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Education and Schooling

Education and Schooling. Resources. The First Days of School by Harry Wong and Rosemary Wong (Harry K. Wong Publications Inc) Beyond Monet: The Artful Science of Instructional Integration by Barrie Bennett and Carol Rolheiser ( Bookstation Inc.)

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Education and Schooling

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  1. Education and Schooling

  2. Resources • The First Days of School by Harry Wong and Rosemary Wong (Harry K. Wong Publications Inc) • Beyond Monet: The Artful Science of Instructional Integration by Barrie Bennett and Carol Rolheiser (Bookstation Inc.) • Classroom Instruction That Works by Robert Marzano (ASCD) • The Art and Science of Teaching by Robert Marzano (ASCD) • Qualities of Effective Teachers by James Stronge (ASCD) • Teaching Matters by Todd Whitaker and Beth Whitaker (Eye on Education) • What Great Teachers Do Differently by Todd Whitaker(Eye on Education)

  3. Ontario College of Teachers The standards of practice, ethical standards and the Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession determine what is expected of you as a teacher. • They make up the competencies in the Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA) process

  4. Teacher Performance Appraisal • The Teacher Performance Appraisal has undergone several changes • The first year teachers are now part of NTIP • What do the letters NTIP stand for? http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teacher/induction.html Please go to website for more information about the following questions

  5. NTIP • http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teacher/induction.html What is NTIP? What are the elements of NTIP? Who is considered a “NEW TEACHER”? How many appraisals are there under NTIP? What are the competencies? How many? How many are required for new teachers?

  6. NTIP • The NTIP is comprised of the following induction elements: • • orientation for all new teachers to the school and school board • • mentoring for new teachers by experienced teachers • • professional development and training appropriate for new teachers • (refer to subsection 268(2) of the Education Act)

  7. NTIP • On June 1, 2006, the Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Student Performance Act), 2006, was passed by the Legislature. This Act includes the Ministry of Education's commitment to increase student achievement by supporting new teachers.

  8. NTIP • The amendments to the Education Act introduced by the Student Performance Act specify that new teachers must receive two Satisfactory ratings on Teacher Performance Appraisals in order to successfully complete the New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP).

  9. NTIP • A new teacher must have two appraisals in his or her first 12 months of teaching. It is anticipated that most new teachers will complete the NTIP within that time. If a teacher receives two appraisals that result in Satisfactory ratings, the new teacher will have successfully completed the New Teacher Induction Program

  10. NTIP • New teachers who successfully complete two performance appraisals within the required time period receive a notation of successful completion of the NTIP on their Certificate of Qualification and on the Ontario College of Teachers' public register.

  11. Teacher Performance Appraisal for non NTIP teachers http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/teacher/teachers.html What are the changes to the Teacher Performance Appraisal process for regular teachers? What are the new timelines? What are the new ratings? What are the competencies? What is included in professional development?

  12. Internship Process • An Internship refers to a short-term work experience emphasizing hands-on learning. The internship gives meaning to everything the student has learned through course work and makes practical sense of something known as theoretical (Sweitzer, King 1). Furthermore, the internship will be a pre-professional experience in which the student will begin to demonstrate how her/his academic preparation can aid them in pursuing her/his career goals.

  13. Five Stage Journey • Frederick Sweitzer and Mary King discuss the stages of internship in their work entitled “The Successful Internship” Transformation and Empowerment in Experiential Learning The following slides are excerpts from their book

  14. Developmental stages of the internship

  15. Anticipation • Stage One – Anticipation/Orientation • Morale is high • Positive expectations • Anxiety – “what if” concerns • Concerned about what they will learn and what it’s like to actually work in their field • How co-workers will perceive them • Unsure of the roles, functions and relationships with supervisors • Concern about the site itself – pace of work, organizational values, knowledge required to be successful

  16. Disillusionment • Stage Two – Disillusionment • Marked by a drop in morale and task accomplishment • Feelings may include frustration, anger, disappointment and discouragement • Intern shifts from “what if” concern to “what’s wrong” • May feel a “good” intern wouldn’t feel this way • Reassessment of expectations, goals and skills

  17. Confrontation • Stage Three –Confrontation-Resolution • Issues identified in the Disillusionment stage are confronted and resolved • Morale and task accomplishment rise as issues are resolved • Interns achieve a sense of independence, confidence and effectiveness • May face some interpersonal problems with supervisor, co-workers or clients.

  18. Competence • Stage Four – Competence/Production • Clear sense of purpose • Lots of accomplishments • Interns are moving towards autonomy on the job

  19. Culmination • Stage Five – Culmination • Occurs as the internship approaches its ending date • Variety of feelings • Interns experience pride in what’s been achieved • Sadness over ending the experience • Evaluation and accomplishments reviewed at this time • Concerned about next steps

  20. Internship • Adopt the right attitude • Employer’s number one complaint is the attitude interns and new grad bring to the workplace • Be ready to learn. If things are slow study something, ask questions, take training seriously • Be ready to change. Organizations are constantly changing and you must be flexible • Have an open mind. The worst thing you can bring to the job are preconceived notions about what work is supposed to be like • Have a strong work ethic. Show up early, stay late and volunteer for projects • Have a positive attitude. Grin and bear it and don’t complain

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