Introducing the new BNC RTSA7500 Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer December 2016
The BNC Value Proposition BNC delivers a new category of compact, headless, remote-deployable real-time spectrum analyzers that provide the performance of traditional lab spectrum analyzers at one-tenth of the cost. The BNC Real-Time Spectrum Analysis platform enables the analysis of modern waveforms while reducing costs for wireless equipment manufacturers and service providers, government agencies, aerospace and defence firms. Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
The BNC 10x Advantage • 10x more cost-effective Reduce CAPEX and OPEX. At 1/10th the upfront cost of similarly performing analyzers, you can reduce your costs while increasing your research, test and monitoring capabilities. • 10x more performance Market disruptive 27 GHz frequency range and 100 MHz instantaneous bandwidth gives you the power to study modern waveforms at a price that makes it a true game changer. • 10x more compact Gain the portability of a handheld without sacrificing performance. Versatile for use in the lab, manufacturing floor, or field, BNC analyzers are optimized for size, weight and power requirements. Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
The BNC Real-Time Spectrum Analysis Platform • APPLICATIONS • S240 Real-Time Spectrum Analysis application • Numerous third-party analysis applications • APIs and DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTS • APIs for Python PyRF, C/C++, MATLAB® and LabVIEW® development environments • SCPI control and VITA VRT data protocol support • REAL-TIME SPECTRUM ANALYZERS • Highly-integrated, headless spectrum analyzer • Real-time digitization and digital signal processing • GigE and designed for network efficiency • RF DOWNCONVERTERS • Highly-configurable Software-Defined Radio • Enables full frequency range one-box solution • Support for third-party high-end digitizers Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
The New “4th” Category of Instrumentation • Distinct from the Benchtop, Modular (PXI) and Handheld classes of spectrum analyzers • Software-defined radio, extensible and versatile • hybrid receiver architecture enabling signal processing of modern waveforms • rich set of APIs, digital and analog interfaces to make them extensible • up to 10x lower cost to functionally equivalent traditional analyzers • Small form-factor, headless and PC-driven, networked and remote deployable • leverage the processing power, versatility and low-cost of the host computer • low power consumption relative to traditional analyzers • Ideal for easy, cost-effective deployment into a wide range of applications • A building block for high-end data-acquisition • Embedded within other instrumentation • Remote spectrum analysis for wireless deployment and monitoring applications • Racked and networked for manufacturing test applications Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
BNC RTSA7500Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
Design Objectives and Guidelines • Incorporate user feedback and requests to provide better analysis and signal capture capabilities • Increase the frequency range of the product to enable operation down to 9 kHz • Improve sweep speed • Improve noise floor performance and operating amplitude range control • Improve data throughput across the Gigabit Ethernet interface • Include the HIF feature as standard on the product Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
New BNC RTSA 7500 Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer APPLICATIONS ` • Complete real-time spectrum analysis solution • Small form-factor, headless and PC-driven, networked and remote deployable • Couples theBNC highly optimizable SDR RF receiver with integrated real-time digitization and digital signal processing • Performance of traditional high-end lab spectrum analyzers • Optional frequency ranges of 9 kHz to 8 GHz / 18 GHz / 27 GHz • Real-time bandwidths of 40 MHz (and 100 MHz in direct conversion mode) • Up to 160 MHz real-time bandwidths when used with high performance third-party digitizers • Spurious free dynamic range of greater than 70 dBc in wideband mode and100 dBc in narrowband mode APIs SPECTRUM ANALYZERS RF DOWNCONVERTERS Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
New BNC RTSA7500 Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer • Capture more signals with faster sweep rates • 28 GHz/s at 10 kHz RBW and 40 MHz IBW • Get measurements faster to spend more time analyzing, not measuring • Higher probability of capturing signals of interest, especially faint or short-duration signals • Conduct deeper analysis with faster streaming rates • 360 Mbit/s streaming rate • Get more information to conduct deeper analysis and ensure you’re seeing the full picture • Enable full use of the Gig-E pipe • View the full range with lower frequency rage • 9 kHz to 27 GHz frequency range to let you see more of the spectrum and conduct the full range of EMC pre-compliance testing Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
The RTSA7500 Extensible Hardware Interfaces APPLICATIONS ` A universal and versatile platform designed for use across wireless industries and applications. APIs SPECTRUM ANALYZERS RF DOWNCONVERTERS Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
RTSA 7550 Improvements Relative to the RTSA7500 (@ 10 kHz RBW and 40 MHz IBW) Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
BNC Product Vision and Direction for the Future APPLICATIONS • Integrating with the leading best-of-class third-party spectrum analysis applications • Developing signal demodulation and analysis capability APIs and DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTS • Currently have best-of-class API and development environment support DIGITIZER and SPECTRUM ANALYZERS • Moving to 200 MHz instantaneous bandwidth and beyond to satisfy emerging wideband communications such as 5G • Increasing embedded digital signal processing RF RECEIVER and DOWN- CONVERTERS • Moving to 30 and 40 GHz frequency range to satisfy emerging wideband communications such as 5G and IoT Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
Comparison to Leading Products Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
BNC provides a 10x Market Disruptive Solution * ≥ 100 dBc at 0.1 MHz real-time bandwidth, 70 dBc at 10/40 MHz real-time bandwidths, ≥ 60 dBc at 100 MHz real-time bandwidth Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com
Thank-you Contact UsRfsales@berkeleynucleonics.com+1 (415) 453-9955 Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation - 2955 Kerner Blvd - San Rafael CA 94901 800-234-7858 or LiveChat @ www.berkeleynucleonics.com