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Health Risks of Tobacco. By Kaley Pollard. Nervous System.
Health Risks of Tobacco By Kaley Pollard
Nervous System When nicotine reaches a person's nervous system, it causes the nervous system to become more sensitive and stimulated. This leads to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, faster respiration and constriction of the arteries. These are all short-term effects of smoking, but they're the effects people notice most. However, the long-term effects of smoking on the nervous system are quite dangerous. The nervous system can be damaged by long-term exposure to nicotine, making a person more susceptible to conditions such as muscular sclerosis. If a person already has a nervous system disorder, smoking can aggravate that disease and possibly make it worse
Circulatory system Tobacco smoke gets into your lungs and can affect your circulatory system in a number of ways. It can raise both your blood pressure and your heart rate as well as tighten your blood vessels. The tightening or constricting of your blood vessels in particular can result in a loss of overall skin temperature. An important job of your circulatory system is to carry oxygen all over the body by your blood. Smoking can result in less oxygen getting into your blood which will ultimately result in less oxygen getting to important parts of your body.
Smoking can cause stomach ulcers due to the amount of bile movement when you breath in the smoke. It also decreases blood flow to the intestines and weakens as well.
The American Lung Association reports that smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer in the United States today. People who smoke are 10 times more likely to develop lung cancer than people who don't smoke. Quitting smoking significantly reduces the chance of lung cancer development, and 10 years after quitting the risk is reduced to between one-third and one-half the risk of a current smoker.
These are just some of the over 6,000 chemicals in cigarettes!!!!
Mental: People that smoke often have physiological problem and smoking can make that worse depending on the person. They also are more apt to get angry without reason. Physical: It can give you all kinds of health problems. Like cancer, ulcers. Social: you can be socially alienated, in other words people don’t really want to be around you. You also can have a very bad smell.
Activity time!!! Ok, start by doing 10 to 15 jumping jacks. Then get a coffee or cocktail straw, put that in your month, plug your nose, (DON’T CHEAT!!!) and do 10 to 15 one armed jumping jacks. Notice anything? It should have been much harder to breath. This is what it is like breathing as a smoker.