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Explore the impact of solid particle erosion-corrosion in various corrosive environments. Includes tests with different particles and conditions. General behavior, mechanical properties, and field tests are discussed.
EROSION CORROSIONBY SOLID PARTICLESIN SUSPENSION IN AN AQUEOUS CORROSIVE MEDIAJean-Pierre AudouardChristophe Dernoncourt to be completed ... Revision : 29 July 1999
EROSION-CORROSIONSolid particles : 50 g/l SiC 99 microns, Impact Angle 90d, Velocity 5.5 m/s, temperature 25°C/77°F
EFFECT OF EROSION BY SOLID PARTICLES200 ppm Cl- , 20°C. Solid particles: 300 microns, 100 g/l
EFFECT OF EROSION BY SOLID PARTICLESin 30% P205 synthetic phosphoric acid at 80°C/176°F Corrosion rate (mm/yr) Corrosion Erosion-Corrosion 1,5 1,0 0,5 0 N08904 32550/S32520 S31266 UR B6 UR 52N+ UR B66
FIELD TESTS IN RHONE-POULENC PLANTSCorrosion-Abrasion of Central Agitators Di-hydrate process ( 80°C/176°F) Corrosion rate (g) Corrosion rate (mm/year) 50 1 Samples fastened to Surface Agitators - Dn1 reactor 40 - Samples attached to surface agitators 30 - linear speed < 5 m/s 0,5 20 - test duration : 9 months 10 0 0 08028 URB28 08926 URB26 URB6 08904 32520 UR 52N 32520 N 06625 08926 URB26 + + UR 52N UR 625 In GREECE In BELGIUM
UR 35N - 2304 DUPLEX IMPROVED ABRASION CORROSION RESISTANCE 1.0 H2O/Na2 SO4 + Na Cl + Si O2 + PH = 3 - V = 3 m/sec 9 ft/sec 80% savings Weight loss 0.4 0.2 C.Mn steel 2304UR 35N 304L • UR 35N - Duplex 2304 has improved corrosion resistance properties when considering water/aqueous solutions containing chloride ions and/or abrasive particles (Si O2, sand...)
GENERAL BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS Abrasion vs Corrosion 8 Co - Cr - Ni + W, Mo 7 etc Aciers outils Fontes au rapides chrome Moins cher que Co 6 plus performant que les inox 8000 5 Résistance croissante à l ’abrasion + UR 52N 4 (Mn +N) 500 PH UR B6 Duplex HB 3 17/7 400 13/4 instables HB 2 13/4 Mo 4003 16/5 Mo 3Cr 12 1 Aciers 304 316 durs Sec Humide Corrosion croissante 1 2 3 4 5 6 - Tôles plaquées Produits économiques - Revêtements et plaques anti-usure - Mise en œuvre simple