NDIS.
Introduction to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The Scheme and the Agency The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) delivers the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) The NDIA’s job is to: • Work with partners to deliver the NDIS • Build community awareness of disability • Ensure financial sustainability of the NDIS • Develop and enhance the disability sector
NDIA together with their partners are delivering the NDIS in the Hume Moreland region There is a strong relationship between the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Department of Education and Training Victoria in the Hume Moreland region. Brotherhood of St Laurence is contracted to provide Local Area Coordination (LAC) and Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) services in Hume Moreland.
NDIS and the education system • The NDIS will fund supports to enable participants to attend school education, where the supports assist the participant to engage in a range of community activities. • Current arrangements will continue whilst the NDIA and DET work through how these funding arrangements can occur. • The education system is responsible for assisting students with their educational attainment. • Individuals and families also have a role in funding education-related supports, such as purchasing school uniforms and paying course fees.
What if I’m not eligible for the NDIS? If your child is not eligible for the NDIS they will continue to receive the supports they require to participate in school under continuity of support arrangements. For people with disability who are not NDIS eligible, some help might be available through Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) Information Linkages and Capacity Building (ILC) has two main focuses: • Personal capacity building – this depends on the person’s needs. It may include information about a community service, or how another government agency can help you. ILC will be available to all people with disability regardless of NDIS eligibility • Building community inclusion – helping mainstream services and community organisations be more inclusive for people with disability
Hume Moreland • Transition Date: 01 March 2018 The National Disability Insurance Scheme and Your School 2018
Thereare four pathways for a child to enter the NDIS in Victoria. • 1. Defined DET programs • Some children meet NDIS disability requirements without the need for additional evidence. These ‘defined’ programs, include: • receiving Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) funding for Vision Impairment • enrolled at a Specialist School for students with Moderate to Profound Intellectual Disability • in receipt of Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS) in the 12 months prior to Area rollout. • PATHWAYS INTO THE NDIS • 2. Non-defined DET programs • Some children may be identified as potentially eligible for NDIS support if they receive personal care in schools or transport to and from school. • 3. Other government programs transitioning to the NDIS Some Commonwealth and Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) programs are also transitioning to the NDIS. • 4. ‘New’ participants • If a child does not receive any DET, DHHS or Commonwealth ‘defined’ or ‘non-defined’ programs, they can apply as a ‘new’ participant by contacting 1800 800 110 or accessing the NDIA website (up to 6 months prior to their area start date) or by attending the offices of the NDIA, ECEI or LAC from their area’s start date.
The following programs are defined programs which means children in these programs will not need to provide any additional evidence of disability or developmental delay to access the NDIS: • Early Childhood: • Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS) • ECIS Waitlist. • Schools: • Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) funding for Vision Impairment • Students enrolled at a specialist school exclusively for students with moderate to profound intellectual disability. • If a child is accessing any of these supports, then the Department of Education and Training will provide the family contact details to the NDIA. • The NDIA will then contact the family by phone or letter to let them know the next steps. • DEFINED PROGRAMS
Other school programs that have been identified as potentially being eligible for NDIS include: • Students with Disabilities Transport Program (e.g. Specialist School Bus, taxi or conveyance allowance); • Personal Care in Schools (Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) funding at levels 4, 5 or 6; or Medical Intervention Support payment). • If a student is accessing any of these supports, then the Department of Education and Training will provide the family contact details to the NDIA. • The NDIA will contact participants by phone or letter within the six months before transition date, to let them know the next steps. • Once a family is in contact with the NDIA they may be asked to provide additional information to assist with determining eligibility for the NDIS. • NON-DEFINED PROGRAMS
Children and young people receiving Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) programs which are also transitioning to the NDIS will meet the disability eligibility criteria without having to provide additional evidence. • These programs include: • Disability Support Register • Respite • Early Choices. • Commonwealth programs are also transitioning to the NDIA, but families may be asked to provide additional information to assist with determining eligibility for the NDIS: • Helping Children with Autism • Better Start • Outside School Hours Care. • The Commonwealth and DHHS will provide the family contact details to the NDIA for these children and young people. • OTHER GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS
Children and young people who do not come under any DET, DHHS or Commonwealth ‘defined’ or ‘non-defined’ programs can test their eligibility to access the NDIS as a new participant by attending the offices or the websites of the: • NDIA local office (from the area start date) • Local Area Coordinator (LAC) partner – 7 years and over • Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) partner – 0-6 years. • The NDIS can be approached up to six months before an area transitions. • Contact details and locations can be found at www.ndis.gov.au/about-us/our-sites/VIC.html • ‘NEW’ PARTICIPANTS
The NDIS funds a range of post-school supports to assist young people with disabilities moving from school to adult life. • POST-SCHOOL SUPPORTS
For general information about the NDIS: • www.ndis.gov.au • 1800 800 110 • Please contact your regional office in the first instance for specific queries about the NDIS and your school. • DET’s NDIS Reform Branch: ndis@edumail.vic.gov.au • The following information is available at the NDIS Information for Schools Intranet site: • Schools and the NDIS - Frequently Asked Questions • Responding to requests for NDIS funded therapy in schools • NDIS and Student Transport Fact Sheet • 2018 School Leavers and the NDIS - Factsheet for Students. • FURTHER INFORMATION
For further information, contact: Schools:- • Ann Cupples, Regional Disability Coordinator Ph: 83934505 email: cupples.ann.a@edumail.vic.gov.au • Cheryl Mills , Regional Inclusion Access and Participation Manager Ph: 0477 390 498 email:- mills.cheryl.a@edumail.vic.gov.au Parents:- • Please contact your school • Contacts
Brotherhood of St. LaurenceNDIS Local Area Coordination (LAC) & Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) In Hume Moreland Area Our establishment team is based at 550-650 High Street, Epping (co-located with NDIA office) Current Establishment Team: Area Manager-Lisa Rollinson Senior LACs Rebekah Woods, LAC-Gemma Vaughan and Laura Heffernan ECEI Program Manager – Susan Hall
Role of LAC and ECEI is to support all people with disability and their carers.
Who does LAC support? • All people with disability in Hume Moreland, their families and carers, whether eligible for the NDIS or not. • If person is not eligible for funded supports, BSL might be able to assist to link them into other mainstream services/supports.
How will LAC help you? A Local Area Coordinator will help you to: • Get more out of your community • Access the NDIS • Develop your plan • Get your plan going • Be your contact if you need help with your plan
Contact and office details NDIA locations • Preston Centrelink, 251 Murray Rd, Preston • 560-650 High Street, Epping • 1185-1197 Pascoe Vale Rd, Broadmeadows Brotherhood of St Laurence locations • 293 High St, Preston • 65 Main St, Greensborough • 1/1 Latitude Dr, Thomastown • 95 Brunswick St, Fitzroy • 16/797 Plenty Road, South Morang • 1185-1197 Pascoe Vale Rd, Broadmeadows (co-located with NDIA office) BSL contact Phone: 1300 BSL NDIS (1300 275 634) Email: ndis.info@bsl.org.au
How to contact the BSL NDIS team? Local Area Coordination • Email: ndis.info@bsl.org.au • http://ndis.bsl.org.au • Phone:1300 275 634 Early Childhood Early Intervention: • Phone: 1300 BSL ECEI (1300 275 323) • Email: ECEI.access@bsl.org.au • http://ndis.bsl.org.au/early-childhood-early-intervention
Questions? Visit: www.ndis.gov.au Phone: 1800 800 110 8am-11pm eastern standard time weekdays Email: enquiries@ndis.gov.au Prepared by NDIA Mental Health team –cleared by Branch Manager July 2017