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<br><br><br>https://www.websitestrategies.com.au/need-ideas-blog-posts-google-search-console-will-help/<br><br>NEED IDEAS FOR BLOG POSTS? GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE WILL HELP!<br><br><br><br><br>
NEED IDEAS FOR BLOG POSTS? GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE WILL HELP! Article source: https://www.websitestrategies.com.au/need- ideas-blog-posts-google-search-console-will-help/ I know sometimes that it can be difficult thinking of blog posts to write. But there is a great source of blog posts ideas available for free through your Google Search Console: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/search- analytics If you haven’t set up Google Search Console then you definitely should: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6001104?hl=en Once setup, you have access to a whole pile of useful info related to your website. Of relevance here is https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/search- analytics?hl=en&siteUrl=[yourURL]. This is a list of all the search terms that Google has recorded as having triggered your website to appear in the search results. It shows you the search terms, number of impressions (number times your website has appeared in the search results for that phrase), number of clicks on your result and the Click Through Rate (CTR). Now, you may have trouble relating this data to what you see when you jump on Google and do a search. Google says that this data is the average for all users on all devices worldwide. You can see that you can apply filters to narrow the data as required. the search term data:
To get back on point, this list of keywords and phrases is a gold mine of useful blog ideas. Here’s what I do: 1. Scroll to the bottom and on the right, set the “Show” setting to the maximum. 2. On the bottom left download the list of phrases as a CSV 3. Open that list up in Excel 4. Filter the list on ‘Contains “How” ‘ and copy those terms out into a separate list. Repeat for the words “why”, “what” and “who”Now you’ve extracted a pile of keywords from your analytics which seem to be question related. These could be great fodder for your blog and social media. Then you analyse each question or phrase for usefulness: •Is it a simple FAQ? If so, create a blog post for FAQ’s on that topic or product/service and add to your blog. So you might have several of these on the blog for different topics. But don’t add all the FAQ’s at once, add one per week. When you add a new FAQ, also post that to your social media. Include images. You could even queue them up for a “FAQ Friday” type of thing. •Is the question a good source for a full blog post? Then write a high quality post and distribute the link through your social media. •Do you already have a blog post which covers the question? If so, then enhance that post and resurface it to the top of the blog and distribute it through social media. Enhance with additional content, quotes from experts/managers, images, video or make an infographic. •Is it sensible to group several of these questions together into one blog post? Then do that. Get the most out of these sources of content because people have really searched on those phrases.