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Future Plans and Ambitions

Future Plans and Ambitions. The Warehouse Madrid Pre-Intermediate Course. Be going to + infinitive. To talk about future plans We’re going to fly to Chicago in July. We’re going to visit his parents on Saturday. Will + infinitive. To talk about predictions I think he’ll go to law school.

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Future Plans and Ambitions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Future Plans and Ambitions The Warehouse Madrid Pre-Intermediate Course

  2. Be going to + infinitive • To talk about future plans • We’re going to fly to Chicago in July. • We’re going to visit his parents on Saturday.

  3. Will + infinitive • To talk about predictions • I think he’ll go to law school. • I’m sure you’ll love the Grand Canyon.

  4. Positive and Negative

  5. Questions

  6. Be planning +infinitive with to • I am planning to become a nurse when I graduate. • I am planning to move to Boston after this year. • Pretty certain that you’re going to do this thing.

  7. Be hoping + infinitive with to • We’re hoping to retire soon. • We’re hoping to visit our grandchildren in August. • Less certain than “I’m going to”

  8. Be looking forward to + verb+ing • I’m looking forward to travelling to the U.S. in July. • He’s looking forward to graduating in May. • It means you’re excited about something. (Tengoganas)

  9. Would like + infinitive with to • I would like to write a book. • She would like to visit Australia one day.

  10. Be thinking of + verb+ing • He’s think of doing a Master’s degree in English Literature. • She’s thinking of enrolling her daughter in the local daycare down the street.

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