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Want to Gain Weight? Here is a list of Best Weight Gain Foods for you, which will help you to gain your weight rapidly and healthily.<br><br>https://thefitnesslevels.com/weight-gain-foods/
The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. THE FITNESSLEVE LS nextlevel Don'tAllow Allow Taking your fitness toa Weight GainFoods Do you want to gain weight? Here is a list of the Best Weight Gain Foods foryou. Ahealthydiethelpsyou to maintain ahealthyweight.TheFitness Levelsfound outsomeofthe Best Weight Gain Foods for you, which will help you to gain weight rapidly and healthily. Follow this food list and start gainingweight. 1.BANANA
The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. Don'tAllow Allow Bananasareagreatsourceofcarbsandcaloriesthatgive youinstantenergyandhelpsyoutogain weight.Thisweightgainfoodhasmorecaloriesthanmanyotherfruits. A100gramsservingof bananaprovidesyou89calories,22.8gramsofcarbohydrates(outofwhich 12.2gramsare sugar, and2.6gramsare dietaryfiber),0.3gramsoffat,1.1gramsofprotein, and450 mgofpotassium.Bananaisarichsourceofvitamins,andit’sfreefromfat, cholesterol,andsodium. 2.NUTS Nutsarehealthyandalsogreatfoodtomake yougainweight.Theyarehighinfiberandprotein, A per ounce servingofnutswillprovideyouabout150to200calories. Thisweightgainfoodcontainsgoodfat,whichwillhelpyoutoreducethebadfatfromyourbody.Nuts arehighinfatandcalories,eatingmultipleportionsmayleadyoutoweightgain.
The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. 3.POTATO You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. Don'tAllow Allow Potatoeshelpyoutogainweightbecause theyaregoodsourcesofcaloriesandcarbohydrateswhich you need to gainweight. A large-sizedpotato(369grams)consistsof283calories,64gramsofcarbohydrate, 0.3gramsoffat,7 grams of protein, sodium, and potassium. By adding potatoes to your diet, will help you to increase your bodyweight. 4. GHEE / CLARIFIEDBUTTER Ghee is also known as Clarified Butter. A 100 grams serving of ghee provides you, 717 calories, 0.1 gramsofcarbohydrate, 81.1gramsoffat(outofwhich51.4gramsissaturatedfat).Apartfromthis,it also containscholesterol. Asitcontainssuchamountoffat,sobyaddingitinyourdiet, willhelpyoutogainweight.
Ghee is one of thebe like increase inchole o healthproblems stweightgainfoods,butconsumingmoreofitcanleadyout sterol which can cause heartdiseases. healthy if consumed in a moderatequantity. 3-6tablespoonsarerecommendedforgoodhealthandweig The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. But Ghee can alsobe So, on an averageof ht. Don'tAllow Allow 5. FULL CREAMMILK FullCreamMilk/WholeMilkisagoodchoice foranyonewhoislookingforgainingweightandbuilding muscles. One cup (236.9ml) serving of Full Cream Milk contains 146 calories, 12.8 grams of Carbohydrates, 7.9gramsofprotein,7.9gramsofFat. ItalsocontainsOmega-3s,Calcium,andVitaminD.AsFullCreamMilkisagoodsource ofcalories, carbs, fat,andprotein,itwillleadyoutogainweight. 6. REDMEAT
The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. Don'tAllow Allow Redmeatisaweightgainfoodandalsohelpstobuildmuscles.A100gramsservingofredmeatgives you176calories, 20–25gramsofprotein,10gramsoffat, andnaturalcreatine,whichleadstoweight gain, buildingmuscles, andgivesyouenergyduringheavyliftingorhigh-intensityexercise. 7. PEANUT BUTTER Peanutbutterishighincaloriesandfat,whichyouneedtoputonweight.A100gramsservingof peanut butter gives you 588 calories, 50 grams of fat, 25 grams of protein, and 20 grams of Carbohydrates. The peanut butter is a great food to gain weight. But many peanut butter brands add a lot of Sugar, HydrogenatedFat,andsodiumforbettertaste, sogoandlookforabrandthatdoesn’taddanyof these unhealthythings. 8. WHITERICE
The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. Don'tAllow Allow WhiteRicehelpsyoutogainweight,asitisagoodsourceofCarbohydratesandcalories.A100grams serving of white rice contains 123 Calories, 2.9 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbohydrates, and 0.4 grams ofFat. AsourbodyneedsCaloriesandCarbohydratestogainweight,soeatingricewillleadyoutoweight gain. 9. WHOLEEGG Eggsare agreatmuscle buildingfood,andwillalsohelpyoutogainweight.Theycontainhigh-quality protein, healthy fats, and essentialnutrients. Almostallofthenutrientsofaneggareintheyolk.Theirhealthyfatswillhelpyoutogainweight healthily.
The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. Don'tAllow Allow A large egg(50grams)providesyou71.5calories,0.4gramsofcarbohydrates, 5gramsoffat, and6.3 grams ofprotein. 10. HOMEMADESHAKE • ThisHomemadeShakeisamixtureofbestweightgainfoods. • Tomakeityouneedthesefollowingitems– • 1.5 Glass Of Full creammilk • 1Banana • 1 Tablespoon Of PeanutButter • Handful OfNuts
Andthenmixallthes 600 calories, alongw ontain around400– ndMinerals. eitemswiththehelpofamixer.ThisHomemadeShakewillc ith a high amount of Calories, Carbs, Fat, Protein, Vitamins,a menutsaboveyour shake toincreasethecalorieamountinit. The Fitness Levels would like to send you pushnofificafions. You can choose to turn off nofificafions later anyfime using browsersefings. You can also addso Don'tAllow Allow