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Society For Biomaterials. 2007 Annual Business Meeting. April 20, 2007 ● Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers. Agenda. Welcome & President's Report C. Mauli Agrawal Election of 2007-08 AC&N Committee Vote Required Election of 2007-08 Membership Committee Vote Required
Society For Biomaterials 2007 Annual Business Meeting April 20, 2007 ● Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers
Agenda Welcome & President's Report C. Mauli Agrawal Election of 2007-08 AC&N Committee Vote Required Election of 2007-08 Membership Committee Vote Required Election of 2007-08 Member-at-Large Stuart Goodman Bylaws Amendment Tim Topoleski Member-at-Large Report David Kohn Financial Report Lynne Jones Incoming President's Comments Martine LaBerge New Business C. Mauli Agrawal Adjourn
President’s Report C. Mauli Agrawal, PhD, PE The University of Texas at San Antonio
Awards, Ceremonies and Nominations Committee Incoming Chair: Jim Burns, PhD, Genzyme Corporation Four Committee members to be elected from at least six nominations needed from the floor.
Membership Committee Incoming Chair: Nicholas Ziats, PhD Case Western Reserve University Four Committee members to be elected from at least six nominations needed from the floor.
2007 Election Results 2007-2008 President-Elect Jeffrey Hubbell, PhD École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 2007-2009 Secretary / Treasurer - Elect Antonios Mikos, PhD Rice University
Election of 2007-2008Member-at-Large Stuart Goodman, MD, PhD Stanford University Medical Center Chair, Awards, Ceremonies & Nominations Committee Candidates: • Julia Babensee, PhDGeorgia Institute of Technology • Tim Topoleski, PhDUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
Bylaws Amendment Tim Topoleski, PhDUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County Chair, Bylaws Committee ARTICLE III - MEETINGS OF MEMBERS Section 5. QuorumThe presence of not less than ten percent of the total active membershipfifty (50) active members of the Society shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present at any meeting of members, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
Bylaws Amendment VOTE REQUIRED
Member-at-Large Report David Kohn, PhD University of Michigan Department of Biology & Material Science
Financial Report Lynne Jones, PhD Johns Hopkins University Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
FY 2006 Statement of Activities(Income /P&L Statement) INCOME General $85,644 Annual Meeting $496,324 Investment Income $27,697 Publications $423,265 Other revenue $22,678 Assets released from restriction* $2,500 Total Income $1,058,108 Non Operating Revenue Textbook Royalty $23,203 C.W. Hall Scholarship Fund $1,055 Textbook royalty released* ($2,500) Total Non-Operating Revenue $21,758 EXPENSES General $306,773 Annual Meeting $370,474 Publications $205,687 Total Expenses $882,934 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $196,932 Net Assets Beginning of Year $779,046 Net Assets End of year $975,978 * $2,500 Released from Temporarily Restricted Net assets from Textbook Royalty in support of the Student Travel Achievement Recognition Program (STARs)
2007 Budget • Please note that specific new programs have been introduced into the 2007 budget. • CME credit for one of the workshops (Spine). • Re-introduction of the Bash. • Re-introduction of the SIG mixer. • $15,000 for significant redesign of the SFB Website. • Support for meetings with the Exhibitors and Sponsors. • Marketing Plan (coordinated with the Membership Committee and Branding Task Force). • We have also continued to support the efforts of the Membership Committee, the Education & Professional Development Committee (video library), and the SIGs. • In addition, an investment management company has been engaged to ensure the stability and safety of the Society’s financial reserves.
Incoming President Martine LaBerge, PhD Clemson University Department of Bioengineering
New Business C. Mauli Agrawal, PhD, PE SFB President 2008 World Biomaterials Congress May 28 - June 1 2008 SFB SIG Meeting on Translational Research September 10-14 2009 SFB Annual Meeting – San Antonio, Texas! April 22-25
ADJOURN Thank you!