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Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction (GPCR). Status & POPs Application. Commercially operated in Australia more than 5 years, treating more than 2,500 t PCB’s, DDT and other POPs. In 1999 a full-scale test on HCB was conducted.
Status & POPs Application • Commercially operated in Australia more than 5 years, treating more than 2,500 t PCB’s, DDT and other POPs. In 1999 a full-scale test on HCB was conducted. • In Japan a semi-mobile GCPR plant for treatment of PCB wastes recently been operated • Participating in ACWA (Army Chemical Weapons Assessment) program for the destruction of chemical warfare agents. • POPs application: Pesticides such as DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin, HCB’s, PCB’s, dioxins and furans and other POPs
Technology description • Reduction of organic compounds by hydrogen and some steam (acts as heat transfer agent + other source of hydrogen) at temperatures of > 850°C. • Organic compounds reduced to methane, hydrogen chloride (if waste is chlorinated), and minor amounts benzene and ethylene. Hydrochloric acid is neutralized by addition of caustic soda during initial cooling of process gas, or can be taken off in acid form for reuse, if desired. Cooled, scrubbed gas from the reactor (“Product Gas”) is compressed and analyzed. Product gas can then be reused as a fuel for plant components, or consumed in a burner
PART I: Adaptation Technology – Country A. Performance: 1. Minimum pre-treatment: Requirement:gaseous form for reduction in GPCR reactor. liquid wastes preheated and injected directly into the reactor continuously solids must first be volatilized from the solid. Bulk solids and drummed chemicals placed in a TRBP, then heated to ca. 650°C in hydrogen-rich (oxygen deficient) atmosphere.
PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country A. Performance (cont’d): 2. Destruction Efficiency (DE): • PCBs, HCBs and DDT. Here efficiencies of at least 99.9999 % demonstrated • Generally DE’s of 99.999%
PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country A. Performance: 3. Toxic by-products: complete destruction 4. Uncontrolled releases:None. In an upset event, the system goes into recirculation mode and no untreated waste is released 5. Capacity to treat all POPs:yes 6. Throughput quantity [tons/day, l/day]: • Chlorinated Pesticides + PCB oil: = 840 t/y (semi mobile), 3360 t/y full scale) • PCB capacitors: Semi-Mobile 1400 t/y, Full Scale 5600 t/y
PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country A. Performance: • POPs throughput : [POPs waste/total waste in %]: • Commercial testing Australia: 30.3% DDT, 5.6% DDT, 96% PCBs (1995/1996) • Commercial testing General Motors: 50% PCBs and 30% chlorobenzenes (1996) • Commercial Australia: 84% hexachlorobenzene crystals (april 1999) • Demonstration portable plant Canada: 100% dichlorofluoromethane gas (2002) • Demonstration portable plant Canada: 100% lindane powder (2003)
PART I: Adaptation Technology - Country A. Performance: 7. Wastes/residuals: Secondary waste stream volumes: completely destroyed in the process Off gas treatment: Permitted to dispose of scrubber water in a variety of ways, including discharge to a local irrigation system, discharge to a surface water body, and discharge to a municipal sewer. Complete elimination: yes
PART II: Adaption Country – Technology A. Resource needs:basis 840/3360 t plant (per tonne waste treated) • Power requirement: (peak) demand: 1,000 kW/t, 2.5 Mwh/t • Water requirement: steam 1500 kg/t, water 500 m3/t • Fuel volumes: Nat gas 600Nm3/t • Reagents volumes:N2: 75 m3, Caustic: 1.4 t, H2: 1000 Nm3 • Weather tight buildings: Preferable • Hazardous waste personnel requirement: • Sampling requirements/facilities:Portable lab • Peer sampling: • Laboratory requirements: • Communication systems: Remote access possible
PART II: Adaption Country – Technology A. Resource needs: basis 840/3360 t/year plant (70 t/m/280 t/month) • Number of (un/skilled) personnel required:intensive
PART II: Adaption Country – Technology B: Costs for:Semi Mobile 70 t/m, FS: 280 t/m • Installation + commissioning: Semi Mobile: 5 Mio + Site preparation Full Scale: 10.5 mio • Energy & Telecom installation: • Compliance: • Reporting: • Run without waste: • Run with waste: • Decommissioning: estimate 750.000 • Landfilling: • Transport residues:
PART II: Adaption Country – Technology C. Impact & D. Risks • Discharges to air: 1.75/7 Mio m3/month 72 % N2, 16 % H2O, 8 % O2, 4 % CO2 • Discharges to water: 140 t/ 560 t/month • Discharges to land: very low • Risks reagents applied: Hydrogen intensive procedures • Risks of technology: • Operational risks:extensive process controls
PART II: Adaption Country Technology E. Constructability & F. Output • Ease of installation & construction of plant • Ease of shipping/transit:Full Scale: 8-10 trailers Semi mobile: 4 trailers • Ease of operation: • Ease of processing: • Generated waste (% of input waste): • Deposited waste at landfill (% of input waste):Waste quality properties (pH, TCLP)