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Mauritania: Stakeholder Analysis and Coalition-Building for Good Governance

Shifting emphasis from passing legislation to a greater agenda of political accountability; Governance- a pillar of Mauritania CAS and PRSP-2 ...

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Mauritania: Stakeholder Analysis and Coalition-Building for Good Governance

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    1. Mauritania: Stakeholder Analysis and Coalition-Building for Good Governance

    Asli Gurkan Social Development Unit World Bank April 2,2009

    2. Overview- World Bank context

    Part of a broader Bank’s GAC agenda: Improving demand-side governance Strengthening oversight mechanisms Fostering country-ownership of GAC reforms Shifting emphasis from passing legislation to a greater agenda of political accountability; Governance- a pillar of Mauritania CAS and PRSP-2 Multiple Bank activities on governance It is led by AFTP4, funded by BNPP It is led by AFTP4, funded by BNPP

    3. Overview- Country Context

    National Anti-Corruption Strategy

    4. Overview-Reform environment

    5. Project Objectives

    Improve understanding of the stakeholder landscape that could potentially impact the effectiveness of the anti-corruption reforms; Strengthen the capacity of pro-governance champions within and outside the government in these areas.

    6. Project Components

    Stakeholder Analysis Parliament note Political-economy report Stakeholder maps Coalitions Building Capacity and coalition support for civil society Capacity and coalition support for checks-and balances institutions (parliament and control agencies) A draft parliament note is being finalized, which provides detailed analysis on the institutional strengths and weaknesses of the Parliament, and identifies ways to strengthen Parliament’s relations with institutions of control and investigation.A draft parliament note is being finalized, which provides detailed analysis on the institutional strengths and weaknesses of the Parliament, and identifies ways to strengthen Parliament’s relations with institutions of control and investigation.

    7. Parliament Note-Findings

    Continuous presence of the old guard, controlling (57%) of the seats Imbalance between the Executive and the Legislative branches. Anticorruption related reforms are eminently political undertakings. Need strong backing of head of state.

    8. Political-economy report-Findings

    Sectors: Transport:, Reforms foreseen in the Road Code is far from being implemented. (thriving market of fake papers at low prices) Banking: Capture of the banking system by elite families, access to credit extremely limited for the poor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Overall assessment: macroeconomic indicators do not seem to trickle down to the majority of the population and the quality and access to service delivery poor Anti-corruption reforms are old news, have not produced substantial results, credibility is a serious challenge. Accountability is limited by social networks, Old guards in new seats demand-side actors will be critical for the overseeing and monitoring of reforms:

    9. Recommendations

    Build capacity of checks and- balances institutions to the executive Strengthen relations between Parliament and control institutions (eg. Finance Committees and Cours des Comptes). the obligation for these institutions to present their annual reports before the appropriate committees of Parliament obligation for executive to obtain the support of the Parliament for the appointment (and dismall) of the chairs of IGF and IGÉ. Create a broad civil society coalition to act as an informal watchdog to monitor implementation of anti-corruption strategy

    10. Stakeholder mapping

    Military President Prime Minister IGE, IGF, Court des Comptes, MfPMA, MEF Senate, Supreme Court, National Assembly Political parties Parliamentary Finance Committees, AC committees Mayors, ICC, PWYP, Unions, Employers assoc, women’s groups WB, EU, UNDP, GTZ, French cooperation, Executive/Military Parliament/Judiciary NGOs/PS Official, independent press Donors Media A small stakeholder analysis exercise was carried out by the Bank team with civil society organizations whereby participants were asked to rank 33 most important stakeholders involved to varying degrees in matters of corruption (ranging from Presidency, Military, Parliament, Judiciary, NGOs, donors and others). A small stakeholder analysis exercise was carried out by the Bank team with civil society organizations whereby participants were asked to rank 33 most important stakeholders involved to varying degrees in matters of corruption (ranging from Presidency, Military, Parliament, Judiciary, NGOs, donors and others).

    12. Stakeholder Position: Policy options

    1. Adopt strategy 2. Support or Fund Civil society-led information campaign on Anti-Corruption; establish a public complaints system on corruption, 3. Conduct annual evaluation of the implementation of the Strategy by Executive, Parliament, & Civil Society 4. Publish and effectively disseminate annual reports of Cour des Comptes and IGE (findings and sanctions) 5. Publish Annual Reports by IGF (findings and sanctions) 6. Make illegal for high level officials to interfere with IGE and IGF findings/decisions. 7. Ensure Wealth/tax declarations of politicians and high officials (Cabinet and Director-level staff) are filed (published?) 8. Create independent, special courts on corruption offences 9. Publish details of sanctioned individuals (names, corrupt action, and action taken) 10. Prosecute 100% of sanctioned cases (from IGF/IGE reports) and seek recovery of misallocated funds from 100% of sanctioned officials; Accroding to this list, they rate the stakeholders from 1-10, according to the scale provided on Power, Salience, Support for Coalition. Thank you. This list is in order from easiest to hardest in terms of implementation. This is all under the corruption strategy…Accroding to this list, they rate the stakeholders from 1-10, according to the scale provided on Power, Salience, Support for Coalition. Thank you. This list is in order from easiest to hardest in terms of implementation. This is all under the corruption strategy…

    13. The first graph places Position and Importance on the horizontal and vertical axes respectively (Resources/Power reflected by the diameter of the circle, the larger the latter the greater the Power). The first graph places Position and Importance on the horizontal and vertical axes respectively (Resources/Power reflected by the diameter of the circle, the larger the latter the greater the Power).

    NACS Reform Le militaire President Premier ministre IGE ( Inspection Générale d’État) IGF (Inspection Générale des Finance) Ministère de la Fonction Publique et la Modernisation de l’Administration, (MFPMA) Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances (MEF) Le Senat Court Supreme l’Assemblée Nationale PRDR RDU RFD Committee des Finances de la Assemble Nationale Committee des Finances du Senat Le Groupe Parlementaire de Lutte Contre la Corruption Parlementaires Contre La Corruption Association des Maires Initiative Citoyenne pour le Changement (ICC) Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez (PCQVP) Syndicat (CLTM, UTM, CGTM) Chambre des Commerce Patronat Association Feminine Association des Oulemas UE PNUD GTZ Francais (SCAC/AFD) Banque Mondiale Presse Independante 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 1.50 2.50 3.50 4.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 Position Effective Power Militaire et Executive Bailleurs de Fond Parliament et Acteur Judicielle Media Societé civile

    14. Effective power= weighted average of Power and Importance The Military and the Ministry of Finance, high effective power/low position (minimalist) The Bank and other donors- high effective power/high position (maximalist) NGOs strong position, low effective power Effective power= weighted average of Power and Importance The Military and the Ministry of Finance, high effective power/low position (minimalist) The Bank and other donors- high effective power/high position (maximalist) NGOs strong position, low effective power

    15. Coalition building

    16. The coalition came up with an action plan at the end of training sessions The coalition came up with an action plan at the end of training sessions

    17. The coalition came up with an action plan at the end of training sessions The coalition came up with an action plan at the end of training sessions

    18. Evaluation

    Successes Going beyond usual suspects in civil society Incremental approach to coalition-building Facilitated workshop process/ Action-plan Challenges Coup d’etat Linking GAC efforts Government reaction for stakeholder analysis results Dynamics within civil society members

    19. Lessons learned

    Analytics is critical to understand the in-country dynamics/ potential challenges Reforms are not technical, depoliticized tools. Only political solutions can match political problems. Government buy-in Thinking outside the box in targeting civil society Timing is key

    20. Thank you

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