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In this issue of the Golden Lamp, read the President's message, proposed By-Law and Standing Rule changes, officer reports, and more.
I'm not ashamed to say My hat is off Thank You Traveled down the road and back again Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant I hope that it will always stay this way Won't you stand up and take a bow For Being A Friend The Golden Lamp of Colorado Issue 4, Volume 68 In This Issue President's Message Proposed ByLaw/Standing Rules changes RMRC/International State Projects/Events Officer Reports Chapter/Council Reports Did You Know? Celebrating our Wonderful World WWW.esacolorado.org
What A Wonderful World ESA President's Message What a surprise to wake up this morning to find 6” of “the dusting” of snow predicted for Denver! I’m glad I don’t have to go anywhere. It won’t be long until Spring Board on March 14th. Deadline to register is March 1st. More information is in this issue. Don’t forget that Daylight Savings takes effect on Sunday, March 8th! We will be collecting items for the USO at DIA. See the list of items under the Philanthropic Report in this issue. I know you are all busy this time of year planning your year end fundraising and distributing all the money earned. BUT I do need some help. As many of you know, I am the Chairman for the Saturday night banquet at the 2016 I.C. Convention. Anyone that would like to help please let me know. I can use all the help I can get! I would like to call on all your talent in designing centerpieces for that night. Ricki Brown’s colors are Black and Red and her flower is the Carnation. Sherry Day’s colors are Blue and Silver with a Star. These need to be incorporated in the decorations. We have a budget of $3.00 per table with aprox. 60 centerpieces. Please bring your ideas and if possible a mock-up of the decoration to the meeting after the Board Meeting. I’m looking forward to all of the great ideas. As Mary noted in the last Golden Lamp , the hotel will furnish fresh flowers in glass vases at no charge. The table cloths are black or white with white, black, green, or gold napkins. If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas Edison
Proposed By-Law and Standing Rule Changes for 2014-2015 Colorado State Council Epsilon Sigma Alpha Article V. Section 3. Nominations and Elections of Officers Presently Reads:No member shall be nominated from the floor unless she meets all qualification requirements, is present at the State convention and is sponsored by her chapter. Proposed to read:No member shall be nominated from the floor unless she meets all qualificationrequirements, is present at the State convention and is sponsored by her chapter. Ifnominations are to be made from the floor the President-Elect must be notified in advance of State Convention. All members nominated from the floor will be recognized at the Friday Night Mixer along with all other candidates. Reason for change:At the present time if a member is nominated from the floor she is not presented to the membership until the General Assembly where the vote is taken. This does not preparethe membership to make an informed choice. Even though the nomination comes from the floor, the President-Elect must be informed in advance. In past years it was required that the notification be made by May 1st. DUTIES OF OFFICERS (ELECTED AND APPOINTED) Article VII. Section 5. President Elect Presently Reads: The President-Elect shall act as an assistant to the President. In the absence of the President, she shall act as the presiding officer. She shall serve on the Membership Team. She shall be Chairman of the Nominating Committee, and shall verify with the Web Team that the appropriate nomination forms must be on the ESA Colorado website. Completed nomination forms must be postmarked no later than February 15 and returned to the President-Elect in order for the nominees’ names to appear on the ballot. At the Second General Assembly she shall report the official results of the Elections of Officers. Proposed to Read:The President-Elect shall act as an assistant to the President. In the absence of the President,she shall act as the presiding officer. She shall serve on the Membership Team. She shall beChairman of the Nominating Committee, and shall verify with the Web Team that the appropriate nomination form is posted on the ESA Colorado website. Completed nominationforms must be postmarked no later than February 15 and returned to the President-Electin order for the nominees’ names to appear on the ballot. At the Second General Assembly,she shall report the official results of the Elections of Officers. Reason for Change:The portion of the last sentence “the results of the tally of votes shall be available tomembers who may seek the count”, belongs under Article XII, Voting. 1
Article VII. Section 8.8.1 Corresponding Secretary Presently Reads: B. To assist the State President in compiling the State Yearbook. The Yearbook will be distributed at the Fall General Board Meeting as follows:All Elected and Appointed Officers, Council Presidents, Chapter Representative, and International Headquarters shall receive a complimentary copy. Proposed to Read: B. To assist the State President in compiling the State Yearbook. The Yearbookwill be distributed as follows:All Elected and Appointed Officers, Council Presidents, Chapter Representative,shall receive a complimentary copy. Reason for Change:Housekeeping. A copy of the Yearbook is not sent to International Headquarters. Article VII. Section 9. Treasurer’s Duties Proposed Change:Insert new E to follow other dues the Council is responsible for; renumber the section. Proposed to Read:Colorado State Council became a LifeActive Member of Foundation in 2013; annual dues are no longer required. Reason for Change:There is no record to reflect the Colorado State Council is a member of Foundation. Section 9.F Presently Reads: To present Treasurer’s books of the State Council for audit to a committee, appointed by the retiring President, within forty-five (45) days after the close of the Treasurer’s office to the new Treasurer by August 1. Proposed to Read: To present Treasurer’s books of the State Council for audit to a committee, appointed by the retiring President, within forty-five (45) days after the close of the Colorado State Convention. Reason for Change:Housekeeping. Paragraph G addresses the date the Treasurer’s books are transferred to the new Treasurer. 2
Section 9. Insert new G Proposed to Read:Prepare the ESA Tax Facts form after the audit to include all entities that use the StateEmployer Identification Number; i.e., Dream Homes and the Leadership and EducationalFund. Submit report to ESA Headquarters by September15. Reason for Change:To specify the entities included in the report and when the Tax Facts form is prepared. Section 11 Junior Past President Presently Reads: The Junior Past President shall be assigned the duties of Disaster Fund Chairman and Chairman of the Presidents’/Delegates Workshop. Proposed to Read: The Junior Past President shall be assigned the duties of Disaster Fund Chairman and Chairman of the Leadership Workshop. Reason for Change:Leadership Workshop more accurately describes the Workshop. Section 12 Senior Past President Presently Reads: The Senior Past President shall be assigned the duties of the Awards Chairman which shall include:To select judges to be used for Colorado’s Outstanding Woman, Outstanding Chapter,Pioneer Woman, Outstanding Pledge. She shall obtain their consent early in the yearand keep them informed as to any rule changes that may develop. Outstanding Woman and Pioneer Woman judges will consist of two (2) from outside Colorado and one (1) in the area of the Awards Chairman. Lamplighters will judge Outstanding Pledge nominations, nominations for the Distinguished Athenian Award and Outstanding Chapter nominations. Outstanding Chapter will be judged by three (3) CSC Past Presidents. Proposed to Read: To select judges to be used for Colorado’s Outstanding Woman, Pioneer Woman, Outstanding Chapter, Outstanding Pledge and Distinguished Athenian. She shall obtain their consent early in the year and keep them informed as to any rule changes that may develop. Outstanding Woman and Pioneer Woman judges will consist of two (2) outside Colorado and one (1) in the area of the Awards Chairman. Outstanding Chapter, Outstanding Pledge and Distinquished Atheniannominations will be judged by three (3) CSC Past Presidents. Reason for Change:Housekeeping. 3
Section 12 B Presently Reads: Saturday evening presentation: Outstanding Chapter, service pins 15 years and over, 5th Degree Pallas Athene and over, Corinthian Award for chapters, 50 years and over for Chapters and Councils, and Woman of the Year. Proposed to Read: Saturday evening presentations: Outstanding chapter, service pins 15 years and over, 5th Degree Pallas Athene and over, 50 years and over for Chapters and Councils, and Woman of the Year. Reason for Change:Headquarters has done away with the Corinthian award for Chapters. Section 22. Golden Lamp Editor Presently Reads: The Golden Lamp Editor’s duties shall be: B. The Golden Lamp will be distributed via email notification and availableon the Colorado website. A paper copy will be sent to any active ChapterPresident and Council President, who have paid their state dues, any member who has paid the current subscription fee and submitted a subscription form, complimentary copies will be mailed to the Colorado State President, the IC Presidentand the IC News Bulletin Chairman and if desired submitted for the IC News Bulletin Award via appropriate guidelines. Proposed to Read: The Golden Lamp Editor’s duties shall be: B.The Golden Lamp will be distributed via email notification and available on the Colorado website. A paper copy shall be sent to any active Chapter President and Council President, who have paid their dues, and do not have internet access. Reason for Change:The Golden Lamp is available on the Colorado website; utilizing the website expeditesreceipt of the information. Proposed new Article VIII Awards Proposed to Read: Outstanding Woman of the Year: A candidate may be nominated multiple times, a candidate may receive the award ONLY ONCE. Reason for Addition:This award has been given to several members several times and there are many deservingmembers who are at a disadvantage when acquiring points. The Dream Home Project is weighing against the majority of membership. This award should be judged on chapter projectsand not state projects. It is time we recognize the members from the entire state and not justthe Front Range. This honor should be awarded only once. This would require re-numbering of the bylaws. 4
Article IX. Section 1 Finance Presently Reads:Each year, each chapter shall send to the State Treasurer dues as follows: $25.00 (Twenty-Five Dollars) per chapter plus $12.00 (Twelve Dollars) per active member. Proposed to Read:Each year, each chapter shall send to the State Treasurer dues as follows:$30.00 (Thirty Dollars) per chapter plus $15.00 (Fifteen Dollars) per active members. Reason for Change:We have not had a raise in dues for several years. The cost of everything continues toincrease yearly with everything else. Our State Council is in desperate need of the funds. COMMITTEES Article X. Section 8 Presently Reads:An Audit Committee shall be appointed by the President. The committee shall consist ofno less than three (3) members with a Lamplighter as Chairman, the outgoing Treasurerand incoming Treasurer. Duties shall include auditing the State Treasurer’s books to include the Golden Lamp’s general accounting books. Proposed to Read:An Audit Committee shall consist of no less than three (3) members with a Lamplighter asChairman, the outgoing Treasurer and incoming Treasurer. Duties shall include auditing theState Treasurer’s books to include the Golden Lamp’s general accounting books. Reason for Change:Housekeeping: The Audit Committee is not appointed by the President; members aredesignated in the Bylaw. Article X. Section 10 Presently Reads:A Guideline Committee shall be appointed by the President to review the Officer Guidelinesevery three (3) years, effective fall 2011. Committee members shall include at a minimum; thePresident-Elect, Vice President, Parliamentarian, Senior Past President, and the Lamplighterserving on the By-Law Committee. The committee shall rewrite the guidelines with the date of revision, provide copies to the presiding President-Elect to update her Officer’s notebook,provide the revision to the current officer, and provide the update to the Web Team for postingon the Website. Proposed to Read:A Guideline Committee shall review the Officer Guidelines every three (3) years, effectivefall 2011. Committee members shall serve a three (3) year term; at a minimum the committeeincludes the President-Elect (as Chairman), Vice President, Parliamentarian, Senior Past President and the Lamplighter serving on the By-Law Committee. The committee shall rewritethe guidelines with the date of revision, provide copies to the presiding President-Elect toupdate her Officer’s notebook, provide the revision to the current officer, and provide theupdate to the Web Team for posting on the Website. Reason for Change:Housekeeping: The Guideline Committee is not appointed by the President; members aredesignated in the Bylaw. This establishes the Committee Chairman. 5
VOTING Article XII Section 4 Presently Reads:There will be no proxy voting at State Convention. Proposed to Read:In accordance with IC International Bylaws, proxy voting by qualified delegates shall be allowed in the election of officers and other business at State Convention. Each chapterwill have a proxy with the number of votes they are entitled to by virtue of their membership numbers. If the delegate of the chapter cannot attend State Convention, the proxy will besubmitted and counted. The proxy form will be on the website and published in the GoldenLamp so as to be available to the membership. Reason for Change:The membership is aging and some members cannot attend state meetings either for health reasons or financial reasons. If their dues are paid they are entitled to vote onElection of officers and any issues put before the Colorado State Council. By not allowing proxyvotes you are disenfranchising the membership. Our State Council duty is to represent the entire membership of the state and not just the members who are able to attend state meetings. Article XII Section 5 Election of Officers Proposed Change:Insert new D to read: The results of the tally of votes shall be available to members whomay seek the count. Reason for Change:Housekeeping: The results of the vote fall under Election of Officers. Article XII Section 6 Other Voting Presently Reads:The quorum for voting on other items of business, other than elections and standingrule changes, shall be a majority of members present. The vote may be by voice vote, show of hands or standing to be counted. Proposed Addition:Definition of a Majority Pursuant to Roberts Rules of Order, Chapter 5 – Voting: “If an organization’s bylaws state that a majority of those present must adopt a motion, the majority is figured by the number of members present, not by the number of those voting. Here is an example: A meeting has 20 members present. A majority of those present is 11 votes. This number does not change, no matter how many members present vote and the following occurs:10 members vote in the affirmative5 members vote in the negative; 5 members do not vote (abstain) The motion fails because 11 people must vote in favor of the motion to sustain a majority of those present and adopt the motion” In this example, those not voting are said to support the negative rather than remain neutral. Reason for Addition:This by-law was passed without discussion of what constitutes a majority of the memberspresent. This addition will clarify the issue for voting and any future issues. 6
STANDING RULE CHANGES Standing Rule 7C Presently Reads:Vice President: one hundred percent (100%) of the registration to the State President’sLeadership Conference sponsored by ESA Headquarters. Proposed to Read:Eliminate C Reason for Change:This section should be eliminated as it was voted on and passed 28 to 7 at fall 2014 Leadership to eliminate this expense from the state budget. This can be voted back in at a later date if thefinances of the Colorado State Council improve in the future. There is no verbiage as to “a second member may attend if the funds are available.” This will require relettering of Rule #7. This also requires a guideline change. To be deleted, as a motion was made, seconded and discussed not to send the Vice Presidentto the Leadership Conference. The vote was 28 yes and 7 no. The motion passed. Standing Rule 10 Presently Reads:Registration fees to the State Convention for the Executive Board and the IC Representativeshall be paid by the due date as set by the convention city provided there are sufficient monies,in the general fund after all dues and officer expenses are paid. Proposed to Read:Registration fees to the State Convention for the Colorado State President and the ICRepresentative shall be paid by the due date as set by the convention city. Reason for Change:Current finances do no provide for the entire Executive Board to have their registration paid by the state. Membership is down and raising dues will only exacerbate the problem. We have a Fiduciary duty to our members to be good stewards of the state funds entrusted to us. This issue should not deter anyone from running for state office. JoAnn Singley Colorado State Parliamentarian 2014-2015 7
State Projects & Events SPRING BOARD MARCH 14, 2015 9:00AM to 4:00PM United Methodist Church 4425 Kipling Wheatridge, CO 8:30AM to 9:30AM Coffee and Rolls 9:00AM – 9:30AM Board meeting 9:30AM – 12:00N General meeting 12:00N – 1:00PM Lunch 1:00PM – 4:00PM General meeting COST: $35.00 Send Chapter name and list of attendees by March 1st to: Betty Ziska 10308 Melody Dr. Northglenn, CO 80260 One check per Chapter please payable to: Rita Martin There will be a short meeting for those interested in helping with the 2016 IC Saturday night banquet after the board meeting. See you there !
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Chapter __________________________ Name Address Phone # 2015 State Convention Beta Zeta #3149 ~ Cañon City Invites you to the 69th Colorado State Convention May 15, 16, & 17 2015 Make plans to join us at the peaceful Abbey Event Center 2951 East Hwy. 50 Cañon City, CO 81212 as we enjoy Rhythms On The Arkansas Registration Form Please complete form for each member ______ Voting Delegate _______First Time Attendee ________ Lamplighter ______ State Officer _______ Pledge ______ DESA/ELAN ______ MAL Please Note: Special dietary needs: ___________________________________________ Registration: $140 until May 1, 2015 ~ $145 after May 1st Saturday Banquet cost only TBA Please send registration form & check payable to Bata Zeta #3149 Convention to: Nancy Trebella 2320 Greenway Circle Cañon City, CO 81212 Rooms have been blocked at the QUALITY INN, just East of The Abbey. (719)275-8676 Rooms in business section are $77 per night + tax, for two queen beds, larger rooms Rooms in main building are $70 per night + tax for 2 queenbeds. Rooms in main building, pool side, are $77 per night + tax for 2 queen beds, larger rooms. Mention Epsilon Sigma Alpha when calling for reservations. Rooms will ONLY be held till May 1st 2015 Special hotel requests should be noted at time of reservation. Questions? Please contact c0-chairs Billie Jean Farnham @ (719)275-1126 Or Carol Dunn @ (719)275-7618
ESA Each One Unique R.M.R.C / International IC CONVENTION:If you would like to find something “Unique” it’s time to start thinking about Orlando, if you haven’t had the chance to attend an IC Convention now is the time. Kim Kummer has planned workshops for everyone, the Foundation has a Murder Mystery Dinner for those that want to come early and spend the evening with them. We are just down the street from Universal Studios and if you look out your hotel window you can see fireworks every night at 9:00 p.m. The hotel rates are only $109.00 plus tax making it very affordable for all. We hope you will think about going and would love to see you there From IC President Vickie …Ahhh, the month of February. It seems like I can’t wait for January to be over with so we can get to February, one less month of winter. February, the month of Leadership where all the incoming presidents, IC board members, Headquarters staff, Foundation Chairs and anyone else that wants to join us all converge on Denver Colorado for a full weekend of learning new things, getting to know each other and yes we have a lots of fun along the way. This year we have a new Executive Director and with that begin new ways of doing things, new ideas, along with the tried and true helping us continue to be a premier service organization. BE PREPARED:Are you prepared? It seems like there is always an emergency or disaster of some kind in the world. When I chose my focus of “Emergency Preparedness” it was not by accident. Since I was very young I had been taught to be prepared for the unexpected. My dad was a Union man back when they were first being organized, he was a carpenter by trade and worked construction. Our family would just get ahead financially and then the Union would go on strike. I don’t have to tell you the rest of the story. That is when food storage, financial reserve and sometimes support from other family members provided us with much needed help. I hope that each of will take the opportunity to prepare yourself for life changing events by planning ahead for emergencies of any Vickie Farris Email hairdresser@cableone.net
I Am Unique Chaplain’s Corner Hello! I know that many of you have been receiving the weekly IC Chaplain reports. These messages are from ESA members requesting your positive thoughts and prayers for the various situations in which they currently find themselves. I truly believe that what you are doingmakes a difference. Thank you. I do have a request concerning member deaths. At the Celebration of Life Ceremony at IC Convention in Orlando, Florida this July, there will be a power point presentation, as has been done in the past. I would like to have a photo of each member who has passed away since our last IC Convention. It does not have to be a current photo. If you have a photo that could be used for this purpose, please ask your State Chaplain if she has already sent me one. If not, you may mail them to: Maureen Wells, 3009 Tumbleweed Terrace, Manhattan, KS 66502-8968. Another option, would be to scan and e-mail them. Thank you very much for your assistance in honoring these ESA members – each one unique! IC Philanthropic Guidelines I have submitted to our Webmaster an updated form for reporting IC Philanthropic information with the latest mileage rate and the Mileage Rate Information. Please make sure your chapters and you state know the mileage rate 0.56 cents remains the same until following the IC Convention. If you have any question, please let me know. If your chapter or state has held a new philanthropic project, a very successful project and/or an especially fun project this year, I would love to hear about it so I can share new ideas with our members. We get in a rut sometimes and need fresh ideas to get that spark going again. I look forward to hearing from you with your great ideas. Marie LaDuke IC Philanthropic Hands-On Chair 2014-2015 Email marieladuke@comcast.net Maureen Wells IC Chaplain 2014-2015 3009 Tumbleweed Terrace Manhattan, KS 66502-8968. Email maureenw.icchaplain@gmail.com
NEWS FROM DOWNUNDER by Lisa Zachau I would like to introduce Alpha Epsilon of Proserpine, Queensland. This branch was established in 1964, which obviously makes them 50 years old! The branch is supported by 15 loyal members that spend a lot of time fundraising for their community. Proserpine is a relatively small community of less than 4000 residents. It is located a 30 minute drive west of the coast where many tourists arrive to enjoy expeditions of the Whitsunday Islands as well as the Great Barrier Reef. It has a very small town atmosphere with big hearts of compassion and camaraderie. Every year, Alpha Epsilon puts on an event to bring in local artisans along with craftsmen and women to demonstrate and sell their abilities as well as teach the participants of the event. Last year, Pat Burns, Publicity Chair for Alpha Epsilon, worked hard and accomplished successful marketing of the 17th Annual event which resulted in over a dozen articles and photos in the local papers. Needless to say, the publicity for ESA International was exceptional. Some of their other accolades includes (but not limited to) QC Rescue, Royal Flying Doctors, Angel Flight, Townsville Gluyas Lodge and Leukaemia Village. They have helped Christian Blind Mission, Muscular Dystrophy, Mackay Base Hospital, and Dumbleton Rural Fire Brigade. The list continues to grow and is a testament of their undying love of helping others
And if you threw a party You would see Would be from me And the card Attached The biggest gift Invited everyone you knew Officer's Reports Foundation Counselor I want to remind everyone that a member is considered active and is eligible to vote at the annual meeting if his/her dues have been received at the Headquarters office by the close of the day on the last day of February. I also want to thank all those members who have already sent their dues in this year. I’m hoping that my challenge to all of you will bring some of our members back to active status again. Be watching your mailbox for information on the Fantasy Event for 2015. This is another way to contribute to ESA Foundation. We will hear how many students in Colorado have applied for scholarships this year in March. The mission of ESA Foundation is to promote continuing education and to provide scholarships to ensure that students reach their goals. I will have the “Entertainment” basket at Spring Board and will be selling tickets. The basket will be given away at our State Convention in Canon City in May. The funds that are raised will be given to ESA Foundation. See you at Spring Board, Kathy Garrison Scrapbook Time is flying by so rapidly - don't know where 2014 went. I haven't started Rita's scrapbook yet and I only have what little she has given me. Gosh ladies, I sure would like to hear what your chapters have been doing and"a picture is worth a thousand words". Please keep me in mind and start getting "scrap" to me. Thanks in advance. Nancy Carray State Scrapbook Chairman
For Being WOULD SAY.... A Friend Thank you Sr. Past President Awards Chairman April is fast approaching. I know everyone has been busy this past year; we want to recognize your accomplishments at State Convention. Twenty-four chapters and five councils paid their dues by December 1 to be eligible to participate in the awards. As your Awards Chairman, I would like to remind you to submit your award forms to the appropriate chairman by April 1. They are listed in your Yearbook. If you have questions about the forms, contact the chairman or your In-Service Officer. Please send the following to myself by April 1; my address is in the Yearbook: The forms for Outstanding Woman, Pioneer Woman, Outstanding Pledge, Outstanding Chapter, and Distinguished Athenian. Four copies should be submitted with the original form. Names of those receiving Service Pins for 15 years and over. Names of those receiving the 5th Degree Pallas Athene. Chapters and Councils celebrating 50 years and over. Names of your DESA/ELANs with a brief note regarding their community service this past year. Forms can be found on the Colorado website at www.esacolorado.org. I contacted Headquarters regarding the Honor Society (Doric, Ionic & Corinthian levels) recognition; it has been discontinued. I am looking forward to hearing from everyone. Mary Humphrey 2014-2015 Awards Chairman Philanthropic Chair Hi Ladies, The April 1st deadline is fast approaching for everyone to get their philanthropic reports into me. You can find the form on the ESA Colorado website under forms. Hope for Heroes Project - Spring Board Our philanthropic endeavor for Spring Board will be items for the USO to distribute to military personnel passing through DIA. We are collecting the following items:Individually wrapped or bagged candies, cookies, cheese & crackers, raisins,trail mix, granola/power bars, nuts, gum, etc., Pocket Size Paperback books - mystery, adventure, word search/puzzle/ crossword Hand Sanitizer, nail clippers, lip balm, Kleenex My address is: CO State Philanthropic Chair Chloe McClantoc 1224 Steele St Denver, CO 80206 Thanks, Chloe McClantoc CO State Philanthropic Chair
Chapter & Council Reports Kappa Iota #5442 ~ cont. Theta Eta #2830 ~ Denver Kappa Iota provides dinner once a month for the Action Center Homeless Shelter and they have been without a dishwasher for about five months so we decided to see what we could do to get them a new one. Thanks to those that donated so we could come up with the money and to Sandy and David Alexander for picking up the dishwasher and doing the installation. Good job all!!! Joan Snyder, Nancy Cameron, Georgia DeLong, Angie Breckenridge, Angie Zimbleman, Sandy Alexander and Joanne Klemovich attended the Epsilon Epsilon Christmas Tea on December 13 at the Manor House. We all had such a good time and it is such a beautiful location. Good job Epsilon Epsilon!! On Saturday, January 24, David Alexander, Nancy Cameron, Joan Snyder, Georgia DeLong, Angie and Ed Zimbleman, Warren Potter, and Joanne Klemovich all volunteered at the Foothills Bible Church packing bags of food for Feed My Starving Children. The whole group packed 131 boxes, each containing 36 packages of food, which is enough to feed 77 children for a whole year. We all enjoyed it and had such a feeling of accomplishment!! Kappa Iota is hosting the DAC meeting on February 28. Hope to see you there!! Bye for now! Joanne Klemovich The "Wonderland" of the aging process led to a lot of us suffering of lethargy after the holidays! Surgeries, illness and a variety of health issues brought some of us to a screeching halt. Getting there, tho, was a little bit of fun. Attending four fundraisers in a row for four Saturdays, hosting family dinners and our Chapter Christmas party kept us smiling, but tired. However now, we, like many others can hardly wait for the Spring thaw. We look forward to seeing many of you here in Lakewood at the Spring Board meeting. 'Til we meet again, this is the Mad Hatter aka Karen signing off!! Kappa Iota #5442 ~ Golden Pictured from Center to right: Joan Snyder (brown vest); David Alexander (behind Joan); Warren Potter (waving); Nancy Cameron; Ed & We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and are having a Happy New Year. We enjoyed our Christmas Party at Georgia DeLong’s Clubhouse on December 7, and were happy to have Acting DAC President, Shirley Conway, as our guest. We had a short meeting and then had some food, wine, Christmas music, and good conversation. After a gift exchange, we spent the time cutting coupons for our military families, along with more conversation. We all had a fun time. Angie Zimbleman; Joanne Klemovich
Chi Kappa #5129 ~ Denver Zeta Rho #1774 ~ Aurora Chi Kappa has been floating along enjoying the holidays and other chapter and council activities. We had our annual Christmas Party on Sunday, December 14 with a brunch at The Old Neighborhood restaurant. Unfortunately, several members had colds/flu or were out of town and the attendance was rather small. Betty Ziska's mother passed away suddenly after a bout of the flu on January 1. Our condolences go out to Betty. A local memorial will be held at a later date. Cards may be sent to Betty at her home address: 10308 Melody Drive, Northglenn, CO 80260 Debbi Strong had back surgery on January 26 and is now home recuperating. She is doing well and is beginning physical therapy. Cards may be sent to her at her home: 1160 West Marigold Drive, Denver, CO 80221 Three members - Rita Martin, Chloe McClantok, and Betty Ziska plan to attend Zeta Chi's Bunko Party in Fort Collins. We are working on our Children's Book Project collecting 150 children books to be donated to Sherrelwood Elementary for the each of the children to take one home. We are also wrapping up our member biography educational programs and other projects so that we may get our State reports started and in on time. Time is flying by so fast. It won't be long before State Convention is here and Rita's term will be over. It has been a fun one. All for now. Nancy Carry Golden Lamp Reporter Happy Valentine’s Day. Spring Board is just around the corner; hope to see all of my sisters there. Let’s all pray for good weather that weekend. We had our annual Christmas luncheon on December 13th at the Sons of Italy restaurant in Westminster. There were 16 members present, the luncheon was delicious and everyone had a great time opening their secret sister gifts. Laura gave a report on her trip to Heart and Hands nursing home. She took paint and craft items that the residents could create whatever they wanted to. Some painted birdhouses; others did a few ornaments, treasure chests and butterflies. She forgot her camera so we don’t have any pictures of all the fun. A trip in February or March is being planned. Rhonda, Geri and Linda have all made numerous trips to Bonfils to donate blood. Rhonda and Linda also made a trip down town to help pass out items for the homeless. Jody and Shirley are busy compiling committees for the 2016 state convention. It looks like things are moving right along. A copy of the registration was passed around for the chapter’s approval. Geri announced that her son Ben graduated in December with a math major and statistics emphasis from Colorado State University in Fort Collins and will be starting a new job the end of January. Way to go Ben you’ve made your mother very proud. Jody shared with the chapter that her daughter Lori is recovering from back surgery. It will take at least 3 months for her to get her strength back. Well I have no more news to report at this time, so until next time stay warm and healthy. Hugs, Shirley
Epsilon Epsilon #1896 ~ Denver In October Kathy journeyed to Loveland to attend Northern Colorado Council’s Bunco party. JoAnn was scheduled to attend but became ill at the last minute. The group prepared several chili selections and homemade soups and of course the famous desserts. It was a fun day and it was great seeing our ESA sisters from the north. We collected items for the Cat Care Society in conjunction with Denver Epsilon Council’s October philanthropic project. Overall, the council delivered over $500 worth of items. JoAnn’s theme this year is “Opening Doors through ESA” and the key is her symbol. Our first educational was “The History of Keys”. In November, Kathy and Vickie attended Zeta Rho’s annual auction. You could certainly see who the Bronco fans were by the items they bid on. Alice Robinson was successful in getting her Bronco wreath. Too bad they didn’t make it to the Super Bowl this year. Next Year! Our fifth Holiday Tea “Flurries ‘n Fun was a tremendous success! We sold out all 100 tickets by November 13th. The deadline to be eligible for the Kindle Fire HD was November 15th so everyone that attended had a chance to win. The person who went home with it this year was BJ Schmidt of Omega Chi in Florence. We were so glad to have them with us. We had many new faces this year and hope to see them all again next year. We will be having the Tea again in 2015 at the Manor House. The date will be Saturday, December 12, 2015. If you are planning to come, get your ticket early! Delightful Food Holiday Tea Hostesses Table Décor Bake Sale For our Christmas party this year we ventured up to Golden and had a wonderful lunch at the Briarwood Inn. Such a beautiful place to have a special time together and relax after all the work on the Holiday Tea. Our January educational will be a trip to Longmont to the Cheese Importer shop and Bistro. JoAnn, Joan, Vickie and Kathy are looking forward to a fun time learning about international cheeses. ESA opens another door for us. Our next Bunco Party is Valentine’s Day this year. The funds we raise always go for the Easter Baskets we give to Hope House. This has become an annual project for us. Happy Valentine’s Day to all! The Scribe
Denver Epsilon Council Denver Alpha Council REMINDER Denver Epsilon Council members want to wish all of our Colorado ESA Sisters a happy and prosperous 2015 and hope everyone around the state has survived our cold, snowy winter. We are all looking forward to warmer weather and all of the many ESA activities taking place this spring. Several Epsilon Council members enjoyed I.C. Convention, Rocky Mountain Roundup and our Colorado State Fall Board meeting. It is always a treat to catch up with sisters at these events. We have been busy supporting various Epsilon Council projects including the Cat Care Society, Denver Rescue Mission, Free the Girls Project and Hearts Across the Miles. In December we continued our book sales and celebrated the season enjoying our sisters and guests, exchanging white elephant gifts and of course sharing many holiday goodies of all kinds. For our February Pot Luck we are planning a chili supper with each chapter sharing their own favorite recipe. We have much to be thankful for and are looking forward to the various Chocolate Parties, the KYGO Radio-thon supporting St. Jude’s, Founder’s Day celebrations, Spring Board and State Convention in Canon City. The 2015 New Year is the perfect occasion to celebrate love, friendships and all the good things in life. Let’s take the time to appreciate what this past year has given us and what the new one is about to bring! Yvonne Farrell, Recording Secretary Denver Epsilon Council REMINDER Kappa Iota will be the hosts for the Denver Alpha Council Meeting on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Our Philanthropic Project will be the USO. Listed below are some of the items you can contribute so we can make care packages that the USO will distribute to military personnel passing through DIA: Individually wrapped snacks (such as cereal bars, cheese & crackers, protein bars, cookies, raisins, trail mix, nuts, gum, etc), Travel-sized hygiene items (such as shampoo, conditioner, lip balm, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, toothbrushes, nail clippers, Kleenex, etc), Pocket sized paperback books, puzzle books, pens & pencils, etc. Hope to see you there so we can provide care packages to lift the spirits of troops and their families!!! We will be holding our CHOCOLATE BINGO at this meeting as well, and we would love to see a whole bunch of you there! Prizes, FOOD and a whole kaboodle of fun are in store for you! (See flyer under State Projects & Events) Submitted by Joanne Klemovich Kappa Iota #5442 ~ Golden
KNOW Traveling by Steamship was considered the height of comfort. Passenger cabins on the boats were not numbered. Instead they were named after States. To this day, cabins on ships are called "StateRooms" Submitted By In the days before CPR, a drowning victim would be placed, face down, over a barrel then the barrel would be rolled back and forth in an attempt to clear the victims lungs of water. IT WAS RARELY EFFECTIVE ! Thus today, if you are "OVER A BARREL" it means you are in deep trouble YOU DID Rita Martin In the old west, a .45 caliber cartridge for a six gun, cost $.12. A shot of whiskey cost the same. If a cowhand was short on cash, he would often give the bartender a .45 cartridge for his drink. This became known as a "shot" of whiskey Steamboats carried both people and animals. Since hogs smelled so bad, they would be washed before boarding a ship. The mud and other filth that was washed off was considered useless or "HOGWASH"