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Hastings Public Schools 2011-2012

Hastings Public Schools 2011-2012. Staff Development Building Site Level Presentation September 26 th. Agenda for September 26, 2011. Staff Development Overview for the Year (8:00-8:30) Presentation will be with your staff meeting at your building site. Staff Development Calendar

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Hastings Public Schools 2011-2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hastings Public Schools2011-2012 Staff Development Building Site Level Presentation September 26th

  2. Agenda for September 26, 2011 Staff Development Overview for the Year (8:00-8:30) Presentation will be with your staff meeting at your building site. Staff Development Calendar Introduction of Theme: 21st Century Infrastructure/Building Capacity for 21st Century Teaching and Learning Staff Development PLC “Pie” Staff Development Reporting (Teacher ResourcesStaff Development) *Note: Tilden Early Childhood Special Education Staff please report to McAuliffe 8:00-9:00 Staff Meeting (8:30-9:00) District Goals Principal’s Building Goals Department Work Session (9:15-12:00) Preparing for the 21st Century Infrastructure/Building Capacity for 21st Century Teaching and Learning Digital Curriculum Planning - A gift of time today to reflect, organize and discuss collaboratively shared files… a time to continue to build your structure if you already use the curriculum server, a time to build and organize if you are a new user, a time to talk as you evaluate and look at your work. What work do we need to do in our PLC? (No sorry, this cannot be the PLC for the year, nice try!) Special Education Department (9:15-12:00) Review of Department Goals Early Childhood and Elementary Special Education Staff meet at the District Office. Middle School and High School Special Education Staff meet in their buildings. Lunch (12:00-1:15) PLC Planning Meeting (1:30-3:30) Where have we been? Where are we now? Where shall we go from here? Begin the discussion of what are the most important things to be working on this year collaboratively? Please plan well to set the stage for a productive year. It is important to link the district goals, the building goals and your PLC goals for the most powerful results for your students. Your PLC will be finalizing goals on the October 19th Early Release Day. Goals are due the following Monday.

  3. Building Infrastructure/Capacity for 21st Century Teaching and Learning Data Differentiation Collaboration

  4. Building Infrastructure and Capacity for 21st Century Teaching and Learning • Why are we moving in this new direction? • Preparing for Improved 21st Century Teaching and Learning • Increased Opportunity for Collaborative Teaching and Learning • Digital Curriculum Tool for Enhancing Instruction • Ability to Better Organize Lessons in a Digital Format • Increased Curriculum Access 24/7 (Phase II Implementation– Next Year…) • Safari Montage Overview • Pilot of Safari Montage in Fall of 2010 – Video Content • New and Improved – Additional Modules • 2011-2012 – January and February – Learn Two Pieces (Video & Creation Station) • “Container” for Moving Toward a More Digital Curriculum (“Curriculum Server on Steroids”)

  5. 2011-2012 • Integrating Video Content • Creation Station –ability to upload your own video. • 2012-2013 Phase II • Digital Curriculum Server • Ability to work from one location • Access from home • Shared Curriculum • Easy to use

  6. Departmental or Grade Level Work Session • Examine Current Curriculum Server Use • File Folder Mapping & Naming • Keep, throw or archive? (Important!) • Planning Collaborative Use of the Server • Digital Curriculum – Building the Infrastructure and Increasing Capacity for Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century.

  7. Plan Your Departmental Structure as a Team • Suggestions for Organization • Standards and Goals • Overviews/Syllabi • Units/Chapters • Including ALL resources (handouts, presentations, tests, etc.) • Supporting Curriculum • Common Misc. Documents Map out the vision before you begin examining contents!

  8. How To…? (A Few “Cheat Sheets” Included in This Presentation and Posted on Staff Development Website) • Shortcuts • Copying and Pasting Files • Naming Files and Revision Dates • “Read Only” File Saving • Archiving

  9. How To… Access the Curriculum Server Using Windows XP (Most Common)

  10. How To… Access the Curriculum Server Using Windows 7

  11. How To… Access the Curriculum Server: Elementary

  12. How To… Access the Curriculum Server: Middle School

  13. How To… Access the Curriculum Server: High School

  14. How To… Make a Shortcut to Your Desktop Find icon for your Department or Grade Level . Right click and go down to Copy. Close window.

  15. How To… Make a Shortcut to Your Desktop On desktop you will right click and Paste shortcut This is what the icon will look like on your desktop

  16. How To… Make a Shortcut to Your Documents Folder Find icon for your Department or Grade Level . Right click go down to Copy. Close window.

  17. How To…Make a Shortcut to your Documents Folder In your Documentsyou will right click and Paste shortcut.

  18. How To… Copy a File or Folder to the Curriculum Server Find file or folder (that you want to copy) in your Documents Folder. Right click on the file or folder. Go down to Copy. Close window.

  19. How To… Copy a Folder to the Curriculum Server Go to the Curriculum Server. Double click on your Grade. Level/Department Folder. Copy and paste the folder that you want to store on the Curriculum Server. (Do not drag!) This is what the icon will look like for your Curriculum Folder.

  20. Saving Curriculum to the Curriculum Server • From today on… save your curriculum to the curriculum server via the shortcut in your Documents or on Desktop.

  21. PLC Organizational Meeting • PLC Norms • Initial PLC Goal Planning • Goals are due on October 24th.Forms will be available online via Teacher Resources Staff Development Important Dates, PLC Forms, etc. http://www.hastings.k12.mn.us/Important_Dates_PLC_Forms_and_More.html • Which pieces of the PLC Staff Development “pie” should we be working on this year?

  22. Site Goal: Predetermined per site • PLC Goal: Enter goal here. If you have more than one goal, please use next page for additional goal. • The PLC (staff development) goal should focus on the critical questions of learning: • What is it we expect our students to learn? • How will we know when they have learned it? • How will we respond when they don’t learn? • How will we respond when they already know it? • Activity and/or Strategy: For each goal, enter at least one corresponding activity and/or strategy here. You may have multiple activities and strategies.

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