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Feedback on Article Assignment. ELI 100(3) Fall 2001 Tyler Hawkins. Feedback on Article Assignment. This presentation is available on the course Web site. Outline Tips - Format. Put a blank line in between your header and the title Example: ELI 100(3) Aki Ross 10/11/01
Feedback on Article Assignment ELI 100(3) Fall 2001 Tyler Hawkins
Feedback on Article Assignment This presentation is available on the course Web site
Outline Tips - Format • Put a blank line in between your header and the title Example: ELI 100(3) Aki Ross 10/11/01 Using eBay to Become Fabulously Wealthy
Outline Tips - Format • Combine all three parts, with a heading for each section. Example: Outline I. Introduction A. Background of Osama bin-Laden Summary In this article, the author gives a detailed explanation of the… Critique After reading this article, I decided that I wanted to research more...
Outline Tips - Format • Put a MLA citation (see handout for format) for your article at the top of the paper Example: Hawkins, Tyler. ”How to Get Rich Selling on eBay." Time June 18, 2000: 38-48.
Outline Tips • Typically, outline information is organized: • from general to specific • from abstract to concrete • Your outline DOES NOT have to follow the same order as the article
Outline Tips • Use Roman numerals (I, II, III) for main sections & capital letters (A, B, C) for subtopics • Use numbers (1, 2, 3) and small letters (a,b,c) to give details
Outline Tips • Use the outline structure to break down the information and show a hierarchy • This structure might not be EXPLICTLY stated in your article
Outline Tips • Using outline format will show me that you understand what you read • You shouldn’t have an outline item with several sentences in it • In your outline, if you have A - you need B
Outline Tips • This is good information, but needs to be reorganized Example: A. Osama bin Laden, who became a militant Islamic leader was one of the many religious fundamentalist extremist recruited, armed and financed by the CIA to drive Russians out of Afghanistan.
Outline Tips • This format shows that 1,2 & 3 are supporting details A. Osama bin Laden 1. Became a militant Islamic leader 2. Is a religious fundamentalist extremist 3. Was recruited, armed and financed by the CIA to drive Russians out of Afghanistan.
Outline Tips • If you are going to list something - it’s OK to use just a few words for a heading (see example) • However, use full sentences for the details • This shows me you that you understand what you read
Outline Tips Example: B. Main causes of cancer 1. Family history is the main factor 2. Lifestyle is also an important factor Note: Some outlines require periods after sentences, some don’t. For this assignment, you don’t need them
Plagiarism • What is plagiarism? • What does this definition mean?
Plagiarism • Do not just copy entire sentences directly from your article • It’s very obvious - I know the level of your writing
Plagiarism • VERY IMPORTANT: The details in your outline and summary should be in your own words. • If you just copy the article, I don’t know that you understood it
Plagiarism • One thing that you CAN do is emulate (imitate) the style of good writers • If you see a phrase or expression that you really like, it’s OK to try to use it in your own writing
Plagiarism • However, there is a fine line between using expressions or short phrases and plagiarism • When in doubt, put it into your own words
Plagiarism • Using a few words or a special term is OK. Examples of special terms or useful phrases: • greenhouse effect • nuclear transfer • reign of terror • On the one hand…. However, on the other hand. • senseless attack • appropriate military response
Plagiarism Examples: • OK The author mentions that Osama bin-Laden is a fundamental extremist. • Not OK The author mentions that Osama bin-Laden is a fundamental extremist who was trained and financed by the CIA.
Plagiarism • If you want to use the exact words of the author, use quotation marks and put the page number. Example: A. Reasons for Attack 1. Osama bin-Laden wants “to destroy the corrupt American government” (p. 183).
Plagiarism • If you plagiarize your article in your final draft, it will negatively affect your grade • We will discuss plagiarism more during the research paper project
Outline Tips • Make sure your phrases give enough information to the reader. Example: I. U.S. Plans for Attacking Afghanistan A. Bomb B. Soldier • A and B do not give enough information
Outline Tips • Try this instead: I. U.S. Plans for Attacking Afghanistan A. Constant air strikes B. Attacks by Special Forces troops • These give the reader enough information
Outline Tips • For your outline subtopics (A, B, C) - instead of asking questions, phrase it as a sentence. It sounds more academic that way (see example)
Outline Tips Example: A. How will the U.S. respond to the 9/11 attack? Change this to: A. Possible U.S. Responses to the 9/11 Attack
Summary Tips • When you tell your friend about a movie (e.g., Titanic) you give the main ideas - not too many details or examples • You don’t need to tell your friend EVERY detail for them to understand the main point of the story
Summary Tips Example (to a friend): • Titanic is basically a love story that takes place on a luxury ship in the 1910’s, which runs into an iceberg. There is a three-way love triangle between the characters played by Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet and Billy Zane. In the end, Leo’s character saves the life of Kate’s character, but dies in the process. ~THE END~
Summary Tips • In a summary: Less is MORE…. • This means that writing a lot in a summary is not always a good thing
Summary Tips • Make sure you are giving only the main points that the reader needs to know • Don’t give a lot of examples or details - just what his needed • Summarize the story in your own words
Summary Tips Example (too many details for a summary): The writer describes several ways that consumers can help to protect the environment. For example, recycling newspapers, cans, plastic bottles, and glass can reduce the amount of trash in landfills. Also, the author recommends using smart technologies, such as energy-efficient appliances and fuel-efficient automobiles to reduce the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere.
Summary Tips Example (just enough details for a summary): The writer mentions that recycling and the use of smart technologies (e.g., fuel-efficient cars) can have a beneficial impact on the environment. Note: e.g. (for example) is used to efficiently provide a needed detail
Critique Tips • Your critique is a chance to show that you understand what the author is saying • Use your analytical skills to uncover the author’s meaning - it isn’t always obvious
Critique Tips • If you disagree with the author, give your reasons • Refer to specific parts of the story that you disagree with
Critique Tips • If you liked the article, why? • Overall, what did you gain from reading this article?
Critique Tips • Mention a quote that particularly impressed you • State its significance
Final Thoughts • As always, have a competent writer of English proofread your paper • The Writing Workshop in Kuykendahl Hall is a good resource (make an appointment early)