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CIRTL Network Exchange Program 2.0

CIRTL Network Exchange Program 2.0. http ://www.cirtl.net/networkexchange /. Network Exchange Objectives. Visitors: Practice professional skills before the job search Network with disciplinary research and TAR colleagues at another institution

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CIRTL Network Exchange Program 2.0

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  1. CIRTL Network Exchange Program 2.0 http://www.cirtl.net/networkexchange/

  2. Network Exchange Objectives Visitors: Practice professional skills before the job search Network with disciplinary research and TAR colleagues at another institution Receive feedback on professional development topics Disseminate TAR findings and implications Hosts: Inspire students/faculty interested in TAR Gain new ideas on research and teaching (at low cost) Raises profile of CIRTL Network within dept/school

  3. Distributed Model: Send Your Own Students(Within a structured framework) • Institutional leaders decide who to accept • Institutional leaders fund this travel • (But, lots of host responsibilities, too!)

  4. Sending Institution Responsibilities Advertise Network Exchange Program to prospective graduate students and postdocs; set deadlines* Review local applications* Collect and file participant/advisor signatures* Help make disciplinary connections with host campus* Organize practice talk and give feedback Help with travel arrangements and pay travel expenses* (~$1000+) Debrief visit with participant within 1 week of return Facilitate local presentation within 1 month of return Process travel expenses *Resources available

  5. Host Institution Responsibilities Recommend local lodging, ground transportation* Help identify appropriate disciplinary faculty* Familiarize visitor with the campus, give tour Schedule TAR and research talks in appropriate venues Advertise presentations locally* Set up individual/group meetings with visitor Provide refreshments for seminars (~$50, optional) Take speaker to dinner (~$150, optional) Collect attendee information at TAR talk* Provide professional development feedback to presenter Fill out host evaluation form* *Resources available

  6. Eligibility Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in science, technology, engineering or mathematics or social, behavioral and economic disciplines at CIRTL Network Institutions. Question for input: Handling Non-STEM applicants?

  7. Eligibility The primary eligibility requirement is the applicant's readiness to give a high-quality presentation on his or her teaching-as-research study. Suggestion: Might want to explore/provide additional opportunities earlier on…

  8. Example Alternative Opportunities • Group travel to regional meetings • Matching funds for travel to conferences • AGEP-T project opportunities for underrepresented minority scholars

  9. Steps for Applying for an Exchange Visit

  10. Visitor Responsibilities After Exchange Visit Debrief one-on-one with CIRTL leaders at home institution. Lead a discussion on Teaching-as-Research and share your experiences in the Exchange Program at home institution. Post a blog post summarizing the visit on the CIRTL Network website. Submit an abstract of your TAR project to the CIRTL Online Learning Community. Any changes?

  11. Web Resources: Current Overview Details Example Itinerary Campus Contacts Campus Requirements Application Form Local Institutions Past Network Exchanges http://www.cirtl.net/networkexchange/

  12. Web Resources: Proposed • About Information for: • Prospective Visitors • Prospective Hosts • Institutional Leaders • Apply Updated Version available April 1, 2014

  13. Common Application Form: Please Review • Plus CV • Plus signature page with advisor and department chair’s signature • Submit to local Network Exchange Program contact www.cirtl.net/networkexchange/appform

  14. Questions for Input: • Who submits the application? Proposed: • Applicant downloads fillable pdf and submits to institutional leader • Institutional coordinator reviews and submits to central database with brief endorsement Note: • For tracking and evaluation purposes

  15. Questions for Input: • Timing of deadlines and how far in advance of travel dates? • Two deadlines a year? • Three deadlines a year? • Rolling deadline, 2 months in advance? • Rolling deadline, 1 month in advance? • Do these need to be coordinated across institutions for any reason?

  16. Questions for Input: • Are there ways to increase accessibility of the Network Exchange Program to all interested and qualified participants? • Inclusive/Universal Design? • English Language Learners? • Postdoctoral Scholars? • Needs-based Scholarships?

  17. Questions for Input: • Does everyone need to fund this as an “all-expenses paid” program? • What if one institution wanted to provide $500 travel scholarships instead? • Thoughts? • Other questions?

  18. Opportunities for Evaluation • Impacts of participation in a Network Exchange Program visit? • Which CIRTL programs have the biggest impact and why? • Suggestions: • Post-visit evaluation forms (host, visitor) • Review participant reflections/artifacts • Develop follow-up participant survey

  19. Qualtrics Survey Sent Next WeekPlease submit one response for your institution by April 18, 2014 Microsoft Word available for review now

  20. Information Gathered in Survey (1/school) • Ready to start participating by May 1, 2014? • Institutional contact for Network Exchange Program? • How many TAR projects do you have each year? • How many visitors per year are you: • Likely to send? • Willing to host? • Planning to use the Common Application Form? • Preferred schedule of deadlines? • List of appropriate symposia or seminar series and when offered (optional) • Names of interested disciplinary faculty hosts (optional)

  21. Emily Weigel on graduate program and FAST fellowship (length: 3:00min) www.msu.edu/user/weigelem/cv.html (Description of TAR project from: 1:31-2:16) Text transcript (PDF): www.msu.edu/user/weigelem/files/FAST%20Interview.pdf

  22. Emily Weigel Research Interview (length: 3:57min) www.msu.edu/user/weigelem/research.html Text transcript (PDF): www.msu.edu/user/weigelem/files/The%20Importance%20of%20Stickleback.pdf

  23. Jeff Klukas Teaching as Research talk: http://youtu.be/D5DnqgNFmXc

  24. Contact for Questions Colleen McLinn CU-CIRTL Program Director mclinn@cornell.edu 607-255-2030

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