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Bible Basics / MISINGI YA BIBLIA SOMO LA 8: Asili ya Yesu / The Nature Of Jesus

Bible Basics / MISINGI YA BIBLIA SOMO LA 8: Asili ya Yesu / The Nature Of Jesus. www.biblebasicsonline.com www.carelinks.net Email: info@carelinks.net. 8.1 Introduction / Dibaji. 1 Tim. 2:5: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”.

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Bible Basics / MISINGI YA BIBLIA SOMO LA 8: Asili ya Yesu / The Nature Of Jesus

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  1. Bible Basics / MISINGI YA BIBLIASOMO LA 8: AsiliyaYesu / The Nature Of Jesus

  2. www.biblebasicsonline.comwww.carelinks.netEmail: info@carelinks.net

  3. 8.1 Introduction / Dibaji • 1 Tim. 2:5: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”. • Mungunimmojana mpatanishikatiyaMungu na wanadamunimmoja, mwanadamu, KristoYesu

  4. LakinikwetusisiMungunimmojatu, aliye Baba’(1Kor 8:6) ‘Mungu Baba’ kwasabauhiiniMungupekee. BasihaiwezekanikwambakunawezakuwapoMungualiyejitengaaitwae ‘Mungumwana’ kamamafundishopotufuyautatuyasemavyo. VivyohivyoAgano la kale linatoamaelezoyakumhusu YAHU, Mungummojaakiwani Baba (mfanoIsaya 63:16; 63:8)

  5. 8.2 Differences Between God And Jesus • TofautizilizopokatiyaMungu na Yesu

  6. TofautizilizopokatiyaMungu na Yesu • MUNGU • “Munguhawezikujaribiwa (Yakobo 1:13) • WatuhawawezikumwonaMungu 1 Tim 6:16 Kut. 33:23) • Munguhawezikufa - Hapatikani na mauti (Zab 90:2; 1 Tim 6:16) • YESU • Kristo"alijaribiwasawasawa na sisikaika mambo yote (Ebr 4:15) • WatuwalimwonaYesu na walimpapasa(1 Yohana1:1 huunimkazo) • Kristoalikufakwasikutatu (Math 12:40; 16:21).

  7. 8.3 The Nature Of Jesus • Asili Ya Yesu

  8. Tempted Like Us / Kama vile sisitujaribiwavyo • “We have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like us” (Heb. 4:15). • KwakuwahatunaKuhaniMkuuanawezakuchukuliana na sisikatikaudhaifuwetu, kwaniYeyemwenyewealijaribiwakwakilanamna, kama vile sisitujaribiwavyo, lakiniYeyehakutendadhambi.

  9. The desires which are the basis of our temptations come from within us (Mk. 7:15-23), from within our human nature (James 1:13-15). It was necessary, therefore, that Christ should be of human nature so that he could experience and overcome these temptations • Mawazomabayaambayonimsingiwamajaribioyetuyanakujatokandaniyamioyoyetu (Marko 7:15-23) tokandaniyamiiliyetuwanadamu (Yakobo 1:13-15). Basi,ilikuwanilazima, kwambaKristo awe na mwiliwabinadanuilikwambaawezekuonja na kuyashindahayamajaribu.

  10. Waebrania 2:14-18 yamewekwayotehayakwamanenomengi • “Basi, kwakuwawatoto (sisi) wameshirikidamu na mwili (mwiliwakibinadamu) nayevivyohivyoalishirikiyayohayo (yaanihaliyatabiaileile) ilikwanjiayamautiamharibu….. ibilisi……. Maananihakika, hatwaiasiliyaMalaikabalianatwaaasili (haliyatabia) yamzaowaIbrahimu. Hivyoilimpasakufananishwa na nduguzakekatika mambo yote, apatekuwakuhanimkuumwenyerehema,….iliafanyesuluhu(upatanisho) kwadhambizawatu wake. Na kwakuwamwenyewealiteswaalipojaribiwa, awezakuwasaidiawaowanaojaribiwa”.

  11. “Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is, God” • Yesualipokuwaanaondoka, mtummojaakamkimbilia, akapigamagotimbeleYake, akamwuliza, “Mwalimumwema, nifanyeniniiliniurithiuzimawamilele?’’ Yesuakamwambia, “Mbonaunaniitamwema? HakunaaliyemwemaisipokuwaMungupekeYake.(Marko 10:17,18).

  12. Jesus “Knew all, and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man” (Yohanna. 2:23-25) • 23Ikawa YesualipokuwaYerusalemukwenyeSikukuuyaPasaka, watuwengiwalionaishara na miujizaalizokuwaakifanya, wakamwamini. 24Lakini Yesuhakujiaminishakwaokwasababualiwajuawanadamuwote. 25Hakuhitaji ushuhudawamtu ye yotekuhusumtukwakuwaalijuayoteyaliyokuwamoyonimwamtu.

  13. 8.4 The Humanity Of Jesus / UbinadamuWaYesu

  14. Jesus was weary, and had to sit down to drink from a well (Jn 4:6) Habariimetolewayakwambaalichokaakaketivivihivyikisimani (Yn4:6). • “Jesus wept” at the death of Lazarus (Jn. 11:35) "Yesualilia”, Lazaroalipokufa (Yn 11:35).

  15. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt. 27:46). • Yesuakapazasautiakalia, “Eloi, Eloi lama sabakthani?’’ Maanayake, “Munguwangu, Munguwangu, mbonaumeniacha?’’

  16. He “prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup (of suffering and death) pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as you will” (Mt. 26:39). This indicates that at times Christ’s fleshly desires were different from those of God. “ • Aliombaakisema, Baba yanguikiwezekanakikombehikikiniepuke (cha mateso na mauti); walakinisikamanitakavyomimi, balikamautakavyowewe"(Math 26:39). MstarihuuunaonyeshakwambakwanamnanyingineniayaKristo, au matakwa, yalikuwatofauti na niayaMungu.

  17. “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature (i.e. spiritual maturity, cp. Eph. 4:13), and in favour with God and man” (Lk. 2:52). Tanguutoto,"Yesuakazidikuendeleakatikahekima na kimo (yaani, kukuakirohomfanoEfe 4:13), alimpendezaMungu na wanadamu (Lk 2:52). • “The child grew, and became strong in spirit” (Lk. 2:40). )."Yule mtoto, akakuaakaongezekanguvu (akakua) katikaroho”(Luka 2:40).

  18. “Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience (i.e. obedience to God) by the things which he suffered; and being made perfect (i.e. spiritually mature), he became the author of eternal salvation” as a result of his completed and total spiritual growth (Heb. 5:8,9). • "Kwamatokeoyakekamiliyakukuakiroho” (Ebr 5:8,9)

  19. Jesus “offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto him (God) that was able to save him from death, and was heard for his piety” (Heb. 5:7). The fact that Christ had to plead with God to save him from death rules out any possibility of him being God in person. • 7Katika sikuzamaishayaYesuhapaduniani, alimtoleamaombi na duapamoja na kuliasana na machozi, Yeyeawezayekumwokoa na mauti, nayeMunguakamsikiakwasababuyakutiiKwakekwaunyenyekevu.

  20. “God...raised up Jesus...Him has God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour” (Acts / MatendoyaMitume5:30,31).Nyoshamkono Wako ilikuponyawagonjwa na kutendaishara na miujizakwaJina la MwanaoMtakatifuYesu.’’ Walipokwishakuomba, mahali pale walipokuwawamekutanikapakatikiswa, naowotewakajazwa na RohoMtakatifu, wakanenaneno la Mungukwaujasiri. • “God...has glorified his Son Jesus...whom God has raised from the dead” (Acts / MatendoyaMitume3:13,15). MunguwababazetuamemtukuzaMwanaweYesuambayeninyimlimtoaahukumiwe…. Hivyomkamwuaaliyechanzo cha uzima, lakiniMunguakamfufuakutokakwawafu. Sisitumashahidiwa mambo haya.

  21. 8.5 UhusianoWaMungu Na Yesu / The Relationship Of God With Jesus

  22. “The head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God” (1 Cor. 11:3). "kichwa cha kilamwanaumeniKristo;nakichwa cha mwanamkenimwanamume; na kichwa cha KristoniMungu"(1Kor 11:3). • Thus “Christ is God’s” (1 Cor. 3:23). Hivyo"KristoniwaMungu"(1Kor 3:23), kamamkeanavyomhusumwanamume

  23. “The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:3; Eph. 1:17) even after Christ’s ascension to heaven. UhakikawakwambaMunguamesemwakuwani"Munguni Baba wa bwana wetuYesuKristo”(1Petro 1:3; Efe 1:17) hatabaadayaKristokupaakwendambinguni, kunaonyeshayakuwahuusasaniuhusianowao, kamaulivyokuwapowakatiwamaishayamwilihapaduniani.

  24. “The temple of my God...the name of my God...the city of my God” (Rev. 3:12). Analitaja"hekalu la Munguwangu…. Jina la Munguwangu…… mjiwaMunguwangu"(Uf 3:12). This proves that Jesus even now thinks of the Father as his God. He spoke of ascending “unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God” (Jn. 20:17). Alisemanapaakwendakwa "Baba yangu na Baba yenu; na kwaMunguwangu na Munguwenu"(Yohana 20:17).

  25. www.biblebasicsonline.comwww.carelinks.netEmail: info@carelinks.net

  26. Somo La 8 : Maswali • Je! BibliainafundishakwambaMunguniutatupamoja? • 2. OrodheshatofautitatukatiyaMungu na Yesu. • 3. Ni kwanjiazipizifuatazoYesualikuwatofautinasi? • a)Kamwehakutendadhambi • b)AlikuwanimwanapekeewaMungu • c)Hakuwezakamwekutendadhambi • d)Alilazimishwa na Mungukuwamwenyehaki • 4 Ni kwanjizipizifuatazoYesualikuwapamoja na Mungu • a)Alikuwa na asiliyaMunguwakatiwamaishayakeduniani • b)Alikuwa na tabiatimilifukamayaMungu • c)AlijuasanakamaMungu • d) Alikuwamojakwamojasawa na Mungu • 5. Ni kwanjiazipizifuatazoYesualikuwakamasisi? • a)Alikuwa na majaribuyetuyote na yapatikanayo na wanadamu • b)Alitendadhambiwakatiakiwakijana • c)Alihitajiwokovu. • d)Alikuwa na asiliyamwanadamu. • 6. Ni taarifazipizifuatazonizakweli? • a)Yesualikuwamwilimkamilifu na tabiakamilifu • b)Yesualikuwa na mwiliwadhambilakinitabiakamilifu. • c)PandembiliYesualikuwaMungukabisa na Mwanadamukabisa • d)Yesualikuwa na asiliyaAdamukablayakutendadhambi • 7. Je; Yesualikuwa na uwezekanowakutendadhambi?

  27. STUDY 8: Questions • 1.  Does the Bible teach that God is a trinity? • 2.  List three differences between God and Jesus. • 3.  Jesus was different from us because: • He never sinned • He was God’s own begotten son • He could never have sinned • He was automatically made righteous by God • 4.  In which of the following ways was Jesus similar to God? • He had God’s nature in his life on earth • He had a perfect character like God • He knew as much as God • He was directly equal to God • 5.  In which of the following ways was Jesus like us? • He had all of our temptations and human experiences • He sinned while a young child • He needed salvation • He had human nature • 6.  Which of the following statements are true? • Jesus was of a perfect nature and perfect character • Jesus was of sinful nature but perfect character • Jesus was both very God and very man • Jesus had the nature of Adam before he sinned • 7.  Was it possible for Jesus to sin?

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