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2. Vision Statement: Navigation in the NAS will Transition to a Performance-Based System . Navigation based on Multi-Sensor RNAV Systems:GPS, GPS/WAAS, GPS/LAASMulti-Sensor FMS RNAV, RNP-RNAVMulti-Sensor Based Navigable Airspace Designated by: Required Navigation Performance (RNP)GoalRNAV Wherever PossibleRNP Where Additional Benefits Exist.
1. 1 Donald P. Pate, Manager
Flight Procedure Standards Branch
RNAV in Terminal Area Workshop
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
4-6 November 2003 RNAV ApproachesFAA Experiences and Future Plans
2. 2
3. 3 Strategy Performance-Based RNAV Approaches
RNP Approaches
Public RNP-0.3 Minima (ICAO APV)
ILS and GLS Approaches (ICAO PA)
4. 4 RNAV Benefits Improve NAS efficiency
Point-to-point navigation
Enhance en route flexibility
Improve terminal navigation
Increase utilization of currently equipped RNAV aircraft
Current Air Carrier fleet:
Business Aircraft: Significant RNAV Capability
5. 5 Benefits (CONTINUED) Increase 3-D Approach Capability
Provide stabilized final approach
Address NPA CFIT accident rate
5 Times greater than precision approach
Increase IFR Service to Helicopter Operations
6. 6 Provide Alternative To Non-Precision Approach Procedures Design NPA’s with 3° final approach segments
Publish vertical descent angle on existing procedures
Publish new LNAV/VNAV procedures to DA
Develop and publish WAAS and LAAS precision approach procedures
7. 7 RNAV (GPS) Approaches Over 700 RNAV (GPS) procedures published
Supports safety objective
Producing 300-350 RNAV (GPS) procedures per year
Plan to implement to all eligible IFR runway ends
Investigating authorizing DME/DME(/inertial) RNP-0.3 aircraft to utilize procedures
Parenthetical “GPS” indicates acceptable system, not required system
Performance-based approach
8. 8 DME/DME Implementation Coverage issues
Baseline FMS definition
Likely to require inertial integration
Ensure do not use erroneous VOR signals
Extended Service Volumes
DME Coverage Modeling
Q-Routes – Similar Issues
Facility issues
Coaxial collocation of VOR & DME
Whenever possible, maintenance to remove signal under test
9. 9 Transition to RNAV GPS Overlays (“or GPS”)
Converted thousands of procedures in 1994
Many already converted to “GPS” procedures
Remaining will be converted to “RNAV (GPS)” during periodic review
GPS Approaches (“GPS”)
Simple design, eliminated need for computer-navigation fix
Started production in 1994, ended when RNAV criteria become available
Thousands of published approaches
All will be converted to “RNAV (GPS)” approaches
10. 10 WAAS-Wide Area Augmentation System, FAA’s Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS)
Commissioned 10 July 2003
Access to all RNAV (GPS) approaches with LNAV/VNAV Minima
First LPVs Published 4 September 2003
Plan to be folded into RNAV(GPS) production
Significant Safety Gain at Airports Currently Served by Nonprecision Approaches Only
11. 11 Performance Comparison
12. 12 RNP-Required Navigation Performance
Terminal Procedures for RNP Instrument Approach Criteria (FAA Order 8260.51)
Published in December 2002
Revision Being Developed in Coordination with the Aviation Industry (FAA Order 8260.51A)
Will Include SAAAR
Mature Criteria and Initial Specials Approval- 2004
The agency will implement within the next year a plan to establish public use of Required Navigation Performance (RNP) that will significantly increase capacity and efficiency in the U.S. airways.
RNP will change the U.S. National Airspace System from a ground-based design to one where aircraft can use advanced technologies for precision guidance in the enroute (high altitude) and terminal (about a 40-mile radius of the airport) areas. Potential benefits include allowing more precision approach and departure paths at airports and keeping aircraft clear of obstacles and terrain.
Using this new air navigation concept, flight paths can be developed to meet operator preferred routes and environmental requirements. Parallel paths can be developed to increase airspace capactiy in both en route and terminal operations. The agency will implement within the next year a plan to establish public use of Required Navigation Performance (RNP) that will significantly increase capacity and efficiency in the U.S. airways.
RNP will change the U.S. National Airspace System from a ground-based design to one where aircraft can use advanced technologies for precision guidance in the enroute (high altitude) and terminal (about a 40-mile radius of the airport) areas. Potential benefits include allowing more precision approach and departure paths at airports and keeping aircraft clear of obstacles and terrain.
Using this new air navigation concept, flight paths can be developed to meet operator preferred routes and environmental requirements. Parallel paths can be developed to increase airspace capactiy in both en route and terminal operations.
13. 13 RNP Approaches Proposed Path to Implementation
Public procedures not requiring special authorization
Public procedures requiring special authorization
Similar to ILS Cat II/III (Special aircrew qualifications)
Special procedures
TERPS development (criteria) to support these levels. Public procedure would accommodate all RNP-certified and GPS aircraft.
Other two types of procedures generally limited to RNP-certified aircraft.Public procedure would accommodate all RNP-certified and GPS aircraft.
Other two types of procedures generally limited to RNP-certified aircraft.
14. 14 RNP TERPS Standard is RNP 1 for Initial, Final and MAP
RNP-0.3 is Standard on Final approach obstacle clearance
Smaller RNP Available under SAAAR
Assessment will be based on linear areas
Public (non-SAAAR) : 2x Primary plus transition surface
Transition surface provides operational mitigation for extraction after alerting at 2xRNP & to meet target level of safety
SAAAR : 2xRNP Primary area
Applicant responsible to demonstrate aircraft stays within area after alerting and to meet target level of safety
15. 15 RNP vs Standard TERPS Primary Areas
16. 16 Example of RNP SurfacesUnder SAAAR
17. 17 Proposed RF Turn Obstacle Clearance Under SAAAR
18. 18 Tools in the Tool Box… ILS or LPV
Angular TERPS
Demonstrated manual control using raw CDI/VDI
Very tight performance (at runway threshold)
Ideal for:
Manual flight
Controlling obstacle close to runway end RNP
Linear TERPS
Large RNP demonstrated for manual control using raw data
Small RNP demonstrated using autopilot
Ideal for:
Autopilot/flight director
Controlling obstacle close to centerline & not near runway end
Resolving airspace issues Need to integrate with other programs, support all users.
<Ed. Note: Depending on how brave you are, a fundamental problem in the satnav transition (Harrison study) is that the air carriers are insistent that they will not equip with WAAS. FAA believes there is a business case for them to equip (at least as big as LAAS business case), and senior management dialog on this topic would be worthwhile…>Need to integrate with other programs, support all users.
<Ed. Note: Depending on how brave you are, a fundamental problem in the satnav transition (Harrison study) is that the air carriers are insistent that they will not equip with WAAS. FAA believes there is a business case for them to equip (at least as big as LAAS business case), and senior management dialog on this topic would be worthwhile…>