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Exchange Network Node 2.0 Flow Migration Open Conference Call

Exchange Network Node 2.0 Flow Migration Open Conference Call. August 27, 2008. Introductions. This conference call is hosted by the Network Technology Group (NTG), which is the technical work group of the Exchange Network (EN) governance NTG members present:

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Exchange Network Node 2.0 Flow Migration Open Conference Call

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  1. Exchange Network Node 2.0 Flow Migration Open Conference Call August 27, 2008

  2. Introductions • This conference call is hosted by the Network Technology Group (NTG), which is the technical work group of the Exchange Network (EN) governance • NTG members present: • Connie Dwyer, EPA OEI (EPA Co-chair) • Glen Carr, Oregon DEQ (State Co-chair) • Dennis Burling, Nebraska DEQ • Dennis Murphy, Delaware DNREC • Tom Aten, Wisconsin DNR • Chris Clark, EPA OEI

  3. Conference call agenda • Provide a general background for migrating existing flows to Node 2.0. • Outline efforts being undertaken to migrate existing Exchange Network dataflows. • Discuss migration timeline and resources. • Question and Answer.

  4. Conference call basics • Feel free to ask questions at any time during the presentation: before, during, or after! • Please put your phone on mute when you’re not asking questions (if your phone has a mute function) • Please don’t put this call on hold if your hold function plays music • This web conference has a chat feature. Please feel free to send questions or comments to the meeting organizers at any time during the call.

  5. Flow Migration Basics • All EN flows will be available to both version 1.1 and 2.0 Nodes. • EN Partners can use the same schema for both 1.1 and 2.0 Nodes. No changes to the schema are necessary. • CDX will support submissions from both 1.1 and 2.0 nodes. • CDX will phase out support for Node 1.1 flows over time.

  6. Migrating flows to Node 2.0 • Node 2.0 includes new features and fields, like ‘dataflow’, to make message processing simpler. • Partners who are upgrading to Node 2.0 will submit some additional information in their messages. • The additional information will be clearly defined in FCD addenda for each flow.

  7. Major Dates • September 30, 2008: CDX NGN in production • October 15, 2008: Flow Addenda for major EN flows completed

  8. CDX NGN • CDX will support two new endpoint for Node 2.0. • Old endpoint: https://cdxnode.epa.gov/cdx/services/NetworkNodePortType_V10 • New endpoint:https://testngn.epacdxnode.net/cdx-enws10/services/NetworkNodePortType_V10 • New flows and redesigned existing flows will be available on the new CDX Node (Next Generation Node) called NGN which also supports Node 1.1 and 2.0 flows.

  9. NAAS • NAAS 2.0 supports Node 1.1 flows. • NAAS 3.0 must be used for Version 2.0 Nodes • All accounts on NAAS 2.0 are available through NAAS 3.0 • Bottom line: no additional administration is needed for existing accounts or flows

  10. SSL Certificates • Node servers use SSL certificates to encrypt messages on the Network • Access to CDX NGN Node will require those partners to add the NGN SSL certificate to their Node server trust list • You will need an SSL Certificate for your Node 2.0 server if it is a new server. • Contact the node helpdesk if you need an SSL certificate: nodehelpdesk@csc.com

  11. Connie Dwyer, EPA Co-chair EPA OEI Dwyer.connie@epa.gov (202) 566-1691 Glen Carr, State Co-Chair Oregon DEQ carr.glen@deq.state.or.us (503) 229-5062 Questions on Flow Migration? • For Questions on Flow Addenda: • E-mail questions to: kurtr@sso.org or mitch.west@exchangenetwork.net • For General Questions: • Contact the NTG co-chairs: • For help connecting your 2.0 Node to CDX contact:nodehelpdesk@csc.com

  12. Q&A

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