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How the Oregon Literacy Framework Can Support Your Efforts to Implement RTI, MTSS, and CCSS

How the Oregon Literacy Framework Can Support Your Efforts to Implement RTI, MTSS, and CCSS. Erin A. Chaparro , Ph.D. echaparr@uoregon.edu @ EBISSErin. The Oregon K-12 Literacy Framework: A Web Tour. http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2568. The Oregon K-12 Literacy Framework.

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How the Oregon Literacy Framework Can Support Your Efforts to Implement RTI, MTSS, and CCSS

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  1. How the Oregon Literacy Framework Can Support Your Efforts to Implement RTI, MTSS, and CCSS Erin A. Chaparro, Ph.D. echaparr@uoregon.edu @EBISSErin

  2. The Oregon K-12 Literacy Framework: A Web Tour http://www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=2568

  3. The Oregon K-12 Literacy Framework …is a blueprint…adopted by the State Board…for what schools in Oregon can do to help students develop the essential skill of reading.

  4. The Literacy Framework is aligned to recent and current Oregon initiatives that improve reading.

  5. The OLF builds on EBISS to support CCSS Leadership & Commitment Action Planning with Schools Coordination & Coaching Professional Development & Training Ongoing Assessment and Evaluation Systems Visibility & Political Support Funding • Goals • Instruction • Assessment • Leadership • Professional Development • Commitment

  6. CCSS K - 5 6-12

  7. Objectives of the Framework

  8. How can we work together to better prepare students for future success?

  9. The major question… Is the system of reading instruction and support in our district/school effective for a high percentage of students?

  10. Six Components of the Framework One Chapter for Each Component

  11. Goals

  12. Establish reading GOALS within a comprehensive and sustained School Reading Plan

  13. General Goal Setting Guidelines • 80%(ideally more) students in a school should be reading at grade level and their needs should be met by the core instruction • 15% of students may need additional instructional support • 5% of students may need significant additional and individualized support

  14. Review data sources • http://schools.oregonlive.com/search/ • Past Achievement Compact goals – current ones if you have them • http://www.orspdgdata.org/HomePages/

  15. Consider different types of goals • Outcome Goals • Summative • Adequate Progress Goals • Summative (if at end of year) • Formative (if during year) • Progress Monitoring Goals • Formative

  16. Questions to Ask about Your Goals • Disaggregated data • (District or School-wide) • Are they measureable? • Are they clearly communicated to all stakeholders? How? • Are they ambitious? How? • Aggregated Data • (District or School-wide) • Are they measureable? • Are they clearly communicated to all stakeholders? How? • Are they ambitious? How?

  17. PART 2:Using the OLF to Support Implementation of the CCSS Leadership, Professional Development &, Commitment

  18. Leadership

  19. Reflection or Table Talk • How is the building leadership team currently supporting your school’s implementation of the CCSS? • How is the district supporting building leaders to grow their understanding of the CCSS?

  20. Leadership Observes & provides feedback • Ongoing feedback through classroom observations • Walking the Talk:Providing powerful instructional leadership through effective school and classroom walk-through visits

  21. Why Do Walk-Throughs? • “The walk-through’s connected to the.....” walk-through instructional leadership teacher effectiveness student achievement

  22. Professional Development

  23. Professional Development

  24. What professional development initiatives do you already have in place? In alignment with CCSS Competes with CCSS

  25. Align Professional Development with the School Reading Plan

  26. Professional Development is differentiated according to position and need.

  27. Commitment Develop a CCSS Implementation Plan

  28. Phases of CCSS Professional Development Implementation

  29. Audit of PD for CCSS Efforts

  30. Thinking outside of the box Tiffany-Morales, J., Astudillo, S., Black, A., Comstock, M., & McCaffrey, T. (2013). Preparing for the Common Core: Using performance assessment tasks for professional development (A report from the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning at WestEd). San Francisco, CA: WestEd.

  31. Discussion: PD CCSS Strengths • What are the current strengths of your PD system to support CCSS implementation within your school? • Within your district? Who is the target audience? What are the target content/learning objectives? When does the pd take place? Where does it take place? How often does it take place?

  32. Discussion: PD CCSS Gaps in Implementation • What are the current gaps of your PD system to support CCSS implementation within your school? • Within your district? Who are we missing in our current plan? What content have we not covered? When does the PD take place? Are we using our current meeting structures to support this work? Where does it take place? How often does it take place?

  33. Action Planning

  34. Action Planning

  35. School Reading Plan

  36. Commitment to Parents Commitment to the Community

  37. Online Resources for Educators http://oregonliteracypd.uoregon.edu/

  38. Thank you for your efforts and your commitment to improving educational outcomes for Oregon’s students! “All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy echaparr@uoregon.edu @EBISSErin 541-346-1103

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