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Yong-Woon KIM (qkim@etri.re.kr) Hyoungjun KIM (khj@etri.re.kr) TTA

Yong-Woon KIM (qkim@etri.re.kr) Hyoungjun KIM (khj@etri.re.kr) TTA. Status of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31/WG 6 on Mobile Item Identification & Management. Contents. SC31 Structure SC31/WG4 Structure Mobile RFID Ad-hoc MIIM Ad-hoc Voting result Future plan. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Structure.

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Yong-Woon KIM (qkim@etri.re.kr) Hyoungjun KIM (khj@etri.re.kr) TTA

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  1. Yong-Woon KIM (qkim@etri.re.kr) Hyoungjun KIM (khj@etri.re.kr) TTA Status of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31/WG 6 on Mobile Item Identification & Management

  2. Contents • SC31 Structure • SC31/WG4 Structure • Mobile RFID Ad-hoc • MIIM Ad-hoc • Voting result • Future plan

  3. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Structure • SC31 (existing) • Dealing with Automatic Identification and Data Capture • WG1 (data carriers) deals with data carrier specifications and related documentation for linear and 2-dimensional barcode symbologies. • WG2 (data structure) deals with data structures for the process of automatic identification and data capture. (ex. ISO/IEC 15459 - Unique identifier for transport units) • WG3 (conformance) deals with conformance standards. • WG4 deals with RFID issues for item management. • WG6 (MIIM: Mobile Item Identification and Management) covers Mobile AIDC consisting of Mobile RFID and Mobile ORM. • WG7 is under construction, dealing with security matters.

  4. WG 6 (1/6) • 1st meeting • Held in Vienna, Austria, April 2008. • Chaired by Craig Harmon, USA. • Considered 10 prospective work items. • Additionally discussed about IEEE 1451 standards. • Resolutions • Recommendation for NB to submit NWIPs for three work areas • 10 items for Mobile RFID • 1 item for Mobile ORM • A few items for IEEE 1451 as fast track standardization

  5. WG 6 (2/6) • Air interface protocol for Mobile RFID • Mobile AIDC application programming interface • Mobile RFID interrogator device protocol • Mobile Item Identifier and encoding format for Mobile AIDC services • Application data structure and encoding format for Mobile AIDC services • Consumer privacy-protection protocol for Mobile RFID services • Object Directory Service for Mobile AIDC services • Service broker for Mobile AIDC services • Mobile AIDC reference architecture   Service broker ODS   Info. server Internet, etc.  ID directory , 

  6. WG 6 (3/6) • Korean NB • Submitted 8 NWIPs in July 2008. • All passed in October 2008. • Project editors are designated for 8 items. • Drafting • Project editors are developing Working Drafts until April 2009.

  7. WG 6 (4/6) • Reference configuration Mobile AIDC terminal Application …… Application Application Application Scope of 29179 Scope of 15961, 15962, 29174, 29175 Mobile AIDC application platform (e.g. BREW, J2ME, WIPI, etc.) Mobile AIDC data processor Scope of 29173 Mobile ORM reader Mobile RFID interrogator Scope of 18004, etc. Scope of 18000-6, 29143, 29176 ORM data carrier RF data carrier

  8. WG 6 (5/6) • Reference configuration Mobile AIDC terminal MADP: Mobile AIDC data processor Scope of 15961, 15962, 29174, 29175 Application Application Application Application …… MADP MADP MADP MADP Scope of 29179 Mobile AIDC application platform (e.g. BREW, J2ME, WIPI, etc.) Scope of 29173 Mobile ORM reader Mobile RFID interrogator Scope of 18004, etc. Scope of 18000-6, 29143, 29176 ORM data carrier RF data carrier

  9. WG 6 (6/6) • 2nd meeting • Held in Cedar Rapids, USA, May 19 – 20. • Agenda • Review of DOC for 8 projects • Review of 8 Working Drafts • Decision for CD ballots for 8 WDs

  10. Q/A

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