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جامعة المنوفية. كلية الهندسة الإلكترونية. Electric and Communication department. Faculty of Electronic Engineering. Graduation Project. Menoufia University. Prepared by / Eng.waled el shafai. Supervised by / Prof.Dr.moawad el desoki. GSM AND UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR. CONTENTS.
جامعة المنوفية كلية الهندسة الإلكترونية Electric and Communication department . Faculty of Electronic Engineering Graduation Project Menoufia University Prepared by / Eng.waled el shafai . Supervised by / Prof.Dr.moawad el desoki .
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION • Wireless communication became more popular recently . • radio communication need careful planning . • Hardware in wireless networks is expensive so must optimally . • simulations needed to test the planned network layout. • Mobility simulation is kind of simulation show network performance and mobile behavior . • Mobility simulation is an effective way of determining the capacity and the quality of wireless network . • Simulator objective study different traffic load and mobility patterns UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
GSM and UMTS simulator allow us to evaluate the performance of new services. • The simulator use propagation simulation results and terrain data to produce capacity and performance of GSM and UMTS networks. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Simulation objective UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Wireless Networks • Transition from analogue to digital growth in wireless network . • GSM support voice and low speed data traffic . • Growing demand in higher data rates and new services causes focus on third-generation systems. • UMTS handle various service demands , supplying the mobile users, high bandwidth. • Factors of efficiency of a wireless system bandwidth utilization cost of the system Interference in the network UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Network Simulators and Mobility • capacity and performance of GSM , UMTS network enable us to estimate the infrastructure requirements that expected offered traffic. GSM infrastructure requirements radio link bandwidth. base-station tower heights number of base stations UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Estimation of capacity and performance hard by analytical techniques . • Due to the inflexibility of the analytical methods so network simulators are used. There are two basic types of network simulators : UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
DIFFERANCE • static simulator • Dynamic simulators • proportion of mobiles is successfully served by wireless system. • Repeated number of times . • mobile location randomly changed and network performance values are updated. • there is no time concept . no time correlation between the simulation steps • do not handle system functionalities like handover . • static simulations converge faster than dynamic ones . • handle non-homogenous base station layouts . • Handle realistic propagation data . • Handle non-homogenous traffic distribution. • enable us to study dynamic properties of wireless networks . • Handle handover and admission control . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
DIFFERENCE • long-term , short-term differentiated by their timescales of simulation . • both include functions like admission control, handover control and call dropping . • If our interest capacity or performance long-term simulations will satisfy our needs. • controls like time-slot selection, packet scheduling or fast cell selection are handled in short-term dynamic . • short-term dynamicsimulators are working in micro- timescales. • disadvantage of short-term simulations is their complexity and long running times . • short-term dynamicaccessing the system with in very short time scales. • One of the best-known dynamic network is NS (Network Simulator) . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
NS is a powerful network simulator that has the ability of simulating number of different network schemes . • No specific module related to GSM and UMTS wireless systems in NS. • NS (NS is an open source software) simulate GSM and UMTS but NS characteristics are not appropriate for these system level simulations . • long-term dynamic approach is used to simulate the two wireless networks, GSM and UMTS . • Instead of using the term “long-term dynamic simulator”, “mobility simulator”. • mobility generation is explicitly modeled in order to create a realistic dynamic simulator. • In order to generate random paths for mobile users, path-finding problem must be solved. • In order to generate realistic mobility patterns for the mobiles in the simulation, a fast mobility generation algorithm is developed. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
CHAPTER 2 MOBILITY SIMULATION • DIFFERENCEmobile networks , conventional fixed networks : • the calling and called subscriber is not associated with a fixed geographical location. • Mobility simulation is a dynamic network simulation focuses on the effects of the user-mobility to the network’s performance and capacity. • The inputs are the planning data . • the outputs are the network performance and capacity . Simulator has inputs and outputs : NETWORK PLANNING OUTPUTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR ESTIMATED CAPACITY AND PERFORMANCE RESULTS UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
mobile users are categorized into two : • After the speeds are assigned to the users, the movement paths must be generated. • Path-finding algorithms solve the problem of choosing an appropriate way to destination. • At the beginning of the simulation , the mobile units are randomly dispersed over the simulation area. • they choose a random destination point in the simulation grid and start to move to reach to the destination. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Data Needed for a Mobility Simulation • Mobility simulator simulates a planned network layout. Network layout Population in the service area . Building data . Places of the base stations . Channel assignments to the base stations . Propagation simulation results (Coverage data) . Traffic profiles of the mobile users . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Number of mobile users in the simulation is decided by using the population information in the service area. • Simulated environment has buildings . • Building map is converted to a grid, where each grid element is 5m to 5m square. Index:2,2 Index:0,0 Building model Building text file • Distance between two consecutive grid points is defined by the metric resolution (5m in this example). UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Places of the base stations and the channel assignment to those base stations are discovered from traffic analyses. • mobility simulator needs propagation simulation results . • Propagation simulation results also called coverage data . Coverage view Coverage file • Only outdoor propagation simulation is used . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Mobility Generation • The core functionality of a mobility simulator is mobility generation . • Problem of choosing an appropriate path to the destination is called path finding. • These two cases of path finding : Simple path finding vs. path finding with buildings • path-finding problem is easy to solve . • if there are buildings in the simulation area so path-finding problem is diffecult UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Graph-based and Step-taking Path Finding • Path finding is the process, which is used to route the mobile through the simulation grid. • Simple algorithms of path finding can cause looping routes so they are ineffective. • Effects of simplistic path finding algorithms are degraded by graph-based and step-taking path finding algorithms. • Simulation area is converted to a grid. There are two types of grid points, free and building grid points. • In this mobility simulator, there is no need for a shortest path for the mobile units . • path-finding problem in the mobility must find a path between any two points in the simulation grid. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
The step-taking algorithm developed within this thesis is as follows: • 1. While (not at the goal) • { • 2. Pick a direction to move toward the goal • 3. If (that direction is clear for movement) move there • 4. Else (pick another direction according to an avoidance strategy) • } • The mobile user saves the movement it made during the previous steps and uses this information to avoid loops at simulation . • This behavior is supplied by the history information of the path of that mobile. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Chapter 3 GSM SIMULATION GSM mobility simulator models : GSM system. cellular environment with signal propagation . user mobility . traffic distribution. • RLC layer in the GSM structure is modeled in the simulator that determines whether the user can access to the system. • We use dynamic network level simulator for the performance evaluation of GSM. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
GSM Overview • serves voice only traffic with a data rate of 9.6 kbps. • uses combination of TDMA ,FDD as a medium access protocol . • GSM uses different time slots for an uplink and a downlink connection . • Every cell has a base station and assigned frequency set . • interference limits large frequency reuse ratios in GSM. Time-frequency correlation of GSM channel • GSM time frame is 4.615 msec . • time frame is divided into 8 time slots . • time slot duration 0.577 msec . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
GSM Network Planning • Network planning is the first step in wireless network . • good network planning means minimum interference on the system . • Planning the network beforehand increases the service quality and capacity . planning data is obtained from two analyses: Coverage Analysis Traffic Planning • Traffic planning data is places of the base stations and the channel assignments to those base stations. • Coverage analysis reveals the received signal power values that are coming from the base stations . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Configuration Parameters and Performance Metrics Mobile user’s parameters System configuration parameters Simulation parameters • Speed . • Traffic profile . • Base station locations . • Number channels . • Handover Threshold (dBm) . • Minimum received signal(dBm). • SINAD threshold (dB) . • Hysteris Value (dB) . • Physical dimensions of the simulation area . • Duration of simulation . • Number of mobile users to • be simulated . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Speed is used when generating the movement of the users in the simulation area. • Traffic profile have two traffic related parameters, on time and off time. • on time and off time intervals are modeled as negative exponential random • distribution . • the formula for the random number where, μ : Mean of the exponential random number . E: Exponential random number . U : Uniform random number between 0 and 1 . • On time and off time random numbers have a mean of average on time and average off UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
base station locations, number of channels allocated to each base station and received signal strength data for each base station. stored in text files and read by the simulator at the beginning of the simulation. Base station locations Channel assignments Received signal strength Base station location, frequency allocation text file received signal power text files UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Handover threshold and hysteris are used in determining a handover. • Minimum received signal is the threshold which a mobile must obtain in order to connect successfully to a base station . • SINAD threshold is also used in determining a successful connection . The default gsm configuration parameters Sample simulation parameters UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
SINAD=sI+ N where S:Signal power received from the serving base station . I: Total interfering signal power received from the other base station . N: Thermal Noise (N=k*T*B) . k: Boltzman’s constant . T:Effective temperature . B: Channel bandwidth . Results Obtained from the Simulator UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Coverage Analysis • This analysis can be done for each of the base station . • colored map to represent the received power values of the interested base station all over the simulation area . • redparts in this graph show the high coverage regions . • These regions have higher received power values than the blue parts of the graph. Coverage map snapshot UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Localization • probability of a mobile user located at a specific point : p(x,y): Probability that there is a user located at point x, y in the simulation environment. Tstep(x,y,t): Total number of users located at point x, y at time t, during the simulation. • probability of 1 is drawn with red . • As the probability decreases to 0, the colors change to blue. • red parts indicate the crowded regions in the simulation . Localization map snapshot UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Successful/Unsuccessful Connections • Connection status monitored by the simulator are stored and visualized to the end user . • More crowded locations in the simulation area, creates more unsuccessful connections . • successful connection and shown in green spots . • unsuccessful attempts are shown in red spots . Successful/Unsuccessful Connections UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Successful/Unsuccessful Handovers • Handover affects the system service quality . • Handovers are used to satisfy continuous traffic of the mobile units. • successful handover are drawn with green on the simulation grid . • Unsuccessful handover are drawn with red on the simulation grid . Successful/Unsuccessful Handovers UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Channel Utilization Graphs • These graphs show the total available number of voice channels with respect to simulation time. • these graphs show how well the GSM network utilizes its spectrum to the given service . • channel utilization graph for a base station, which has 1 frequency channel. • There are 8 TDMA slots for this one frequency channel . • maximum available channel in this graph is 7 (1*8-1). Channel Utilization Graph UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Test Mobile Signal Profile • By help of the test mobile module user can : • define a specific route for this test unit . • see the received signal strength for this specified path. Test mobile illustration Test mobile signal profile UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Sample Simulations • simulation area is 950m to 830m in size . Sample Simulation area (950m*830m) • four installed base station towers in the simulation area . • there exist 12 sectors (cells) . • there are 12 plots represent the coverage regions of each sector. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Coverage plots for sample simulation of BS2 Coverage plots for sample simulation of BS2 UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Coverage plots for sample simulation of BS3 Coverage plots for sample simulation of BS4 UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
all of the sectors have 2 frequency channels are assigned . • 12 * 2 = 24 frequency channels in the network. • Each frequency channel has 8 time slots . • 24 * (8-1) = 168 traffic channels in the whole GSM network . two different simulations less crowded city simulation crowded city simulation • Mobility behaviors are the same for the two simulations . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Sample simulation parameters Results And Discussion • Handovers for Simulation . • Localization for Simulation . • Connections for Simulation. • Channel utilization . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Localization for Simulation Localization for Simulation 1 Localization for Simulation 2 Numerical results of sample simulation UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Connections for Simulation Connections for Simulation 1 Connections for Simulation 2 UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Handovers for Simulation Handovers for Simulation 2 Handovers for Simulation 1 UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Channel utilization Highly loaded base station’s channel utilization Lightly loaded base station’s channel utilization UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
The effects of “simulation time’’ • see the effects of the simulation time on the unsuccessful connection rates . • simulation time is short, the unsuccessful connection rate is overshot . • simulation time increases, unsuccessful connection rates converge . • long durationreflects the correct capacity utilization of the network. UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
effects of “average on time” of mobile Users • effect of average on time on unsuccessful connection rate . • mobile user’s conversation duration Quality network service UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Chapter 4 UMTS SIMULATION • tool is similar to the GSM network simulator . • difference between UMTS and GSM simulator is modeling and calculation of interference in the network. • in this UMTS network simulator, only uplink is modeled . • model can support variation of the mobile’s data rates during a call . UMTS Overview • UMTS uses Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) as medium access layer. • unique codes at the transmitter, the receiver can de-correlate the wanted signal. • interference acts as noise at the receiver . • UMTS to struggle the effects of the interference in Power control process . UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR
Configuration Parameters and Performance Metrics Configuration parameters of UMTS simulator UMTS MOBILITY SIMULATOR