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HISTORIC TIMELINE . By Erika PascualTortosa and Brenda Vidal P lá . PREHISTORIC . Iron Age 700BC-AD43 . Bronze Age 2400 – 700BC . Neolithic 400BC . Preistory can refer to the period of human existence before the aucilability of those writen records. . Roman.
HISTORIC TIMELINE By Erika PascualTortosaand Brenda Vidal Plá.
PREHISTORIC IronAge 700BC-AD43 . BronzeAge 2400 – 700BC . Neolithic 400BC . Preistory can refertotheperiod of humanexistencebeforetheaucilability of thosewriten records.
Roman AD43 -410 . TheromanEmpireWasthe post – republicanperiod Of theancientromancivilization .
Saxon & viking The anglo – saxonswerethepopulation in Britainpartlydecended.
Medival 1066 - 1485 ThemiddleAges are so called as themiddleperiodbetweenthe decline of theromanempire and therenaissance.
16th & 17th centuriesTudors 1485 - 1603 Thetudosperiodbeuerer 1485 and 1603 in engler and WalesIt ion cides withthe of the tudor dynasty .
18th 19th centuriesVictories 1837-1901 TheVictorian era of British historywastheperiod of QueenVictorianisrigimfrom 20 june 1.837 untildeath am 22 Januars y 1.901.
Modern 1901 - . Moder n historialsorefedto as themoders era isthehistoryograpdialappraacestotheteimeframaftiesterepostecearsical era.