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Storytelling as an Instructional Method. Generating and Assessing Stories in Support of Instruction. J. Michael Spector Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL USA mspector@lsi.fsu.edu Nov 7-8, 2006 Mesa, Arizona. Outline: Twice Told Tales – 2 Stories & 2 Ideas. Tell me a story Why
Storytelling as an Instructional Method Generating and Assessing Stories in Support of Instruction J. Michael Spector Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL USA mspector@lsi.fsu.edu Nov 7-8, 2006 Mesa, Arizona
Outline:Twice Told Tales – 2 Stories & 2 Ideas • Tell me a story • Why • When • How • Generating stories automatically • Assessing learning with stories
A Tale of Two Stories • A Game of India – H. A. Nielsen (Michigan Quarterly Review, 1978) • Experience first … then understanding • Humility … we know less than we are inclined to believe • A Confession – Lev Tolstoy, 1884 • Learning as disturbance • Quine & Ullian’s Web of Belief • The interconnectedness of experience
Why • Natural inclination • It is what people do • Memory • efficiency of episodic memory (Anderson, 1983; Schacter, 1996) • efficient encoding, decoding and recall • Complexity • Confronting complexity indirectly – tacit knowledge
When • With younger learners – widespread acceptance • With millennials … growing expectations • With what types of instructional goals and tasks? • With non-recurrent, ill-structured, complex, dynamic problem solving tasks!
How • Personal delivery … pacing, intonation, … • Computer-based delivery • Provide an overview – scenarios • Generate interest • Motivate inquiry • Reflective exercises • Computers generating stories
Automatic Generation of Stories People tell stories. They tell stories to fit a situation or need. The use of stories in that sense is dynamic. Can an instructional computing system tell a story based on an underlying mathematical model and problem scenario or need? This possibility exists – an important research agenda worth pursuing.
Generating a Problem • Create and validate a system dynamics simulation model for a complex, dynamic system – a non-trivial task but many such simulation models already exist • Ensure that each variable, stock and constant are well documented • Given the current state of the simulation model and the learner’s experience, generate a problem situation from the model itself
This depicts a system dynamics model – the highlighted flow rate is opened. There is a documentation tab in PowerSim that allows each component to be described. This can be used to generate a task for someone interacting with the simulation model.
Assessing Learning with Stories How well do stories support learning in and about complex, ill-structured domains? How to determine? - standard problems with standard solutions are not available A developmental pathway - inexperienced problem solving and decision making towards expert-like problem solving and decision making
DEEP – An Assessment Toolhttp://deep.lsi.fsu.edu/DMVS/jsp/index.htm • Problem – determine progress of learning in complex domains • Approach – identify and annotate key influence factors • Strategy – compare responses to those of known experts and track development • Tactic – minimize extraneous cognitive load on respondents
Capturing Problem Conceptualizations Present a problem situation or scenario, ask respondents to: • indicate factors (name and briefly describe) they believe critical to resolving the situation • indicate how these factors are interrelated (draw links and describe relations) • identify the assumptions involved thus far • describe additional information that would be required to resolve the situation or solve the problem
Medical Summary Data 5 Experts 14 Novices Scenario 1 5 Experts 14 Novices Scenario 2
Comparing Experts & Novices Biology Experts – Scenario 2 (N = 5; Links = 128) Biology Novices – Scenario 2 (N = 16; Links = 147)
Additional Issues & Measures • Separating structural and semantic analysis • Structural analysis • Central nodes • Terminal nodes (all links in same direction) • Feedback and systemic measures • Similarity metrics • Graph theory – diameter, density, path analysis • Tversky similarity metric
First Pass at a Systemic Metric • Hypothesis: experts will tend to think more systemically than non-experts • Indicators of systemic thinking: • Internal feedback (links back to other parts of the system; two-way links) • One possible measure – ratio of unreachable pairs to all possible ordered pairs of nodes in the problem conceptualization
7 nodes – possible ordered pairs = 2,520 lots of internal feedback depicted no unreachable pairs No terminal nodes
7 nodes – possible pairs much internal feedback 6 unreachable pairs 1 terminal node
7 nodes little internal feedback 6 terminal nodes 38 unreachable pairs
An Ending “What we cannot speak about, we must pass over in silence” (Wittgenstein, #7, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus) “The Moral to this story, the moral to this song, is simply that one should never be where one does not belong “ (Bob Dylan, The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest) May the Force be with you …
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