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Updates on the 60GHz bands

IEEE802 Interim Meeting Atlanta 19 th November 2009. Updates on the 60GHz bands. Andy Gowans, SPG, Ofcom UK 19 th November 2009. Contents. Current EC SRD Decision Multi Gigabit Wireless Systems (MGWS) General SRD Work on amendments to the EC Decision EC mandate CEPT Studies

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Updates on the 60GHz bands

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  1. IEEE802 Interim Meeting Atlanta 19th November 2009 Updates on the 60GHz bands Andy Gowans, SPG, Ofcom UK 19th November 2009

  2. Contents • Current EC SRD Decision • Multi Gigabit Wireless Systems (MGWS) • General SRD • Work on amendments to the EC Decision • EC mandate • CEPT Studies • Outdoor Fixed PtP in 60GHz • 57 – 59 GHz • 59 – 64 GHz • 64 – 66 GHz

  3. Current EC SRD Decision All these bands are licence exempt in the UK

  4. Contents • Current EC SRD Decision • Multi Gigabit Wireless Systems (MGWS) • General SRD • Work on amendments to the EC Decision • EC mandate • CEPT studies • Outdoor Fixed PtP in 60GHz • 57 – 59 GHz • 59 – 64 GHz • 64 – 66 GHz

  5. Amendments to the current EC SRD Decision • Rolling yearly mandate from EC to CEPT To review EC SRD Decision • CEPT through SRD maintenance group looking to review : • MGWS allocation to have one power level (40dBm EIRP) and no fixed outdoor usage. • Power increase and extend frequencies for Generic SRD allocation • May combine into one regulation with a transmit power, EIRP and psd limits. • Will also be reflected in ECC Recommendation 70-03. • Relevant Reports • CEPT Report 35 • Fixed PtP and generic SRD MGWS systems see ECC Report 114 • Fixed PtP, MGWS and ITS systems in 63 – 64 GHz band ECC Report 113. • Relevant ETSI Standards • EN 302 567 - MGWS

  6. Contents • Current EC SRD Decision • Multi Gigabit Wireless Systems (MGWS) • General SRD • Work on amendments to the EC Decision • EC mandate • CEPT studies • Outdoor Fixed PtP in 60GHz • 57 – 59 GHz • 59 – 64 GHz • 64 – 66 GHz

  7. Outdoor PtP regulations • 57 – 59 GHz • ECC Recommendation (09)-01 • Power levels 55dBm EIRP, 10dBm Power level and min antenna gain 30dBi • UK licence exempt regime see IR 2000 for technical requirements • 59 – 64 GHz • ECC Recommendation (09)-01 • Power levels 55dBm EIRP, 10dBm Tx Power with min antenna gain 30dBi • UK Consultation • proposals for this band see http://www.ofcom.org.uk/consult/condocs/59_64ghz/ • Proposing licence exemption • 55 dBm EIRP & 10dBm Tx Power • 64 – 66 GHz • ECC Recommendation (05)-02 • UK have light licence regime in this band. See IR2000 for technical requirements. • Relevant ETSI Standards • EN 302 217

  8. andrew.gowans@ofcom.org.uk

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