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Learn how to identify, analyze, and address learning problems using Response to Intervention (RTI) framework. Follow procedures to develop intervention plans, monitor progress, and evaluate effectiveness. Understand the purpose of RTI and the different tiers of student support.
Procedures for Writing an RTI Plan • Identify the problem • What is the Problem? • What are the strengths? • What are the critical questions selected?
Analyze the problem • Examine both the formative and summative assessment results. • Determine the cause of the deficit. • Why is it happening?
Determine what to do. Create an Intervention Plan • Select an intervention plan that specifically addresses the identified problem. • Develop student goals, identify interventionist, determine where, when (time of day and number of sessions per week) and length of intervention. • Determine how often to assess progress with CBM tools chosen by the team.
Implementing the Plan with Fidelity • Monitor student progress by charting data. • Provide instruction as detailed in the Intervention Plan and as designed for the intervention. • Assign a team member to monitor the fidelity of implementation and record procedures followed to rule out lack of appropriate execution as a reason for inadequate progress.
Evaluate Progress • Use data to determine effectiveness of the intervention. • Determine the next steps (continue the intervention, try a different intervention, increase the intensity of the intervention, or discontinue interventions. • (Shores & Chester, 2009: The Iris Center, n.d.; VanDerHeyden, 2007) Nellis, Collaborative Problem Solving Project, p.14 • www.doe.in.gov
What is an accommodation and a modification? • Accommodations are changes in instruction that enable students to demonstrate their abilities in the classroom and are designed to provide equity not advantage for students with disabilities. • Modifications change, lower, or reduce learning expectations according to an IEP or for high ability students raise the intellectual level of demand.
Summarize • Purpose of RTI is to provide scientifically-based core instruction to all students. • 80% of your students will be successful at Tier 1. • At Tier 2 students will need intervention plans based on assessments (ISTEP, Stanfords, Dibels, IRI, KEY MATH) which indicate the student is not achieving at grade level.
Who are the Tier 3 students? • Tier 3 students have not been successful with Tier 2 Intervention Plans and require more intensive, specialized interventions. • Our goal is for all students to function at Tier 1. • This is a fluid process, a problem solving model, based upon data driven decision making, and scientific, research based core curriculum at all levels.