INTRODUCTION • This course is the third in a series of five courses to be completed successfully in the training to become the transit operator. The course is intended or is designed for new operators. New operators will be assisted in the development of effective ands safe driving. The course involves 40 to 50 hours of instructions, in vehicle and driving. Pair working , watching videos, safe driving quiz and driving tests are offered in 7days. Beginning from June-06-2011 to June-14-2011 (week days only) • Students should have the full knowledge of traffic signs and knowledge of city streets. Road sense is must.
GENERAL GUIDLINES: Your position as a operator will require you to use special skills in communication and driving. The safety and comfort of the passengers are the operator’s primary responsibilities. You must be sensitive to the requirements of persons with disabilities and respond to their needs with patience and understanding. Emphasis must be on defensive operation of the vehicle and driving at moderate speeds to avoid rough starts, turns and bumps. This will help to provide a safe and comfortable ride Being a Transit Operator not only means just driving a 40 feet long bus, the operators are trained to give a safe ride to all the passengers who are riding on the bus, people who are walking on the side-walks and people who are walking across the road
Being a transit operator, operators are not only given safe driving tips while being trained on the bus but also in-class training session. Safe Driving Course is given because not all the people know about safe driving. Most accidents could be avoided by following common safety practices. The focus of this Course is to teach about safe practices and laws designed to prevent accidents and to keep everyone safe. It's important to educate the new transit operators about safety issues before they start the job and be left alone to do it.
Instructor Information Instructor’s Name: FARHAD ZAFFAR. Email: farhadj2@yahoo.com Cell: 204-998-4276 Office Hours: Virtual office hours by appointment
Course Title: Safe Driving Course Section: In Class and in Vehicle Training Department: Winnipeg Transit Program: New Operators Training Session Total Hours and Attendance: 40/50 Hrs. Students attendance is must Credit Hours: Successful completion of the course is must to go to the next course
Technology & Equipment Readiness: Computer, Software and Internet • Computer with high speed Internet access (DSL, Cable) • Adobe Flash Player (http://www.adobe.com) • Adobe Reader (http://www.adobe.com) • Java Software (http://java.com/en/) • Media player such as Windows Media Player or QuickTime • DVD, VHS and PROJECTOR
COURSE CONTENTTOPICS • Review • 5 Keys of safe driving • Keeps your eyes moving • Leave yourself an out • Make sure they see you • Mirrors • Home work assignments • Review quiz • Parking Procedures • Hazard awareness Perceptions • Executing Turns
Braking • Review homework • T.I.M (Time Interval Method) • Safe operation Practices • Night Driving • Review • Towing Procedures • Winter Driving • Review homework • Review • Defensive driving guide • Railway crossing • Review homework
Review • Stopping distance • Blind spots / Danger zones • Hands-on the steering wheel / Driving INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD: The new operator will be taught in class by using all the necessary material which will help the new operators to gain more knowledge and become more perfect. The new operators will be taught by using the following material. The students will learn, the proper use, indentifying and avoiding the accidents and hazards and how to anticipate with unforeseen situations.
Once the new operators have passed the class test on the course, they will be trained on the vehicle or bus. The students will get one-on-one training and instructions by the trained and qualified instructors. • Small dinky/ model cars • Model buses • Dummies of street signs, stop signs and mail box • Some sort of drawings showing different intersections on the poster papers • White poster paper to draw the roads to be used to put on the table • Table for demonstration • Mirrors (small convex and plain) • Horn
STUDENT LEARNING: At the end of this lesson, new transit operators should be able to: • Have more knowledge of Causes of the Accidents • Have the knowledge and practice of “Defensive Driving” • To “Recognize Potential Hazards”, “Decide on the Defense” and “Act in Time” • Know how to “Aim High in Steering” • Know the term “The Big Picture” in safe driving • Learn to move their eyes to drive safe • Work on leaving space to drive safe
Use the horn and head lights properly and letting others know of their presence • Will learn the “13 Points of Safe Driving” • Will know how to prevent an accident. • Will have the knowledge of the “Timed Interval Method” and how it works • Identify the “Blind Spots” around the bus • Learn about the different hazards that drivers face every day • Have the knowledge of speed limit and procedures while crossing the rail tracks
Identify the “Danger Zone” • Control skidding • Know about hazard awareness perception • Practice and work on TIM • Use the mirrors properly • In this lesson the students will explore the very typical and basic safe driving issues and create their own public safety announcement. • Course Material: Winnipeg Transit Hand Book, Policies and Procedures Hand Book.
The following schedule or topics are subject to change based on the needs and learning ability of the students at the instructor’s prerogative. Students will be notified ahead of time of any changes. INSTRUCTIONAL SCHEDULE:
ASSIGNMENTS AND EVALUATION: At the end of the course the instructor will evaluate the overall student’s/new operator’s performance in class.
GRADE DISTRIBUTION: Final grade is recorded as Pass or Fail depending on the percentage. Students will also get marks for completing their home assignments. All the students / new operators must pass this test to become eligible for the next course and to complete the full training.
COURSE POLICIES: It is the responsibility of the student / new operator to be familiar with and adhere to the Winnipeg Transit Policies and Procedures. These Policies and Procedures can be found in the Policies and Procedures hand book. DATE REVISED: Jan-28-2011 AUTHORIZATION: This course outline is authorized by XYZ, Chief Instructor DATE: May-28-2011