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Robert Ridley

Stewardship Empowerment Research on Neglected Priority Needs. Robert Ridley. Fourth External Review and JCB 29. TDR to change, evolve and grow. Need for new TDR vision/strategy triggered by critical trends in global research environment.

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Robert Ridley

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  1. Stewardship Empowerment Research on Neglected Priority Needs Robert Ridley

  2. Fourth External Review and JCB 29 TDR to change, evolve and grow

  3. Need for new TDR vision/strategy triggered by critical trends in global research environment Epidemiological Changes Infectious disease burden remains high Growing regional variation Enhanced research capabilities in DEC's Global research environment for tropical diseases Momentum through new players / initiatives Rise in pharmaceutical product development DEC's left behind in priority setting Complexity and fragmentation

  4. What is Needed? Extension of TDR Mandate to cover 'infectious diseases of needy populations' Greater social contextualisation of research (including gender issues) bringing closer to control needs An effective global research effort on infectious diseases of poverty in which disease endemic countries play a pivotal role

  5. Implications for TDR • To foster the vision • To focus activity where there is need and where TDR has a comparative advantage

  6. Modelling the system to address TDR's role New knowledge / discoveries New and improved tools New and improved interventions New and improved strategies

  7. EDCTP MMV GAELF Trachoma Microbicides RBM StopTB GATB Global Fund IAVI FIND APOC Responding to needs Empowerment, pivotal role … Grand Challenges New and improved tools New and improved tools New and improved tools New and improved interventions New and improved strategies DNDi New knowledge / discoveries NIH, Trust, Research councils, etc… Stewardship, effective global effort …

  8. Implications New and improved strategies New and improved interventions New knowledge / discoveries New and improved tools Foster innovation for products, emphasizing DEC engagement Foster research to develop and evaluate interventions in real-life settings Foster research for access to interventions

  9. What we want to achieve Innovation Interventions Access

  10. Stewardship

  11. Stewardship • Vision • To help focus global efforts on priority needs in infectious diseases research in disease endemic countries • Overall objective • To facilitate and foster knowledge management, needs assessment, priority setting and progress analysis for health research on infectious diseases of poverty, and to provide a neutral platform for stakeholders to discuss and harmonize their activities with disease endemic countries playing a pivotal role in the agenda setting.

  12. Empowerment • Research capacity • Research Utilisation

  13. National • Individual • Institution

  14. R&D RCS Mainstream Capacity Building R&D RCS/R&D Scientific capacity at country level RCS - + RCS

  15. Empowerment • Vision • DEC Leadership in health research, training and partnerships within sound scientific, ethical and quality frameworks • Overall objective • To develop excellence and leadership in health research and decision making so that high quality institutional and national systems can identify and manage research priorities.

  16. Research Business Lines and Gaps Empowerment Capacity, Empowerment, led by BL 4: Innovation for PD in DEC BL 11: Integrated delivery strategies BL 9: Malaria/fever treatment policy BL 8: Treatment for HIV/TB BL 3: Discovery BL 7: Drugs for helminths BL 6: Diagnostics BL 10: VL elimination BL 5: Innovative vector control Effective global effort, Stewardship… Stewardship

  17. Planned activities across research continuum

  18. Business Lines • Greater clarity of activity • Easier to justify funding • Easier to define interactions • External partners • Internal within WHO • Closer cooperation and easier collaboration with WHO control departments and regional offices • Form follows function leading to: • Transparency of portfolio • Easier review and evaluation

  19. Business Lines can enter / exit / change over time

  20. Determinants of BL entry / exit • Entry / exit criteria based on comparative added value, needs and cost • STAC to validate entry / exit • Comparative added value and new opportunities informed by: • stewardship analysis and consultation on priority needs • empowerment and capacity needs • innovation fund driven opportunities

  21. Innovation Fund • Fund @ $1M per year • Open to applications on any topic relevant to TDR's research, empowerment and stewardship mission • No limit to request, may be for limited funding at project level (rapid response) or larger funding for major initiative (detailed negotiation) • Goal to initiate and stimulate sustainable activity that will have impact • Interface with stewardship for topics to be addressed • Possible incubation of future business lines

  22. Issues associated with management of BL's • Entry / exit • DEC's play pivotal role • Synergies across functions and business lines • Mainstreaming cross-cutting issues e.g. gender • Overall balance • e.g. disease scope expansion conservative and meets JCB mandate • Stewardship has broad scope • BL 6 (helminths) • BL 11 (integrated CDI)

  23. Delivering Impact – making a difference Monitoring and Evaluation against indicators and deliverables Innovation Interventions Access

  24. Dashboards linking BL performance to strategic indicators

  25. Committees central to strategy development plus monitoring and evaluation

  26. Portfolio review links STAC, SAC's and secretariat

  27. Timing of reviews to ensure strategic impact

  28. Role of governance

  29. Regional emphasis and leverage • TDR Governance systems reinforced • Links to co-sponsor regional offices and ACHR's • Stewardship and empowerment activities will link to regional partners • Concept of regional associations of tropical diseases and co-hosted meetings (stewardship) • Concept of 'satellite' business lines (empowerment) • Research BL's strongly link to regions • VL elimination • Diagnostics specimen bank management and operation • General emphasis on DEC led management of projects

  30. Operationalising the Strategy

  31. Operational Processes

  32. TDR proposed structure Links to: NTD / BL 6 GMP/ BL 9 STB / BL 8

  33. Justification for increase • Stewardship role is new and requires new resources • Empowerment BL to grow by 30% over 6 years and is further manifest within research activity • Proposed objectives and deliverables meet needs of a balanced portfolio. • Inability to reach budget targets clearly associated with corresponding lack of end products • Research now better served globally, but more complex with more (focused) issues needing to be professionally covered 2007 1990 1990

  34. 2008-2009 budgets • Budget 1 (aligned to business plan) • $120 M • Budget 2 (back-up) • $ 98 M • 1 business line not initiated • several business lines with reduced number of objectives • Slower scale up of stewardship role

  35. Resource mobilisation targets

  36. What's New? • Addresses MDG's and health research interface with development • Stewardship goals – fostering • Capacity strengthening to empowerment goals • Focus on leadership • Research goals more strategically focused • Re-emphasise committees and networks • Regional focus / devolved activities • Better cohesion and coherence with external partners, and WHO • Link to control departments • Link to regions • Link to primary health care (IR community emphasis) • Link to innovation (IGWG) • Professionalised processes incl. STAC portfolio review

  37. Comparison between 2006/7 and 2008/9 budget

  38. Some final thoughts • On the right track, but not there yet • Responsiveness to country needs – who sets the agenda? • Stewardship and empowerment will take time • Looking to cultural shifts in emphasis • Fostering, outreach, facilitation, networks • Mainstreaming capacity building for empowerment • Focused professionalism of operation with transparency and openness to review • Recognising and building on unique nature of the 'Special Programme'

  39. Assistance for Discussion • Top level endorsement of vision and strategy • Guidance sought on whether previous concerns adequately addressed • Objectives and outputs of Stewardship function incl. outreach • Objectives and outputs of Empowerment function incl. partnerships / networks • Objectives and outputs of Research on Neglected Priorities function • Business lines: focus, entry / exit and management • Cross-cutting issues: e.g. gender • Mechanisms for DEC's to play a pivotal role • Regionalisation / decentralisation and interfaces with co-sponsoring agencies • Priority setting criteria and processes e.g. through committees • Monitoring and evaluation • Prospective 5th external review • Implementation plan incl. human resources • Role of STAC • Approve budget with / without amendment • Agree TDR to follow WHO practice on reporting by activity and personnel • Agree to 10% flexibility in budget allocation

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