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FEMININE ISSUES How to Achieve a Hormonally Balanced Body

FEMININE ISSUES How to Achieve a Hormonally Balanced Body. Thyroid & Adrenal Strength By Karen Balistreri Certified Aromacologist 1997 P.I.A. H-P-A performance Hypothalmus: thermostat Pituitary: relay switch Adrenal: furnace. H. Hypothalmus.

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FEMININE ISSUES How to Achieve a Hormonally Balanced Body

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  1. FEMININE ISSUESHow to Achieve a Hormonally Balanced Body Thyroid & Adrenal Strength By Karen Balistreri Certified Aromacologist 1997 P.I.A.


  3. Exhaustion - “where has my energy gone”? First, over exposure to cortisol and over-production of adrenalin, leave the adrenal glands exhausted and no longer able to support bodily functions. Second, the suppressed systems- digestive, immune, reproductive and growth hormones can’t perform properly and may result in stomach disorders, IBS, acid reflux, gas, indigestion, and frequent bouts with disease, infertility/lack of libido and poor muscle and organ health . Chronic stress is known to intensify inflammation levels and trigger high blood sugar, high blood pressure and worsen diabetes . This disruption of normal body functions creates serious risk for a variety of problems, including but not limited to - obesity, insomnia, digestive upset, heart disease, depression, cancer, memory loss and other physical dis-eases. Stress depletes the adrenal glands of nutrients (calcium, vitamins and essential fatty acids) that are needed for energy conversion. If you have no energy when you get off of work, or have insomnia, hot flashes, crave salty foods, and feel like your blood sugar is dropping, you should have a plan to nourish your adrenal glands and manage your stress.

  4. Thyroid Insufficiency • When the body is very stressed, the thyroid will try to compensate and become exhausted. By checking your temperature with a basal thermometer, you can determine if you need thyroid assistance. • If the temperature is below 97.6 consider taking Thyromin or kelp or other sea weed to the diet. • Do you suffer from cold hands and feet, thinning hair, fatigue, weight gain? If so your thyroid function may be below normal. Please read, “Iodine, Why You Need It and Why You Can’t Live Without It” After the thyroid glands are exhausted, the adrenal glands are the next to be affected.

  5. How Stress affects the adrenals • One part of the adrenal gland is the medulla and it produces stress hormones. Essential oils that have the ability to calm and relax the body like Lavender, Peace & Calming, Joy, Valor and many others will allow you to achieve the calm that is needed. When you inhale an oil, it goes directly to the pituitary (master) gland in your brain. ( 3 WiseMen oil blend) • The outer part of the adrenal gland is the cortex and it secretes critical hormones called glucocortoids and aldosterone and they directly affect blood pressure and mineral content and help regulate the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. • If adrenal insufficiency is accompanied by a lack of thyroid hormone, a condition known as Schmidt’s syndrome results.

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  7. How To Nourish The Adrenals • Endo Gize is specially formulated to support a healthy and balanced endocrine system in women. • L-arginine in EndoGize may need to be balanced with lysine if one is predisposed to cold sores. • 500 mg. of Pantothenic acid , (B5) 2 x’s a day • Endo flex oil to balance the endocrine system, place over the adrenal & throat area • Joy oil over the adrenal area of the back for upliftment. • Recipe: 3 drops each of nutmeg & clove plus 7 drops rosemary to ¼ teas. Massage oil , compress over the mid back. • Nutmeg tea can jump start the adrenals • Do what pleases you to reduce the STRESS in your life.

  8. Cortistop for women • L-a-lysophosphatidyl choline & L-a-phosphytidylcholine • Studies show these substances assist in blocking cortisol production • Pregnenolone – promotes longevity by bringing glandular balance • Lowers cortisol, improves memory, and reduces stress • Black cohosh offers estrogen-like functions which is helpful for hot flashes • Conyza Oil enhances mood and promotes Hgh • Clary Sage oil balances the female system • Peppermint oil enhances digestion and improves endurance • Did you know that just smelling Lavender helps to balance the sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system? • # 3275 -Cortistop for women

  9. So What Does DHEA and Pregnenolone Do in the Body Pregnenolone makes ALL of the following hormones: ESTROGEN: DYNAMITE PROGESTERONE:FUSE DHEA:MATCH This is all done in the adrenals

  10. Pregnenolone: a Radical New Appoach to Health, Longevity, and Emotional Health • Pregnenolone is made in the body from cholesterol and is the “mother” of all steroid hormones, such as progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, and aldosterone. • The research on pregnenolone dates back to the 1940s documenting how beneficial it can be. • Pregnenolone is for “memory enhancement”. In his book, “The Super Hormone Promise, by William Regelson, M.D. writes, “The improvement was especially profound after the subjects had been on pregnenolone for at least two weeks, suggesting that pregnenolone’s effect on mental function may be cumulative. • Dr. Norm Sheally, M.D. has said that we will have a rash of alzheimer patients because of the use of statin drugs. • Products with pregnenolone: Regenolone Moisturizing Cream, • NeuroGen Lotion, Prenolone Plus cream, w/ DHEA

  11. Balance blood sugar • NingXia Red has a low glycemic level • Thieves oil contains cinnamon known to be the best essential oil for blood sugar balancing • Balance Complete a super-food-daily energizer

  12. Urinary Infections & Cystitis • #3199 AlkaLime • K & B tincture in cranberry juice • Clara Derm spray • Melrose - internal use • Inner Defense caps • Juniper, Lemongrass or Lemon oil taken internally

  13. Kidney & Bladder dis-comfort • Kidney weakness is all too often overlooked, because some of the symptom indicators are not reflected in conventional diagnostics. Kidney weakness signs are high blood pressure, pain in joints, especially the knees. Most people think it is arthritis, but uric acid that stems from faulty kidneys stays in the body and deposits in the joints. Uric acid is extremely toxic and may show its face as gout. • If one has bags under the eyes this also may be a sign of kidney distress. My Mother had both bags under her eyes and high blood pressure and she had kidney dis-ease and took 3 different HBP meds to control her blood pressure. • Whenever I experience a lower back pain or cystitis, I take several droppers of K & B tincture in cranberry juice 2-3 times a day for relief. • With a recent bladder cystitis, I also added capsules filled with 5 drops each of lemongrass and juniper oils for support and this gave me instant relief.

  14. Breast Health • Green your environment • “Green This” by Deirdre Imus • Rid your use of plastics & by-products, “gender benders” & endocrine dis-ruptors • Drink citrus oils daily in water • Drain lymph from breasts, rotate arms 12 x’s front and backwards • Massage breasts with frankincense • Balance estrogen dominance with progesterone.

  15. Peri-Menopause & Menopause • Balance hot flashes with EndoGize • Femi Gen caps & Estro tincture • Corti- Stop caps. for women • EndoFlex, SclarEssence, Joy, Dragon Time, Mister for mood swings • Clary Sage or Dragon Time oil neat over sacrum and pubic area. • Peppermint in water to cool body. • Prenolone + cream • PD 80/20 capsules

  16. PMS • Femi Gen capsules- 3 months • Progessence cream, 10 days before period. • Dragon Time oil blend for cramps, rub over pubic area • Drink NingXia Red, helps balance hormones and relieves distress

  17. Ankle Release and Heel Work • Essential oils: Wintergreen, Release and Aroma Siez oil blend • Benefits: Lower back Hormonal Issues • Knee Hip Prostate Problems • Reproductive organs Endrometriosis • Any discomfort below the waist • Have person lay face down with leg positioned at a 90 degree angle, foot up • Apply 3-4 drops of wintergreen on the heel of the foot • Massage ankle and foot gently • If ankle feels stiff, apply 3-4 drops of the oil blend, Release and massage until ankle feels loose • Apply 4-5 drops of the oil blend, Aroma siez to the calf area. Gently massage oil into calf. Now apply Vita Flex up and down the calf, three times • Repeat to other leg.

  18. Oils to Help You Deal with Life • Valordrop on wrist, hold wrists together to balance body • Harmony one drop on solar plexus (above belly) • Joy one drop over heart • White one drop in hands, rub together, brush hair, face, • Angelica shoulders, chest and down legs & rub the aura around body Wear White Angelica as perfume for environmental protection

  19. Sexually Transmitted Disease • A daily shower wash of highly anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, non-irritating, non stinging essential oils like helichrysum, melissa, lavender, melaleuca alt., hyssop decumbens, geranium, and myrrh are possibilites to use. Use daily to reduce the viral load. When symptoms appear, use hourly for the first day. • Eucalyptus Radiata and Bergamot when combined are effective on herpes simplex or shingles. • Melissa and Hope oil blend.

  20. Karen Balistreri, member # 1273Certified Aromacologist & Herbalisthttp://karenbalistreri.younglivingworld.comkbalist@sbcglobal.net 262-236-0085 www.essentialscience.com 800-336-6308 for all educational materialsincluding “The Essential Desk Reference” $39.95 or bundle it with the pocket guide for $50.00“Pregnenolone: A Radical New Approach to Health, Longevity, and Emotional Well-being by D. Gary Young N.D.Essential Oils – Integrative Medical Guide , by D. Gary Young, ND www.quantumcampus.com/YLLibrary.html “Reference Guide for Essential Oils”by Connie and Alan Higleywww.abundanthealth 4u.com “Essential Oils Desk Reference” , “Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils”, byCarolyn L. Mein, DC

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