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FSEP Guide

FSEP Guide. DCBS forms for a Family Support Caseworker. Click Here to Begin. What forms do I use in my case setup? Let’s start with the 116. Let’s start with the 202. Special Case Forms. 203 Checklist and forms for client. DCBS Intranet Forms Finish. PAFS 116 includes: PAFS 203

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FSEP Guide

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  1. FSEP Guide DCBS forms for a Family Support Caseworker Click Here to Begin

  2. What forms do I use in my case setup? Let’s start with the 116. Let’s start with the 202. Special Case Forms. 203 Checklist and forms for client. DCBS Intranet Forms Finish

  3. PAFS 116 includes: PAFS 203 PAFS 706 Birth Records Identity Verification Custody, Child Support and Divorce Records DCBS 1 Back to Start

  4. PAFS 202 includes: KIM 101 (Application) FS 8 PAFS 19 PAFS 121 FS 704 PAFS 76 PAFS 700 PAFS 702 Back to Start

  5. Used to verify Residency, Household composition, Shelter and Utility expenses Back to 202 Click Here

  6. Child Care Verification Form Back to 202 Click Here

  7. Statement of Disability or Incapacity. Not used for incapacity Medicaid cases. Back to 202 Click Here

  8. Student Income Verification Form Completed by Financial Aid Office Back to 202 Click Here

  9. Irregular Work Form Used with Odd Job and Seasonal Employment Back to 202 Click Here

  10. Verification of Employment and Wages Back to 202 Click Here

  11. Verification of No Income. To be completed by non-member that knows applicants income situation well. Back to 202 Click Here

  12. Checklist for Factual information provided to client. Back to 116 Click Here

  13. Used for Voter Reg. Rights & Declination Will NOT change the applicants eligibility Back to 116 Click Here

  14. Used for Simplified Reporting Requirements, Rights & Responsibilities with all Food Benefit Applications. Back to 202 Click Here

  15. Other Case Forms Include:PAFS 126 KIM 77 Back to Start

  16. Change Report Form Used to record reported changes from recipients Back to other Case Forms

  17. Intent to Apply Used for applicants with intent to apply for benefits Back to other Case Forms

  18. Clients receive these forms from the PAFS 203 Checklist : PAFS 120FS 360 FS 500.1 FSET 101 PAFS 600Civil Rights Pamphlet Back to Start

  19. Civil Rights Pamphlet Advises all applicants of their civil rights, including their right for a hearing. Back to Checklist

  20. Employment and Training Fact Sheet Information on the Employment Training Program Back to Checklist

  21. Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents Fact Sheet Back to Checklist

  22. Information Needed to Process a Food Stamp Application Back to Checklist

  23. Consent and Release of Client Information and Records. Used when additional information needs to be obtained from a third party. Back to 116 Click Here

  24. PAFS-600 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY • (1/09) Cabinet for Health and Family Services • Department for Community Based Services • DO YOU KNOW? • Do you have a physical or mental condition that makes it hard for you to: • Apply for K-TAP, Medicaid, Food Benefits or other benefits? • Keep appointments with us? • Do a task or activity we ask you to? • If you do, we can help you. We can also help you if you care for a family member and that care makes it hard for you to get benefits. This flyer tells you why and how we can help. • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) • The law: You have the right under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to get • help applying for and keeping benefits. You can get help with any activity needed to • use our programs. • Who it protects: You have rights under the ADA if any kind of health problem makes it hard for you to do something basic and important, like: • care for yourself • walk, stand, or sit • see, hear, or talk • breathe • learn • remember things • do tasks with your hands • work • The problem can be physical, like diabetes, asthma, or migraine headaches. Or it can be mental or emotional, like depression, anxiety, ADD or ADHD. It can also be a learning disability. • You do not have to get disability benefits to get this help. PAFS 600 Fact sheet for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Back to Checklist

  25. Facts About Food Stamp Benefits Information Fact Sheet Back to Checklist

  26. DCBS FORMS Intranet; forms for family support caseworkers. Next Screen

  27. Family Support Forms: Access General Forms Workbook, or scroll page to access Table of Contents for Family Support forms. Comprehensive Table of Contents: Section I Food Stamp Forms Section II Public Assistance/Food Stamp Forms Section III Public Assistance Forms Section IIIA KWP Forms Section IV DCBS Forms Section V Claims/Fraud Forms Section VI Miscellaneous Forms Section VII Publications Section VIII KAMES Forms Section IX Report Series Forms Back to Start

  28. Don’t forget: Some local offices use additional forms for case setup. Check with your supervisor regarding your office procedures.You are now ready to continue with assignments under Part I on Blackboard. Back to Start

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