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C.A.S.T Service COMMUNITY ASSERTIVE SUPPORT TEAM. LEARNING DISABILITY SERVICE Audrey Whelan,Matron/Manager LD Service, John Dook, C.A.S.T. Co-ordinator. What is the C.A.S.T service,?.
C.A.S.T ServiceCOMMUNITY ASSERTIVE SUPPORT TEAM LEARNING DISABILITY SERVICE Audrey Whelan,Matron/Manager LD Service, John Dook, C.A.S.T. Co-ordinator
What is the C.A.S.T service,? • This is a new development within the learning disability service, to support the current services available to people with a learning disability, • +
The C.A.S.T service is the missing link , or bridge, between the in-patient unit at Long Leys and the community provision. The team will be working with care providers to support the care placement, assess the needs of the person, and teach and support the staff within the placement the strategies to be able to maintain that placement for the person.
What C.A.S.T is not…. • The C.A.S.T service is not a replacement for the mental health crisis service . • The C.A.S.T service is not a social care service, and will not be working with care providers on issues around social care needs. • The C.A.S.T service is not a replacement for the Greenlight team.
Aims and objectives of the service. • Engage with adults with learning disabilities who are challenging services, • Reduce out of area /high cost placements, • Reduce admissions and long stays in learning disability inpatient services in accordance with Valuing People Now (2007), • Provide knowledge and skills in managing people with a learning disability who challenge the service to staff within community learning disability services and private provision. • Work in partnership with colleagues within learning disability services and private provision.
Eligible service users will be accepted by the service when: • The service user presents with behaviours that do, or are likely to ,pose a risk to self or others, • Placement of the service user is at risk of breaking down or has already broken down, • Admission of the service user to a mental health or learning disability inpatient unit is being considered, or may otherwise be required, • It has not been possible to identify or implement appropriate methods of intervention and support for the service user.
What are the working arrangements..? • C.A.S.T service will have the ability to work from 7am until 10pm , 7 days a week, with telephone contact out of these hours. • There will be a response time of 48 hrs for urgent need and 14 days for routine need, which will be assessed at point of contact with the service, in agreement with the referrer.
Who’s in the team…? • The team will consist of a band 7 Team Co-ordinator, • There will be 4 x Band 6 Qualified Practitioners, • 10x Band 4 Assistant Practitioners • 1x Team secretary. • 1x Psychology assistant. • Clinical Psychology input from existing Psychologists known to the client.
Where will the team be based…..? • The main base will be at Long Leys Court, with the ability to hot desk at venues across the county, and mobile working equipment.
When will the team begin…? • We will be C.A.S.Ting off on 1st Oct 2010, with a 2 week training programme, and service start date of 18th Oct 2010.