1. Culture and Emotions Class 3
3. Emotions and Action Patterns
4. Emotions and Problem Solving
5. Universality of Emotions
6. Researching Culture and Emotion
7. Emotional Differences Between Cultures Represent Adaptations
8. Emotions During the Enlightenment
9. Romanticism and Emotions
10. Emotion vs. Reason in American Identity
11. American Ambivalence Towards Emotions
12. Different Constraints Within a Culture
13. Cultural Differences: North vs. South
14. Differences in Violence, North vs. South
18. Cohen and Nisbett Motorcycle Shop Study
19. Offer Job to Convict, Convicted of Stealing or Honor-Motivated Manslaughter, North Vs. South
20. Sequence in Cohen and Nisbett Insult Studies
21. Results of Insult Experiments
23. Conclusions from Culture of Honor Studies
24. Cross-Cultural Analysis of Emotion
25. Cultures Factors US vs. Japan
26. Emotions, US vs. Japan
27. Saying “No” in US and Japan
31. Circumstances of US and Ifaluk
32. Emotions of the Ifaluk