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Marriage and Family. Identify Leach’s argument for what marriage can, but does not always, accomplish. Describe incest and exogamy. Differentiate between parallel and cross cousins, and how this distinction relates to exogamy in groups with Unilineal descent patterns.
Identify Leach’s argument for what marriage can, but does not always, accomplish. Describe incest and exogamy. Differentiate between parallel and cross cousins, and how this distinction relates to exogamy in groups with Unilineal descent patterns. Identity endogamy and its role in socially stratified societies. Analyze how marriage functions as a form of group alliance and identity the role of dowries and lobola. Identity types of plural marriages and the conditions that they favor. Unit Learning Objectives
No definition is broad enough to apply (easily) to all societies and situations Variation in who marriage unites Besides the notion of ‘love’, what aspects of culture is marriage associated with? What is Marriage?
What is Marriage? • Universal form or type of marriage does not exist • Primary functions are observed in all culture • _______________________________ • Evolved various systems to perform these functions
What is Marriage?Functions of Marriage • 1. Marriage forms: _________________ • Provide for the material needs, social support, and enculturation of children • _____________________
What is Marriage?Functions of Marriage • 2. Marriage defines the _____________ ___________________________________ • Regulation of _____________________between the married couple and __________________ • Allocation of _________________________
What is Marriage?Functions of Marriage • 3. Marriage creates ___________________ • Incest taboo • Establishment of trade relationships or political alliances
Exogamy • 1. • 2. • Incest: • _________________________________________ • How is ‘close relative’ defined? Is this socially constructed? Marriage: Comparative Perspective
Cross & Parallel Cousins • Cross: ______________ • Opposite of______ • Parallel: ______________ • Ego’s _____________ Marriage: Comparative PerspectiveFocus: Cousins Sexual relations with ‘cousins’ influenced by unilineal descent Example: ________________
Incest Avoidance • Besides the biological component • Gene flow – exchange of genes between population boundaries, increases genetic diversity • What are the cultural factors? • 1. • 2. Marriage: Comparative Perspective
What are the cultural factors? • 1. • 2. • p258: “Recognition of _______________cooperation between neighboring bands.” ‘Appreciating Anthropology’:‘Come Join My Band, Baby’
Endogamy • Rules requiring individuals to marry some member of their own social group or category • _______________________________ • Example: _________________________ Marriage: Comparative Perspective
Endogamy: Maintained in two main ways • 1. _______________________________ • Affinal relationships kept within • Reinforcing ties within groups while decreasing interactions between the groups Marriage: Comparative Perspective
Endogamy: Maintained in two main ways • 2. ______________________________ • Symbolically expresses and strengthens the exclusiveness of group • Example: ___________________________ Marriage: Comparative Perspective
Marriage: Comparative Perspective • Marriage alliances: • Marriage establishes lasting social relationships and bonds • Beyond the married couple: • ______________________________________
Marriage: Comparative Perspective • 1. Arranged marriages • ______________________________________ • Importance of advantageous relationships • Remember: Nanda’s article on an arranged marriage in India
Marriage: Comparative Perspective • 2. Levirate: • Usually a __________of deceased husband • Relations between the intermarried kin groups are __________________
Marriage: Comparative Perspective • 3. Sororate: • Her kin group is _______________________with another woman, for which no additional ________________________ • Example - __________
Dowry: • Share of a woman’s inheritance that she takes into her marriage Marriage Exchanges
Lobola: • Seen in patrilineal societies • Importance: Marriage Exchanges
Cultures vary on the number of spouses an individual is allowed to have at a time • Four possibilities • Monogamy • Polygyny • Polyandry • Group Marriage How Many Spouses? Variations of polygamy (i.e. plural spouses)
Polygyny • Form of marriage in which a man may have more than one wife • Benefits • 1. • 2.
No single explanation for polygyny • 1. • 2. • 3. • 4. Polygyny
Polyandry • Form of marriage in which a woman may have more than one husband • Documented in only about a dozen societies • 1. • 2.
Mostly observed in South Asia peoples • 1. • 2. Polyandry