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Transcontinental Team Project The Accountability Movement and Education. Darla Jones Lorinda Krause. Why Accountability has become a Force in Education. Need for a well educated workforce due to loss of industry based jobs No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Transcontinental Team ProjectThe Accountability Movement and Education Darla Jones Lorinda Krause
Why Accountability has become a Force in Education • Need for a well educated workforce due to loss of industry based jobs • No Child Left Behind (NCLB) • (TIMMS) Low performance on standardized assessments when compared to other nations • Common Core Standards adopted by over 40 states • Race to The Top – A new education reform • Many people are looking for a way to tie student success to teacher effectiveness • Standardized testing is the best alternative for comparing student performance across different education systems because human judgment is error-prone. Decades of evidence show that the quality of teachers' tests pales compared with more rigorously developed large-scale tests. (Educational Research and Webinars)
Current Implications of Accountability • Accountable to the general public for the learning of ALL students • High Standards Built on aligned components-objectives-assessments-instruction-resources-rewards and sanctions • Impetus for change is based on ongoing assessment and data analysis • Student failure is based on poor instruction and policies rather than student weakness • Districts and schools report that accountability has had some positive effects, especially on curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices. ((Wested.org) • States need to think about accountability more broadly. Too often accountability has been thought of as punitive (Achieve, August 2010)
Impact of Accountability • Student test scores may help to determine a teacher’s overall rating for a school year • The current NCLB goal of bringing all children to a level of proficiency by 2014 has been projected to be unattainable. Holding students, teachers and administrators accountable for reaching an unattainable goal will lead to unintended negative consequences. (Educational Research and Webinars) • When accountability systems are too focused on identifying and fixing failure, they fail to do enough to motivate exemplary performance. (Achieve, August 2010).
Additional Impact • End of course testing has also resulted in injury to good teachers. Standardized tests used to measure proficiency presuppose that traditional family patterns still support educational goals and more specifically individual student success. This is no longer true. Even before the 2008 economic downturn, parental involvement was declining as both parents were forced to work. The burden of educational results fell to teachers that had no control of other factors affecting individual learners. (Common Core Standards Initiative)
The Impact Of Accountability onLeadership • Resource allocation based on results • Evaluation of administrative and teaching staff • Public reporting • Loss of local control • Even where evidence of improvement — or, in some cases, decline — exists, so many different reforms and initiatives have been undertaken simultaneously that one can only speculate about whether the observed changes are attributable to accountability measures. (wested.org) • The ability to lead people through a stressful time is difficult at best and when tied to economic factors where teachers may be pitted against one another, it is increasingly difficult to create a cohesive team of educators.
The Impact of Accountability onFollowers • Teachers are reporting frustration, powerlessness, and anxiety over changing state directives and the heightened pressure on them to raise test scores (wested.org) • Opponents object to tying salaries too much to the achievement level of students of widely varying abilities, family background and support, and previous educational experiences. Moreover, most studies find no conclusive evidence linking existing merit-pay plans with higher student achievement (Florida Center for Fiscal and Economic Policy) • Without adequate funding for test development and personnel training, the accountability mandate is likely to be challenged on legal grounds (Educational Research and Webinars) • Not all educators will be held accountable to standardized test scores. Music, Art, Physical Education, Foreign Language teachers are just some examples. This discrepancy can harm your educational unit.
The Impact of Accountability onthe Current Situation in Education • “Rethinking accountability includes considering it as a way to target assistance to schools in need, use data more effectively, and reward and incentivize progress” (Achieve, August 2010). Unfortunately, accountability is currently presented in a negative light and school districts often lose funding due to poor test scores. • "Good teachers use tests to design and inform their instruction, not as a reward for pay.“ (ksl.com) Tests have long been considered to be only one way to measure a student’s achievement. Even the best test is a snapshot of a student’s knowledge on any given day. • “Race to the Top has been controversial among critics who charge that the reforms it encourages – including charter schools, merit pay, school turnaround strategies, and teacher evaluations linked to student achievement – are not necessarily the right ones or based on evidence” (Christian Science Monitor). Race to the Top is the most current program for education that is to bring about positive results for students but funding is limited to a small number of states who compete for the money.
The Leader’s Options for Leading the Followers • Create and voice a vision that includes accountability, but not as a punitive measure • Set high goals for all teachers; providing necessary training for the staff to enable them to reach the goals • Creatively engage faculty, staff and community members in finding solutions to challenges presented by the movement for accountability • Encourage staff to look at accountability as a way to improve their teaching, not as a way to be penalized in an end of year rating • Share influence, authority, responsibility, and credit
The Leader’s Options for Shaping the Situation in the School • Create a learning culture that includes the school, the families and the overall community that stresses the positive nature of accountability • Utilize data to drive instruction and effectively implement interventions to aid in student success • Reach out to other administrators and other educators of high performing schools to ask for suggestions or information on how they have approached accountability issues • Realize that accountability is here to stay, but in the end the most important thing to be done as educators is to put the students first, no matter what new force or roadblocks may be placed before you as a leader
The Leader’s Options for Shaping the Situation in the Community • More educational options available for families and their children • Positive public relations-celebrate successes! • Involving the community in the decision-making process • Development of business partnerships and mentoring opportunities to staff and students • Listen and seek feedback from stakeholders
References • International Academy of Education- International Institute for Educational Planning http://www.smec.curtin.edu.au/iae/ • (2011, February 27)Education Week. Retrievedfromhttp://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2011/02/11/21consortia.h30.html?tkn=RVNFiGMiX4ocnlBYHnjfQn8kj3WglRVNV3Y9&cmp=clp-edweek • (2010, September 23). RTTT Assessments (Online Newsletter). Retrieved from http://icw.uschamber.com/newsletter-article/rttt-assessments. • (2010, August). The Common core Standards And Accountability (Online Post). Retrieved from http://www.achieve.org/files/CCSS&Accountability.pdf • (2010, August 3). Merit Pay for Teachers: Take Time to do it Right (Online Blog). Retrieved from http://www.fcfep.org/index.php?option=com_jaggyblog&task=viewpost&id=193&Itemid=227
References • (2010, August 15). Teacher Merit Pay, Education Standards (Online Newscast, KSL.com). Retrieved from http://www.ksl.com/index.php?nid=750&sid=11985868. • (2006), November). Pros and Cons of NCLB What the Research Says (Online Newsletter). Retrieved from http://www.ernweb.com/public/892.cfm. • Streich, M. (2010, March 28). Common Core Standards Initiative Will Educational Reform Under President Obama be Successful (Online Post). Retrieved from http://www.suite101.com/content/common-core-state-standards-initiative-a219164 • Guth, G., Holtzman, D., Schneider, S., Carlos, L., Smith, J., Hayward, G., & Calvo, N. (1999). Chapter 10 Impact of Accountability Based Standards Systems. In Evaluation of California’s Standards Based Accountability System. Retrieved from http://www.wested.org/online_pubs/accountability/SBA_chapter_10.pdf