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Explore the recent advancements and upcoming projects in experimental nuclear physics in Spain. Discover the research infrastructures and highlights in nuclear structure and dynamics, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental interactions.
Recent achievements and future challenges of the Spanish research in experimental nuclear physics Valencia, 2010 José Benlliure Universidad of Santiago de Compostela
Layout • Nuclear physics domain • Experimental nuclear physics in Spain • Recent physics highlights and close future projects • Research infrastructures • FAIR II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear Physics domain Strongly interacting matter quark-gluon plasma 10-12 s hadrons 10-6 s atomic nuclei 102 s stars 1015 s Nuclear physics does not look for a ``holy grail´´ but rather tries to understand the complex Universe of the strongly interacting matter by using different probes and instruments. José Benlliure II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010
Nuclear Physics domain Nuclear physics themes Phases of strongly interacting matter Hadron physics Nuclear structure and dynamics Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental interactions II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear Physics domain Nuclear physics in Spain Phases of strongly interacting matter 10% mostly theory Hadron physics 25% mostly theory 50% experiments and theory Nuclear structure and dynamics 10% experiments and theory Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental interactions 5% experiments and theory II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Experimental nuclear physics in Spain USC UVI UPC IEM USA UCM CIEMAT IFIC UHU CNA UGR 11 groups ~120 researchers ~130 publications/year ~ 6-8 PhD/year II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear structure and dynamics Recent highlights Constraining the nucleon-nucleon interaction investigating ground-state propertires and low-lying excited states in nuclei far from stability II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear structure and dynamics Recent highlights Constraining the nucleon-nucleon interaction investigating ground-state properties and low-lying excited states in nuclei far from stability II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear structure and dynamics Recent highlights Constraining the nucleon-nucleon interaction investigating ground-state properties and low-lying excited states in nuclei far from stability II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear structure and dynamics Recent highlights Constraining the nucleon-nucleon interaction investigating ground-state properties and low-level excited states in nuclei far from stability II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear structure and dynamics Recent highlights Constraining the nucleon-nucleon interaction investigating ground-state properties and low-lying excited states in nuclei far from stability II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear astrophysics Recent highlights Nuclei far from stability tell us about the origin of the elements in the Universe s process red giant p process supernova rpprocess X-ray burst r process supernova aprocess nova p-p CNO main sequence Big bang nucleosynthesis II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear astrophysics Recent highlights Nuclei far from stability tell us about the origin of the elements in the Universe s process red giant p process supernova rpprocess X-ray burst r process supernova aprocess nova p-p CNO main sequence Big bang nucleosynthesis II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Nuclear astrophysics Recent highlights Nuclei far from stability tell us about the origin of the elements in the Universe s process red giant p process supernova rpprocess X-ray burst r process supernova aprocess nova p-p CNO main sequence Big bang nucleosynthesis II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Short-term projects Using existing equipment and facilities to pursuit a competitive scientific program • b-half-lives and delay neutron emission in heavy neutron-rich nuclei relevant for the stellar nucleo-synthesis r-process (PresPEC/FRS GSI) • Single-particle structure of light nuclei at the drip-lines (ALADIN/LAND GSI) • Asymmetric EOS at ALADIN/LAND GSI • First AGATA campaigns at Legnaro and GSI • Decay studies at Jyvaskyla and ISOLDE • Spectroscopy of 7H at GANIL • …….. FRS/PreSPEC ALADIN/LAND AGATA II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Infrastructures used by the Spanish researchers JYFL JLAB TRIUMF RIKEN Scientific production (2000-2009) GSI 52% ISOLDE 15% GANIL 10% Legnaro 10% nTOF 7% others 6% GSI GANIL ISOLDE nTOF LNL CMAM CNA II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
anti-protons heavy ions exotic nuclei laser+ions Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research in Europe A multi-disciplinary multi-user research center State-of-the-art facilities providing unique opportunities for forefront research in nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics, hadron physics, heavy ion physics, plasma physics, atomic physics and applications. • High quality beams of radioactive ion beams, anti-protons and heavy ions with unprecedented intensities. • Fast ramping superconducting magnets • Beam cooling techniques • FAIR in numbers: • construction start: 2011 - cost: 1027 M€ (phase A) • first experiment: 2017 - running costs: 120 M€/año • full exploitation: 2018 - users: 3000 • Participant countries: Finland, Germany, India, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden,France, Slovenia, Spain, China, UK II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
NUSTAR Plasma physics 100 m Atomic physics Spanish participation in FAIR • Nuclear structure and astrophysics: NUSTAR • - R3B, HISPEC/DESPEC, EXL/ELISe, MATS • - 12 research groups • Atomic and plasma physics - SPARC, HEDgeHOB - 4 research groups - CIEMAT - IEM (CSIC) - IFIC (CSIC) - IMAFF (CSIC) - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - Universidad de Castilla la Mancha - Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Universidad de Granada - Universidad de Huelva - UNED - Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia • Universidad de Salamanca • - Universidad de Santiago de Compostela • - Universidad de Sevilla • Universidad de Valencia • - Universidad de Vigo • FAIR was created on October 4th • The Spanish participation in FAIR was offically • confirmed by MICINN last October 1st. • - Spain joined the FAIR council on November 23th • Spain participates in 6 de los 18 FAIR experiments II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
NUSTAR Spanish participation in FAIR NUclear STructure Astrophysics and Reactions (NUSTAR collaboration) 8 experiments: DESPEC, ELISe, EXL, HISPEC, ILIMA, LASPEC, R3B DESPECCIEMAT, IFIC, UCM, UPC HISPECIEM, IFIC, UHU, USA, USE MATSUGR ELISeUCM R3BIEM, USC, UVI II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Spanish participation in FAIR Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams R3B • Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela • Universidad de Vigo -nuclear structure and astophysics: direct reactions - reaction mechamisms: fission, fragmentation - equation of state for asymmetric matter II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Spanish participation in FAIR Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams R3B • Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela • Universidad de Vigo -nuclear structure and astophysics: direct reactions - reaction mechamisms: fission, fragmentation - equation of state for asymmetric matter II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
DESPEC Spanish participation in FAIR DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) - decay processes of exotic nuclei - b-delay spectroscopy using gammas, protons or neutrons - nuclear electromagnetic moments • CIEMAT • - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC • Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC • Universidad Complutense de Madrid • Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Spanish participation in FAIR DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) A variable-geometry setup José Benlliure
Spanish participation in FAIR DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) A variable-geometry setup José Benlliure
Spanish participation in FAIR DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) A variable-geometry setup José Benlliure
Spanish participation in FAIR DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) A variable-geometry setup José Benlliure
Spanish participation in FAIR DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) A variable-geometry setup José Benlliure
HISPEC Spanish participation in FAIR High-resolution In-flight SPECtroscopy (HISPEC) Direct reactions at low energies 5-20 MeV High-spin physics • Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC • Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC • Universidad de Huelva • Universidad de Sevilla II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
HISPEC Spanish participation in FAIR High-resolution In-flight SPECtroscopy (HISPEC) Direct reactions at low energies 5-20 MeV High-spin physics • Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC • Instituto de Física Corpuscular, CSIC • Universidad de Huelva • Universidad de Sevilla II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
MATS Spanish participation in FAIR Measurement of short-lived nuclei using Advanced Trap Systems (MATS) Ground state properties of nuclei far from stability • Universidad de Granada II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure
Conclusions • Nuclear physics is facing an exciting period because of the construction of new facilities worldwide (RIBF in Japan, FRIB in USA, HIE-ISOLDE and SPIRAL2 in Europe) and in particular FAIR • FAIR will gather most of the European efforts and will provide unique opportunities for all branches in nuclear physics research • During the last few years, the Spanish nuclear physics community has consolidated its international impact and visibility, but also the local infrastructures and human resources required to successfully participate in this new venture II CPAN days, Valencia, November 2010 José Benlliure