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Emotions and Development: Understanding Human Connections and Self-Identity

Explore existential questions of human connection and self-awareness. Discover emotional development through attunement and socialization studies. Learn how emotions shape relationships and identity.

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Emotions and Development: Understanding Human Connections and Self-Identity

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  2. The Existentialists' Greeting Card Are humans basically alone?   Are we ever able to understand another person?   Are others able to understand us?   Can we ever know ourselves? 

  3. What Emotion Is Best Described By the Following Qualities? 1. Person totally understands how you feel in a wide variety of situations. 2. Person knows what to say and how to act when you're sad, angry, happy. 3. The person knows who you are, deep down. 4. The person knows how to be with you, without saying much. 5. You can count on the person to be these ways, day in/day out. Emotion? Love

  4. What Social Psych Phenomena is Implicated by These Actions? 1. Person totally understands how youfeel in a wide variety of situations. 2. Person knows what to say and how toact when you're sad, angry, happy, etc. 3. The person knows who you are, deep down. 4. The person knows how to be with you, without saying much. 5. You can count on the person to be these ways to you, day in/day out. Phenomena? The Self

  5. Emotional Development Video Spitz foundling home study Emotional dance between mom’s and babies "Non-responsive” mom drama a. What happens in this sequence? b. How does it feel to watch it? Temperament and mom/child interaction Early empathy and socialization Self-contingent emotions: Embarrassment Emotional signaling: Visual cliff and parental cues

  6. Affect Attunement  Process that occurs between parent and infant which allows an infant to perceive how it is perceived. 1. Requires that parent is able to read the infant’s emotional state / inner experience from over behavior. 2. Infant must be able to interpret parents’ response to him/her as deriving from his/her own behavior. 

  7. Examples of Attunement • Baby excited by toy, grabs it, lets out an “aaaahhh!!!” • Mom does intense go-go dancer shimmy, lasts as long as baby’s “aaaahhh”. • Baby boy hits things with plastic hammer, in steady rhythm. At each stroke, mom goes “kaaa-boom! kaaa-boom! Kaaa-boom!” in cadence with hammer strikes. • Baby reaches for toy just beyond reach. As it pushes towards toy, mom goes “uuh, ….uuuuh!, ---uuuuhhh!!!” with his efforts.

  8. What Are Attunements? Attunement is not simply imitation. Not mirroring, not echoing.   Cross modal: channel used by mom different from that used by baby Reference for match is internal state, not simply external behavior. Nature of match is itself an expression of inner state that corresponds to inner state expressed by baby  Process is rapid and largely unconscious

  9. Attunement Study Design * 10 moms, 5 w’ baby girls, 5 w’ baby boys * Moms told to bring baby and two of baby’s favorite toys * Moms told to play with baby as normally do * Interactions videotaped, moms help score “events” * Event is: 1. Any time baby showed marked change in emotion 2. Mom behaved in way that looked like mirroring, matching, attuning to baby behavior 3. Baby could either see or hear behavior.

  10. What Got Scored in Attunement Study Modality Match: voice, face, etc. Dimensions of Match: Intensity: Absolute level, directional shift Timing Matches: Beat, rhythm, duration Shape Matches: Contour (rise, fall, rise of voice, e.g.)  Mom’s awareness of her own behavior  Type of Attunement: Overmatch, equal match, undermatch

  11. Functions of Attunement 1. To be with (positive) 2. To be with (negative) FHV: Mom laughs at child's fear of own shadow 3. Responses: pos or neg reinforcement 4. Tuning: increase or decrease arousal level 5. Restructure interaction: change course of behavior 6. Play routine: Match part of an established play routine

  12. Results of Attunement Study • Frequency of attune: • Mode of attunements: • c. Types of attunements • d. Mom’s awareness 1 every 65 seconds. Vocalizations Gestures Facial displays Mixed mode: Cross mode: Same mode: 48% 39% 13% Unaware: Partly aware: Fully aware: 38% 30% 31%

  13. Functions of Attunements 1. Commune (be with) = 45% 2. Respond = 33%   3. Tune = 19%   4. Restructure = 02%   5. Play routine = 01%

  14. Babies' Responses to Attunements Most common response from baby is: ___ smiling ___ cooing ___ playing more ___ no response X Mom's told to "mis-attune" to baby. Baby looks at mom as if saying "What gives?" Indicates baby feels like mom/baby are a single unit, needs to respond only if the "unit" fails. What does this say about how emotions arise?

  15. Attunements and Mis-Attunements

  16. Adult “Intersubjectivity” • Playing, flirting, connecting • Guy to Guy vs. Girl to Girl • a. Guys?: • b. Girls?: Hanging out together • Emotional support, understanding • John Cassevettes, Gena Rolands: A Woman Under the Influence (1974) • Rolands: Dad, aren’t you going to stand up for me? • Dad: Stands up.

  17. Main Take-Home Points of Attunement Study a. Importance of cross-modality of attunements b. Attunement is relatively automatic c. Attunement is very constant, almost continual d. Communing is #1 function

  18. The Sense of a Core Self in Infancy Daniel Stern, The Interpersonal World of the Infant, 1985 Infant's first job is to form sense of core self and core others. When does self begin to emerge? 2-3 mos, says Stern, 1 yr., others What are 4 critical elements of having a self, being a self? SENSE OF 1. Agency: Author of own actions 2. Coherence: Not fragmented, whole 3. Affectivity: Feelings that belong to own experiences 4. Personal history: Enduring continuity

  19. Early Parent/Child Interactions, and the Discovery of Invariants Motive to order one's universe (i.e. make meaning) is an imperative of mental life. Identifying "invariants", constants across situations, is critical to achieving this ordering. Parent/child play provides lessons in invariants a. Walking fingers game b. Mom leaning in to/pulling back from baby (in video, e.g.) These games involve both repetition but also variation around theme. a. Strict repetition too boring, b. Constant variation too weird

  20. Lessons in Parent/Baby Games What does baby learn in these games? 1. Central theme imbedded in variations gives sense of invariant; higher-order abstraction is constant, even if variations differ. Hey, honey...Yeah, honey...Hi, honey...Whatcha doing, honey?...Yeah, whatcha doing?....What are ya doing?...what are ya doing there?...ya doing nothing? Exquisite repetition and variation: Bach: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv94m_S3QDo Ella: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX-KDnKcCxk&feature=related 2. Self Regulation: Baby can pull back, reset. Capacity to use own intention to change inner state. 3. Agency: motor plans develop a. handwriting demo b. Siamese twins study

  21. Self Coherence What are the invariants (i.e., the clues, properties) that signal that one is a separate, coherent, whole. That the same is true of others? Unity of locus: The self is in only one place at any one time Coherence of motion: Things that move coherently in time belong together. (Give me a "G", give me a "E", give me a "S", give me a "T-A-L-T". Whaddaya got? GESTALT!!!) Coherence of time: Self-synchrony. Different parts of body move together. (Give me a "G" ...) Coherence of form: Baby recognizes mom's face, even when mom is exhibiting different expressions. At 2-3 mos, recognizes mom in partial photo. All suggest an invariant representation of mom.

  22. Self Affectivity Emotions are excellent higher-order self-invariants. Why? 1. Emotions are fixed by design, and remain constant throughout life. Sadness at 6 mos is much the same as sadness at 60 yrs. Recall faces of Spitz's foundling home infants. 2. Emotions provide three source of invariant info: a. Proprioceptive feedback b. Sensations of arousal and activation c. Qualities of feeling 3. How emotion provides invariant. What does baby feel when: Dad tosses in air, mom does tickle game, grandma makes funny faces? Are these same events? No. Is emotion same? Yes. What does this tell baby? That underlying event (play) presented in diff. ways, leads to same emotion.

  23. Self History Core self would not develop without memory of own experience. Do infants have enough memory for invariants to occur, and to be integrated? 1. Leg movements and mobile 2. Novel photos, time 1 and time 2 3. Music heard in womb: Granier-Deferre C, et al., (2011) A Melodic Contour Repeatedly Experienced by Human Near-Term Fetuses Elicits a Profound Cardiac Reaction One Month after Birth. PLoS ONE 6(2): e17304. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017304

  24. Expectancies, Schemas and the Emergent Self Infants, like all humans, depend on episodic memory. Episodic memory is like movie clip; discrete beginning, middle, end. Meaningful chunks of experience. Infants extract invariants from episodes. They form schemas. Strauss (1979) show babies set of faces that all vary in terms of size, place of features. But these are variations of underlying "central face". When later given oppty to "select" best picture of face, they pick entirely novel photo that captures "average face".

  25. Expectancies, Schemas and the Emergent Self Stern: Infants' ability to develop schemas applies to their own self. What is the common link, asks baby to him/herself, between: sense of agency; sense of coherence; sense of affect? Common link is sense of self. This sense of self is emergent property Occurs between 2-7 mos. =

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