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CPR Monitoring Checklist Civil Rights: Section 17. OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office October, 2011. Yvonne Ryans, Ed.D , Director Susanne Beauchaine, Program Supervisor Calandra Sechrist, Program Supervisor Pat Smithson, Program Supervisor Penelope Mena, Administrative Assistant
CPR Monitoring ChecklistCivil Rights: Section 17 OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office October, 2011
Yvonne Ryans, Ed.D, Director Susanne Beauchaine, Program Supervisor Calandra Sechrist, Program Supervisor Pat Smithson, Program Supervisor Penelope Mena, Administrative Assistant (360) 725-6162 equity@k12.wa.us www.k12.wa.us/Equity
What is the Nondiscrimination Notice? _______ School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. Questions and complaints of alleged discrimination should be directed to: [Name/Title] [Phone & Address]. SAMPLE http://www.k12.wa.us/Equity/ Districts/NondiscriminationStatement.aspx 17.1 Nondiscrimination Notice
What does the Nondiscrimination Notice have to include? • List of protected classes (race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, religion/creed, age, veteran or military status, disability, and use of a trained dog guide or service animal). • Equal access to Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. • Contact information of the designated employee(s) (name or title, phone, and address). • Nondiscrimination statement applies to all district programs and activities. 17.1 Nondiscrimination Notice
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.1 • One example of a nondiscrimination notice from each: • Publications that allow public viewing (such as newsletters, announcement, website). • Page(s) of student, parent, and/or faculty handbook. • Page(s) of course catalog and/or program brochure. • One job announcement and application. • Nondiscrimination notice translated into the language(s) of LEP parents in the district. • N/A - District has not identified any parents with limited English proficiency. 17.1 Nondiscrimination Notice
17.2National Origin – Interpretation and Translation Services
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.2 • Two examples showing that the district provides vital documents in the language(s) of LEP parents (such as translated discipline notices, enrollment forms, notices of school activities, etc.). • Evidence that interpretation services are provided for vital communications like parent conferences, IEP meetings, or discipline meetings with LEP parents (such as list of interpreters, meeting sign-in sheet, bill for services, phone interpretation services). • N/A - District has not identified any parents with limited English proficiency. 17.2 National Origin
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.2b • Description of the process used to identify and place LEP students who need special language assistance. • Description of the program(s) provided for LEP students. • N/A - District does not currently have LEP students enrolled. • Description of review process to determine program effectiveness (such as meeting minutes, agenda item, improvement plan). • N/A - District does not currently have LEP students enrolled. 17.2b National Origin
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.3 • List of designated employee(s), title and job description. 17.3 Designated Person
What do the discrimination complaint procedures need to include? Procedures and timelines consistent with WAC 392-190-065 through 392-190-075. • WAC 392-190: http://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/default.aspx?cite=392-190 • Overview of complaint procedures: http://www.k12.wa.us/Equity/Complaints.aspx 17.4 Grievance Procedures
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.4 • Discrimination complaint (grievance) procedures. • Documentation that students, parents, employees and others are notified of complaint procedures (pages from student/employee handbooks or course catalogs or district website with complaint procedures). • Documentation of discrimination complaints and district response (such as notes, reports, correspondence). • N/A - No complaints filed. 17.4 Grievance Procedures
17.5Sexual Harassment NOTE : 17.6 is removed. Item has been combined with 17.5.
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.5 • Page(s) from student and employee handbooks which contain sexual harassment policy and procedure. • Sexual harassment policy is posted in all school buildings (signed statement from Superintendent or designee assuring posting of policy). • Documentation of sexual harassment complaints and district response (such as notes, reports, correspondence). • N/A - No complaints filed. 17.5 Sexual Harassment
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.7 • Description of the review process used to identify potential disparities in course and program enrollment (such as meeting minutes, data review, summary of review and analysis). • If disparities are identified, provide or describe district’s plan to address disproportionality. • N/A - No disparities identified. 17.7 Access to Programs and Activities
17.8Access to Programs and Activities – Instructional Materials
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.8 • Instructional materials policy and procedure. 17.8 Access to Programs and Activities
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.9 • List all single-sex courses, programs or activities offered within the district. • N/A – No courses identified. 17.8 Access to Programs and Activities
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.10 • Description of the review process used to identify potential disparities in discipline (such as meeting minutes, data review, summary of review and analysis). • If disparities are identified, provide or describe the district’s plan to address the disproportionality. • N/A - No disparities identified. 17.10 Differential Treatment
17.11Section 504 NOTE : 17.12 and 17.3 are removed. Items have been combined with 17.11
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.11 • Description of district’s process to identify, evaluate and place students under Section 504 (such as Section 504/FAPE policy and procedure). • Notice of procedural safeguards. • Notice of parental rights under Section 504 (Note: notice of parental rights may be included in procedural safeguards). • Section 504 documentation from two students, including initial referral, written notices, evaluation, and Section 504 plan (one example from elementary and one from secondary school). • N/A - No Section 504 students currently identified. 17.11 Section 504
What must be included in our Procedural Safeguards? • Procedural safeguards must include: • Notice. • Opportunity for parent to examine records. • Review procedure. • Impartial hearing with opportunity for parent participation and representation by counsel. 17.11 Section 504
What must be included in the Section 504 documentation from two students? • Sample student Section 504 documentation includes: • Initial referral. • Written notice of parental rights. • Written notice of initial placement and any change in placement. • Persons who participated in evaluation and placement decisions. • Evaluation of Section 504 plan. 17.11 Section 504
https://www.k12.wa.us/Equity/ Families/Section504.aspx
NEW! 17.14 – 17.17Athletics
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.14 (Elementary Sports) • List all single-sex recreational and athletic activities offered in elementary grades. • N/A - All recreational and athletic activities are coeducational in elementary grades. • N/A - No athletic opportunities offered. 17.14 Athletics
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.15(Athletic Interest Survey) • Athletic survey instrument. • Summary of survey results, disaggregated by sex. • N/A - No athletic opportunities offered. 17.15 Athletics
http://www.k12.wa.us/Equity/Districts/ AthleticInterestSurvey.aspx
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.16(Three-part test) • High school (9-12) enrollment, total and by sex (only high schools offering athletics). • High school (9-12) athletic participation, total and by sex. • List of all sports and levels of competition (freshman, JV, varsity) that have been dropped, added, and/or reinstated in the past 5 years. • N/A - No program expansion. • If district’s athletic survey identified unmet interest in a specific sport (see 17.15), list top 3 sports requested (male and female). • Evidence or description of district’s response to the unmet interest of the underrepresented sex (meeting minutes, plans, communications, etc.) • N/A - No unmet interest identified. • N/A - No athletic opportunities offered. 17.16 Athletics
What do I put in the CPR Binder?17.17(Annual self-evaluation) • Description of process used to conduct athletic self-evaluation (such as team, building and district worksheets, staff surveys, interviews with coaches). • Results of athletic self-evaluation (such as a summary of results or iGrants Form Package 447 Page 5). • If the self-evaluation identified disparities that favor one sex, provide or describe the district’s plan to address the disparity • (such as school board minutes, meeting agendas, budget plans). • N/A - No differences identified. • N/A - No athletic opportunities are offered at the district. 17.17 Athletics
http://www.k12.wa.us/Equity/ Districts/AthleticPrograms.aspx
Contact Us! OSPI - Equity and Civil Rights (360) 725-6162 equity@k12.wa.us www.k12.wa.us/Equity