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Explore the significant events, figures, and empires from the beginning of time with Creation to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire in Biblical history. Discover key moments such as the Exodus, the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon, and the life of Christ. Witness the spread of Christianity in the early church and the writings of the Apostles.
Bible History A Chronological Timeline…
1875 B.C. Gen. 12 (Promises) Creation (4000 B.C.??) Isaac Abraham Jacob Joseph in Egypt (11 brothers) Exodus Gen. 3:15 1445 B.C. Egyptian Bondage 430 Yrs. Gal. 3:17 Genesis Exodus Joshua
Deborah Gideon Abimelech Samson Samuel United Monarchy “Golden Age” 1405 B.C. Conquest 931 1050 1010 970 Period of Judges Saul David Solomon Exodus 2 Sam. 7 Promises to David Wilderness Wandering (40 Yrs.) Covenant Made (Ex. 24) 10 Commandments (Ex. 20) Jos. Judges 1 & 2 Samuel 1 & 2 Kings
North Israel Jeroboam I Elijah/Elisha Omri/Ahab Amos Jeroboam II 722 Fall of Samaria Israel taken captive Jehu Hoshea Zimri (7 days) Jehoahaz (10 chariots) 931 701 Invasion of Sennacherib (Judah) 745 Tiglath-Pileser World Empires Assyrian Judah South Rehoboam Jehoshaphat Ahaz/Hezekiah Isaiah 1 & 2 Kings
722 Fall of Samaria Israel taken captive 612 Battle of Nineveh 609 Battle of Haran 605 Battle of Carchemish 539 Nebuchadnezzar Cyrus Assyrian Babylonian Persian 536 1st Group returns 520-516 Temple rebuilt 458 2nd Group returns 444 Walls of Jer. Rebuilt by Nehemiah 605 1st Group (Daniel) 597 2nd Group (Ezekiel) 586 3rd Group; Fall of Jer., Temple destroyed Babylonian Captivity 70 Yrs. Ahaz/Hezekiah Isaiah Josiah Amon Manasseh Promise of New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34) 1 & 2 Kings Ezra/Nehemiah
Persian Grecian Roman Life of Christ 400 Years of silence between close of O.T. and beginning of N.T. Ezra/Nehemiah
World Empire: Roman (63. B.C.-A.D. 476) Life of Christ Ascension of Christ Beginning of Personal Ministry of Christ A.D. 26-27 John’s Ministry A.D. 26 Birth of Christ 4-7 B.C. Res. 3 days 40 days Crucifixion of Christ A.D. 30 1st Covenant nailed to the cross Matthew, Mark, Luke, John (time of writing later) 12 Apostles Peter Andrew James John Philip Bartholomew Thomas Matthew James Simon Thaddeus Judas
World Empire: Roman (63. B.C.-A.D. 476) History of the Church Ascension of Christ Caesarean Imprisonment A.D. 58-60 Paul’s Second Journey A.D. 50-53 Paul’s Third Journey A.D. 54-57 Saul Converted A.D. 34-35 Paul’s First Journey A.D. 34-35 Descent of H.S. Pentecost Church Est. 2nd Covenant Preached Conversion of Cornelius A.D. 40 Acts (covers the period of A.D. 30-61) 1 Thess. 1 Cor. 2 Thess. 2 Cor. Gal. Rom. 27 N.T. Books 22 N.T. letters (Rom.-Rev.)
World Empire: Roman (63. B.C.-A.D. 476) History of the Church Second Imprisonment/Death A.D. 66 First Roman Imprisonment A.D. 61-63 Caesarean Imprisonment A.D. 58-60 Release/Final Travels A.D. 63-65 John on Patmos A.D. 94-96 Jerusalem Destroyed By Romans A.D. 70End of Jewish Nations Col. 1 Tim. Eph. Tit. Phile. Heb. Phil. 2 Tim. Rev. Other Books: James (40s or 50s); 1 Pet. (63); 2 Pet. (63-64); Jude (60s or 70s); 1, 2, 3 John (80s or early 90s)