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Microcontroller based system design. Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper ŞİŞMAN. Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standart (CMSIS).
Microcontroller based system design Asst. Prof. Dr. Alper ŞİŞMAN
Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standart (CMSIS) • CMSIS is developed by ARM in close co-operation with various silicon and software vendors and provides a common approach to interface to peripherals, real-time operating systems, and middleware components. • CMSIS defines the basic requirements to achieve software re-usability and portability • The aims of CMSIS are to: • Improve software portability and re-usability. • Allow developers to write software quicker through an easy to use and standardized software interface • Allow embedded software to be used on multiple compiler products.
The area of standardization includes: • Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for Cortex-M processor registers with standardized definitions for the SysTick, NVIC, System Control Block registers, MPU registers, and core access functions. • Standardized methods to organize header files that makes it easy to learn new Cortex-M microcontroller products and improve software portability. • Common methods for system initialization to be used by each MCU vendor. For example, the standardized SystemInit() function, provided in each device driver library, is essential for configuring the clock. • Standardized intrinsic functions that are normally used to produce instructions that cannot be generated by IEC/ISO C. By having standardized intrinsic functions, software re-usability and portability is greatly improved. • Standardized ways to determine the system clock frequency through a software variable, SystemFrequency, defined in the device driver. Allows RTOS to setup the SysTick unit based on the system clock frequency.
CMSIS Usage • Core Peripheral Access Layer, Core intrinsic Functions (i.e. system clock configuration), Start up code: • System_stm32f4xx.c must be included • startup_stm32f40xx.s must be included • Device specific interrupt and peripheral register definitions. • stm32f4xx.h must be included • Periph. driver files: i.e. stm32f4xx_adc.c • Header files of the drivers
The System Tick Timer • SYSTICK Timer is a simple 24-bit down counter. The timer can be started and configured with an automatic reload value. If the timer is running and it's IRQ is enabled, it generates periodic interrupts • When used with CMSIS, the System Tick timer is started and setup with the following function: • SysTick_Config (numberOfTicks)
The code that uses the systick: /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- SysTick_Handler *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SysTick_Handler (void) { msTicks++; // Increment counter } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAIN function *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main (void) { SystemInit (); // Initialize clocks SysTick_Config (SystemFrequency/1000); // Configure the SYSTICK while (1) { ... } }
Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller • The Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) offers very fast interrupt handling and provides the vector table as a set of real vectors (addresses) • The module is MISC function.
NVIC Init Structure definition http://www.disca.upv.es/aperles/arm_cortex_m3/curset/STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1/html/group___m_i_s_c.html
GPIO Functions http://www.disca.upv.es/aperles/arm_cortex_m3/curset/STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1/html/group___g_p_i_o___group2.html
GPIO Init Structure http://www.disca.upv.es/aperles/arm_cortex_m3/curset/STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1/html/struct_g_p_i_o___init_type_def.html
Initialization and Configuration functions • Initialize and configure the ADC Prescaler • - ADC Conversion Resolution (12bit..6bit) • - Scan Conversion Mode (multichannels or one channel) for regular group • - ADC Continuous Conversion Mode (Continuous or Single conversion) for regular group • - External trigger Edge and source of regular group, • - Converted data alignment (left or right) • - The number of ADC conversions that will be done using the sequencer for regular channel group • - Multi ADC mode selection • - Direct memory access mode selection for multi ADC mode • - Delay between 2 sampling phases (used in dual or triple interleaved modes) • - Enable or disable the ADC peripheral
Regular channels conf. functions http://www.disca.upv.es/aperles/arm_cortex_m3/curset/STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1/html/group___a_d_c___group4.html
DMA configuration funct. http://www.disca.upv.es/aperles/arm_cortex_m3/curset/STM32F4xx_DSP_StdPeriph_Lib_V1.0.1/html/group___a_d_c___group5.html
ADC Structures • ADC Common Init structure