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How to cope when your Ex is getting Married

Feeling sadness for a longer period of time can cause various metal health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression. Counselling for depression after break-up can help you overcome the pain and feel stronger in a situation when your ex is getting married.

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How to cope when your Ex is getting Married

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  1. BetterLYF.com HowtoCope whenyourExis gettingMarried?

  2. Abreak-upmakesusfeelvariousemotionslikeguilt, denial, confusion, shock, grief, anger, andmanymore thatattimeswetrytoresistandattimesgetdrowned inthem. Butwhatifsomethingmorehurtfulcomesnext? Situationcanbeworsewhenyourexisgettingmarried. Knowherethewaystocopewhenyourexisgetting married.

  3. Tofeelthehurtandpainisokay. Haveasupportsystemaroundyoulike familyandfriends. Trynottocontactyourex. Donotcompareyourrelationshipsto theirs. Knowthatyoustillhaveafuture. Focusonthereasonswhyyoubroke-up

  4. Seeingyourexgettingmarried, canincresethepaintoanotherlevel whichyouwereexperiencingafterthebreak-up, butthebestwayto copewiththesituationistofeel, recognizethatyouarefeelingthepain andthenletgoofthosefeelingsforthebetter. Attheendoftheday, askyourself, Isthistheendoranewbeginning?

  5. Ifneeded, seekhelpofaprofessionalTherapist. Feelingsadnessfora longerperiodoftimecancausevariousmetalhealthissuessuchas strees, anxietyanddepression. Counsellingfordepressionafterbreak-up canhelpyouovercomethepainandfeelstrongerthanbefore. Reachout www.betterlyf.com OnlineCounseling (Audio, Video, chat)

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