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HISTORIC TIMELINE. By Amanda Marcilla Talens Aitana Mayor Baeza Adriana Garrigues Onrubia. PREHISTORIC IRON AGE. Prehistory can refer to the period of human existence before the availabality of those written records. Iron age 700 BC- AD43 Bronze age 2400-700BC Neolithic 4000BC.

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  1. HISTORIC TIMELINE By Amanda Marcilla Talens Aitana Mayor Baeza Adriana GarriguesOnrubia

  2. PREHISTORIC IRON AGE • Prehistory can refertotheperiod of human existencebeforetheavailabality of thosewritten records. • Ironage 700 BC- AD43 • Bronzeage2400-700BC • Neolithic4000BC

  3. roman • TheromanEmpire (LatinImperiumRomanum ) wasthe post . Republican period of theancientRomancivilitzation • AD43-410

  4. Saxon y viking • The Anglo - Saxonwerethepopulation in Britanparty descended fromtheGermanictribes. • 410- 1066

  5. MEDIEVAL • TheMiddleAges , or Medieval period, lastedfromthe 5 thto the 15 thcentury . Itbeganwitchthecollaps of theWestemRomanEmpire and mergedintotheRenassaissece 1066-1485

  6. Centuries • Thetudoperiodistheperiodbtween 1485 an 1603 in England and Wales. It coincides withthe rule of theTudodynasty in England • 16 th y 17 thcenturies • Todors 1485 – 1603

  7. Victorians • TheVictorianarelofBritshhistorywastheperiod of QueenVictoriansreignfrom 20 june 1837 , unteelherdeatson 22 Taundry 1901

  8. Modern Modern history , alsoreferredto as themoderperiodorthemodern era isisthehistorytoriograhicalapptoachtothetimeflameafterthepost – classic era

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