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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

Discover the Spirit's guidance through Acts 16 as Paul and Barnabas face conflict, persecution, and miraculous interventions, all while making disciples and expanding ministry. Witness their journey from resistance to prison to conversion, learning how God uses willing individuals for His purpose. Find inspiration in facing challenges with faith and embracing God's plan for your life.

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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. Expanding MinistryActs 16:6-40 Paul & Barnabas were in conflict. They were people like you and me God used them despite their failings God will use us – if we are willing and press on - Phil. 3:13-14

  3. The Spirit’s Leading Acts 16:6-8

  4. The Spirit’s Leading Acts 16:6-8 Spirit resisted going to Asia or Bithynia They end up in Troas

  5. The Spirit’s LeadingActs 16:6-8 The “Holy Spirit” & “Spirit of Jesus” are used interchangeably Paul is sensitive to the Spirit’s leading The Spirit leads by a variety of methods: a dream (Acts 16:9), a vision (Acts 10), an Angel (Acts 5), direct revelation (Acts 9) or by impression (Acts 16)

  6. The Spirit’s LeadingActs 16:9-10 The vision gives Paul direction How does God lead us now? The commands, principles & precepts of His word Confirmation by other godly people Impressions from His Spirit His providence

  7. Journey to Philippi - Acts 16:11,12 It is a Roman city along the Egnatian Hwy

  8. Ruins of Philippi below Acropolis

  9. View from Acropolis at Philippi

  10. Remains of Egnatian Way at Philippi

  11. Gangites River near Philippi

  12. The Conversion of Lydia – Acts 16:13-15 There was not a Synagogue, so Paul went to a place of prayer by the river Lydia is a Gentile business woman, and the first convert in Europe during Paul’s mission

  13. The Casting Out of the Demon Acts 16:16-18 “spirit of divination” – puqwn / puthon (Python). The pagans thought Apollo spoke through her. The demon annoyed Paul, so he cast it out of the servant-girl Her masters were upset about their loss of profit

  14. The Arrest of Paul & SilasActs 16:19-25 They are falsely accused They are beaten without cause They are unjustly imprisoned They are praying and singing at midnight

  15. The Jailer’s Conversion Acts 16:26-34 The earthquake damages the prison The guard (wrongly) assumes the prisoners have escaped Paul & Silas stop him from suicide The jailer trembles with fear

  16. The Jailer’s Conversion Acts 16:26-34 Sirs, What must I do to be saved? Believe in the Lord Jesus Belief must be in the correct person for accomplishing the correct thing. They explained the whole gospel to him & his household, who then believed and were baptized that night

  17. The Release of Paul & SilasActs 16:35-40 The magistrates have illegally beaten Roman citizens. In fear the beg Paul & Silas to leave They leave after they revisit Lydia and strengthen the brethren

  18. Conclusions We do not know the future – nor often understand the present We can praise God in any circumstance for He holds the present & future and we know Him Difficult circumstances can be faced with God & the other believers in your church family

  19. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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