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Taming the Particle Zoo

Taming the Particle Zoo. Patrick A. Kossmann. In this activity we will examine some of these particles, identify a pattern and explore a theory that will help us tame the particle zoo, just like Mendeleev did when he built the first Periodic Table.

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Taming the Particle Zoo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Taming the Particle Zoo Patrick A. Kossmann

  2. In this activity we will examine some of these particles, identify a pattern and explore a theory that will help us tame the particle zoo, just like Mendeleev did when he built the first Periodic Table.

  3. Take a deck of particle cards and inspect the information on the cards. Colour-code the information (ie. all Q=0 is pink, S=1 is green, etc). [Note: S is a new property called ‘strangeness’]

  4. Propose and test possible rules for sorting the particles into three distinct group based on one characteristic. Which characteristic is the best choice for this? Why?

  5. “Try putting all particles with the same S value in a row...” “Try arranging the particles so the same Q values are in a column...” “ Maybe the charge columns should be more of a diagonal...”

  6. Describe the geometric patterns that emerge.

  7. One group should look different than the other two. It is missing one piece. On the blank card write down the characteristics (mass, spin, Q, S) you expect the missing piece will have. What goes here?

  8. - Omega Minus mass: 1672MeV spin 3/2 Q = -1 S = -3 discovered: 1964 Nobel Prize Murray Gell-Mann

  9. antiquarks have all the same properties as quarks but have opposite charge and strageness An antiquark has the same symbol but has a line over it

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