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daniel chapter 9

Daniel Chapter 9. Review

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daniel chapter 9

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    1. Daniel Chapter 9 Chapters 7-12 Visions Review   The Language of Daniel   Chapter 1 - Hebrew (Deals with Jews) Chapter 2-7 - Aramaic (Deals with Gentiles) Chapter 8-12 - Hebrew (Deals with Jews)   The Organization of Daniel   Chapters 1-6 Historical

    3. Daniel Chapter 9 Overview of Book of Daniel   Daniel 9:1-19 Daniel’s Prayer   Daniel 9:20-23 Gabriel’s Visit   Daniel 9:24-27 70 Week Prophecy

    4. Daniel Chapter 9 Review   Validation of Daniel   Jesus – Matthew 24:3, 25; Mark 13; Luke 21   Briefing with Peter, Andrew, John, and James recorded by Matthew.   Jesus specifically points them to Daniel 9 by using the term “Abomination of Desolation.” This has happened once in history (167 B.C. when Antiochus IV (Epiphanies) entered the Holy of Holies and declared himself god. This led to the Maccabean revolt and what is now the celebration of Hannakuh. (This was a major political event!) It will happen gain and is foretold in Matthew 24:15 by Jesus and again by John in Revelation.

    5. Daniel Chapter 9 Review   Validation of Daniel Jesus validates Daniel as a prophet.   Jesus validates the authoritative nature of Daniel’s prophecy by referencing and specifically quoting him.  

    6. Daniel Chapter 9 Historical Overview   -        This chapter occurs in the first year of the reign of Darius. -        Darius is the son of Ahasuerus (of the seed of the Medes) made king over the realm of the Chaldeans. See Esther 1:1 – Esther became queen to Darius’ father Ahasuerus! -        Daniel did a research of the historical records (he studied the scriptures – his Bible of the time) to understand the timing of the seventy year “desolations” of Jerusalem. Daniel took Jeremiah’s prophecy literally. o     Jer. 25:11-12 o    Jer. 29:10 -        (This is different than the captivity. Some Jews remained in Babylon longer than 70 years, there were at least four “exoduses” from Babylon after the decree of Cyrus to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple.

    7. Daniel Chapter 9 Historical Setting   -        In this environment Daniel perceived that it was the prophetic time for the exodus to Jerusalem. -        - As a result, Daniel began to intercede (through prayer and fasting) for the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem: o   Personal confession; o     Sins and rebellion; o     Judgment of God was just; o     Nation is scattered o     Warning of the penalty of sin written in law of Moses o     Prayer is not because the penalty has been paid but because of God’s mercies -        Prayer is interrupted by God! -        Interruption occurred about the time of the evening oblation!

    8. Daniel Chapter 9 Spiritual Perspective   -     Should we be praying for the Second Coming of Christ? -        Prayer is God’s way of enlisting the believer in what God is doing in His kingdom. -        Don’t ask God to simply bless what you are doing, ask God to allow you to do what He is blessing!

    9. Daniel Chapter 9 Spiritual Perspective   -    There are only two people in the Bible that no evil is recorded against them – Joseph and Daniel. -        Friends of God/Beloved o     In Gen. 18 God reveals to Abraham what He is about to do to Sodom and Gomorrah. o     In Daniel 9 – God reveals to Daniel what He is going to do in a time to come. o     In Revelation – God reveals to John (the beloved disciple) what He is going to do in time to come.

    10. Daniel Chapter 9 The Interruption of Daniel’s Prayer!   -    Gabriel, the Messianic arch-angel (that is, every instance of the appearance of arch-angel Gabriel in scripture has to do with the appearance of the Messiah!) - Gabriel states that God sent the answer to Daniel’s prayer at the beginning of Daniel’s prayer! -        Gabriel tells Daniel that Daniel is “greatly beloved!” -     Because of this and the vision, Daniel will allowed to understand what is happening historically.

    11. Daniel Chapter 9 The Prophecy delivered by Gabriel   -        Daniel’s Seventy Weeks -        69 weeks pass between the date of the prophecy and the date in which the Messiah the Prince is declared in Jerusalem (173,880 days) -        There shall be a period of time that shall pass between the end of the 69th week and the beginning of the 70th week. -        The 70th week is divided in half in v. 27, the first half is the “confirmation” and the second half shall be a period where there shall be no “sacrifice or oblation and the overspreading of Abominations shall make desolate until the ‘consummation’ and ‘that determined’ shall be poured upon the desolate.

    12. Daniel Chapter 9 The 70 Week Prophecy   Scope – Verse 24 69 Weeks – Verse 25 Interval - Verse 26 70th Week - Verse 27

    13. Daniel Chapter 9 Week = ?   Week of Days - Sabbath Day Gen.2:2 Week of Weeks - Feast of Weeks Lev. 23:15, 16 Week of Months - Nisan to Tishri Ex. 12:2 Week of Years - Sabbatical Years Of the Land Lev. 25:1-22

    14. Daniel Chapter 9 The Prophetic Calculation (Based on the Research of Sir Robt. Anderson, “The Coming Prince” 1884.)   Four Decrees:   Cyrus 537 B.C. Ezra 1:1-4 (Temple) Darius Ezra 6:1-5; 8; 12 (Temple) Artexeres 458 B.C. Ezra 7:11-26 (Temple) Artexeres 445 B.C. Neh. 2 (Jerusalem) (Artexeres Longinamus issued this decree on March 14, 445 B.C. and it is documented. This decree dealt with rebuilding the “street” and the “wall” of Jerusalem.)

    15. Daniel Chapter 9 The Prophetic Calculation   The history of the calendar:   Ancient Calendars had 360 days:   Egyptians Hebrews Mayans Assyrians Greeks Etruscans Persians Chinese Carthigians Chaldeans Hindu Etc.   Changed about 701 B.C.   Orbital Resonance Conjecture

    16. Daniel Chapter 9 The Chronology of Jesus’ Ministry   - Christ’s Ministry began in fall of 28 A.D. o     Tiberius appointed in 14 A.D. (Augustus died on August 19, 14 A.D.)   - According to Luke 3:1 Jesus ministry started (with)in the 15th year of Tiberius (or 28 years since it was within the 15th year).   - 4th Passover after the beginning of Jesus’ Ministry (April 6, 32 A.D.) (some chronologies presume a Friday cruxifiction – disputed by scripture itself).

    17. Daniel Chapter 9 The Prophetic Calculation     445 B.C. – 32 A.D. = 173,740 days March 14-April 6 = 24 days Leap Years = 116 days   173,880 days

    18. Daniel Chapter 9  The Prophetic Calculation         GABRIEL’S MARGIN OF ERROR = 0%!!!  

    19. Daniel Chapter 9 The Prophetic Responsibility   Luke 19:41 Jesus held Israel accountable for knowing the day of their visitation! They were declared judicially blind!   Compare Psalms 118 to Luke 19:38   Compare to Romans 11:25 (What does this say about our generation?)  

    20. Daniel Chapter 9 The Prophetic Responsibility       Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem in fulfillment of Daniel 9:25 is the most astounding evidence of the absolute deity of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and the Son of God! GOD’S PRECISION IS ASTOUNDING AND OPEN FOR ALL TO SEE!

    21. Daniel Chapter 9 The Interval   Verse 26 points to an undefined (in terms of time) period of time between verse 25 and verse 27.   This period is simply referred to as “an interval.”   “Intervals” occur throughout scripture not the least of which is that interval of time in Jesus’ life between His appearance in the temple at age 12 and the time He appears at the Jordan River and is declared “the Lamb of God come to take away the sins of the world!”

    22. Daniel Chapter 9 The Interval   During the interval prophesied by Gabriel to Daniel occurs certain events:   -        The Messiah shall be “cut off” -        The people of the prince* shall destroy the city and the sanctuary -        The end “of the war” -        Desolations are determined!

    23. Daniel Chapter 9 The Historical Perspective   -      Jesus was executed (capital crime) “but not for himself!” -      In 70 A.D. (38 years later) Titus entered Jerusalem with the 10th, 12th, and 15th Legions and destroyed the city and the temple. -  “the prince that shall come” is one of 33 titles in the O.T. given to persons who put themselves in the place of the Messiah (Nimrod was the first and the last is called “antichrist”). -        Is a “war” still raging? - At the end of the war (represented by battles) there are desolations that will occur!

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