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Australia & New Zealand

Australia & New Zealand. Kamila Lupínková V8A. CONTENT. Austalia. New Zealand. General information Geography History Economy Nature Places of Interest. General information Geography History Economy Nature Places of Interest. AUSTRALIA. PACIFIC OCEAN. INDIAN OCEAN.

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Australia & New Zealand

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  1. Australia & New Zealand Kamila Lupínková V8A

  2. CONTENT Austalia New Zealand • Generalinformation • Geography • History • Economy • Nature • PlacesofInterest • Generalinformation • Geography • History • Economy • Nature • PlacesofInterest



  5. Generalinformation CommonwealthofAustralia English 7,69 million km2 23 millionpeople currency: australian dollar

  6. Generalinformation *descendant - potomek constitutional monarchy Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom David Cameron europeandescendants*, Asians, thecountriesofMiddleEast ant the Indian subcontinent, Indonesians, Aborigins

  7. Geography • betweentheSouthPacificand Indian oceans • mostlyflat • Great DividingRange • The Murray, theDarling • Mt. Kosciuszko (2 228 m) • LakeEyre (16 m belowsealevel) • a semi-desert zone (central), tropical(north), hotanddry (southwest)

  8. HISTORY • Aborigines • 1606 • WillemJanszoon(dutchsailor) • 1642 • Abel Tasman • (dutchexporer) 1770 JamesCook theeasterncoast → theBritishCrown

  9. HISTORY • 18th centuryprisoners’area • 1851 goldrush • 1901 CommonwealthofAustralia • 1967 – theAboriginesgottheright to vote

  10. ECONOMY • Agriculture: sheep, cattle, wheat, wool, milk, eucalyptus, pine timber • Manufacturing: food, beverages, iron, steels, chemicals, textiles • Mining: coal, oil, naturalgas, gold, zinc, cattle – skot, beverages - nápoje

  11. ECONOMY Export Import • coal • petroleumproducts • wool • wheat • industrialmachinery • electricalappliances • telecommunicationsequipment

  12. NATURE Separation → endemicanimals Kangaroo – greyorred Koala Emu Blackswan Echidma Tasmaniandevil

  13. NATURE eucalyptus acacia melaleuca (teatree)

  14. PLACES OF INTEREST Great BarrierReef– world’slongestcoralreef (2000 km) Kakadu national park – eastof Darwin, aboriginal rock paintings, crocodiles

  15. PLACES OF INTEREST Ulurunational park – sandstoneabove desert floor Sydney – „the Paris ofthePacific“, Opera house


  17. Generalinformation 268 000 km2 4 millionpeople EnglishandMaori Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom Constitutional monarchy, parliamentarydemocracy Currency: New Zealand dollar (NZD)

  18. GEOGRAPHY SouthPacificOcean 2 island – NorthandSouth volcanos, hotspringsandgeysers lakes, fjords 2 000 km by Australia mildoceanclimate thehottestmonths – JanuaryandFebruary thecoldest – July

  19. HISTORY • Maori (9th century) – Polynesia • 1642 Abel Tasman • 1769 JamesCook

  20. HISTORIE 19th century – battlesbetweenMaoriandinhabitants 1840 Treaty of Waitangi – equalityfor Maori People 1907 → British dominion 1931 fullindependance, Commonwealth

  21. ECONOMY Tourism Agriculture – fruit, wool, sheep, meal, milk Manufacturing - wine, sport clothes (IceBreaker)

  22. NATURE Moa Kivi takahe (hen) kakapo (parrot) Mamaku cabbagetree Kauri

  23. Placesofinterest National park Mount Cook– lakes Wai-o-tapu Glenorchy – small settlement, lakeWakatipu

  24. Thankyouforyouattention !

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