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VERBES. Conjugaison. What are the parts of the verb? What is the largest group of French verbs? What are the three types of regular verbs in French? What are the French personal pronouns?. Conjugaison. -ER verbs -IR verbs REGARD ER GROSS IR Je regard e Je gross is

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  2. Conjugaison What are the parts of the verb? What is the largest group of French verbs? What are the three types of regular verbs in French? What are the French personal pronouns?

  3. Conjugaison -ER verbs -IR verbs REGARDERGROSSIR Je regarde Je grossis TuregardesTugrossis Il regarde Il grossit Nous regardons Nous grossissons VousregardezVousgrossissez IlsregardentIlsgrossissent

  4. -IR verbs These –IR verbs are nor conjugated the same way as the rest, however they follow the same pattern: SORTIR PARTIR DORMIR SERVIR To leave To depart To sleep To serve To go out To leave

  5. -IR verbs SortirPartirDormirServir Je sors Je pars Je dors Je sers TusorsTu pars TudorsTusers Il sort Il part Il dort Il sert Nous sortons Nous partons Nous dormons Nous servons VoussortezVouspartezVoussormezVousservez IlssortentIlspartentIlsdormentIlsservent sentir (to feel), mentir (to lie) and all derived forms of partir, such as repartir(to leave again) are conjugated followwing this pattern.

  6. -IR verbs SortirPartirDormirServir Je sors Je pars Je dors Je sers TusorsTu parsTudorsTusers Il sort Il part Il dort Il sert Noussortons Nouspartons Nousdormons Nousservons VoussortezVouspartezVousdormezVousservez [voosorté] [vooparté] [voodormé] [vooservé] IlssortentIlspartentIlsdormentIlsservent

  7. À toi… Reliez les pronom personnel avec le verbe qui convient: Je dormez Tuservent Ils pars Voussortons On sors Nous dort

  8. -IR verbs The second group of verbs includes couvrir (to cover), cueillir (to pick), découvrir (to discover), offrir (to offer), ouvrir (to open), souffrir (to suffer) and their derivations. These verbs are conjugated like regular -ER verbs. Therefore, the endings are: je -e tu-es il-e nous   -ons vous-ez ils-ent

  9. -IR verbs OuvrirCouvrir to open to cover J’ouvre Je couvre TuouvresTucouvres Il ouvre Il couvre Nous ouvrons Nous couvrons VousouvrezVouscouvrez IlsouvrentIlscouvrent

  10. Prononciation OuvrirCouvrir J’ouvre Je couvre [joovr] [jəcoovr] TuouvresTucouvres [tiuoovr] [tiucoovr] Il ouvre Il couvre [iloovr] [ilcoovr] Nous ouvrons Nous couvrons [noozoovron] [noocoovron] VousouvrezVouscouvrez [voozoovré] [voocoovré] IlsouvrentIlscouvrent [iloovr] [ilcoovr]

  11. -IR verbs Other –IR verbs are completely irregular and their conjugation must be learned by heart: courirpouvoirvenir devoirrecevoirvoir savoirvouloirmourir Homework: Whatis the meaning and conjugation of theseverbs? Look up the conjugationanfmeaning of the verbsmentionedabove and writethem on a separatesheet of paper to beturned in on WednesdayDecember 9, 2009. (No latesubmissions)

  12. -RE verbs Another group of regular verbs in French has infinitives that end in –RE. Some verbs that belong to this group are: vendre(to sell), attendre (to wait), descendre (to go down / to come down/ get off), répondre (to answer), entendre (to hear) and perdre (to lose)

  13. -RE verbs Look at these examples: VENDREATTENDRE Je vendsJ’attends TuvendsTuattends Il vend Il attend Nous vendons Nous attendons VousvendezVousattendez IlsvendentIlsattendent

  14. Prononciation VENDREATTENDRE Je vends J’attends [van] [jatan] Tu vends Tu attends Il vend Il attend Nous vendons Nous attendons [noovandon] [noozatandon] VousvendezVousattendez [voovandé] [voozatandé] IlsvendentIlsattendent [ilvand] [ilzatand]

  15. Mettreto put Mettre is an –RE verbs that has a modification in its conjugation. Are you able to detect which is such modification? Je mets Tumets Il met Nous mettons Vousmettez Ilsmettent

  16. MettrePrononciation Je mets [mè] Tumets [mè] Il met [mè] Nous mettons [mèton] Vousmettez [mèté] Ilsmettent [mett]

  17. À toi… How do we say this in French? • I wait a taxi • She sells her car • We hear the woman • I lose my shirt • They open the door of the green car • He suffers a lot • I sleep at 9h30 • We leave the school at 3h25 • The waiter serves the food • She gets off the car

  18. QUIZ

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