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National Runway Incursion Cumulative Comparison (All Categories) FY 2009
2. National Runway Incursion Cumulative Comparison (All Categories) FY 2009 FY 2010Rate per 1,000,000 operations
3. AGL Runway Incursion Cumulative Comparison (All Categories) FY 2009 FY 2010Rate per 1,000,000 operations
4. National Runway Incursion Cumulative Comparison (Category A&B) FY 2009 FY 2010 Rate per 1,000,000 operations
5. AGL Runway Incursion Cumulative Comparison (Category A&B) FY 2009 FY 2010 Rate per 1,000,000 operations
6. Distribution by Type of Runway Incursions
7. Severity Distribution of Runway Incursions
12. FY10 RSATs A Risk Based Approach Type and level of activity (emphasis on air carrier).
Number of runway incursion events and number of events by severity.
The number of events in relation to the level of activity.
Airport complexity (including intersecting runways and parallel runways).
Wrong runway event risks (CAST report recommendations).
Certificated airports and locations with federal contract towers.
Local and Regional RSAT history.