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Comparisons of the Impact of Employment Contract and Gender on Psychological Contracts

Kerstin Isaksson, National Institute for Working Life, Sweden & Moshe Krausz, Bar Ilan University, Israel. Comparisons of the Impact of Employment Contract and Gender on Psychological Contracts. Employment contract related to transactional or relational PC (Rousseau)

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Comparisons of the Impact of Employment Contract and Gender on Psychological Contracts

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  1. Kerstin Isaksson, National Institute for Working Life, Sweden & Moshe Krausz, Bar Ilan University, Israel Comparisons of the Impact of Employment Contract and Gender on Psychological Contracts Kerstin Isaksson

  2. Employment contract related to transactional or relational PC (Rousseau) Dimensions of the PC (e.g. range, duration, volition) more relevant Gender differences in PCs are poorly investigated Theoreticalbackground Kerstin Isaksson

  3. How does degree of job permanency (permanent, fixed term, or hourly employment) affect the content of the PC, the degree of contract fulfilment and the state? The role of volition ? Gender differences in PCs ? Research questions Kerstin Isaksson

  4. A higher degree of job permanency will be related to a wider PC in terms of content No difference in relation to fulfilment and state (org. climate more important) Women in fixed term/hourly contracts will have a more narrow PC (interaction effects). Volition is assumed to have a moderating role (interaction effects Hypotheses Kerstin Isaksson

  5. Selection of from 7 countries, three sectors aiming to find a variation in degree of contract permanency to test questionnaire Not random and non-representative, This study: the three most common contract forms (n=1517), 66% female 74% permanent, 22% fixed term, 4% day/hour 37% health care sector, 20% retail sector, 18% temp. help, 25% other Sample Kerstin Isaksson

  6. Content of PC Has your organization promised or committed itself…. (yes/no) (7 dimensions of employer promises, 5 for employees) Range - number of promises perceived by employees Contract fulfilment. - For each item “To what extent has this promise or commitment been kept? (Scale 1-7) State of the PC (8 items) Volition (3 items) + controls: age, gender, education, job tenure, weekly work hours) Measures (employee perspective) Kerstin Isaksson

  7. Employees on permanent contracts are generally older, with longer tenure and weekly work hours Permanent employment positively related to range of the contract but not to delivery of the deal Gender differences on the employee side Results Kerstin Isaksson

  8. Kerstin Isaksson

  9. Kerstin Isaksson

  10. Kerstin Isaksson

  11. Kerstin Isaksson

  12. Employer promises Permanent/hourly contract Voluntary choice Weekly work hours Organizational climate Employee promises Permanent/fixed term contract Gender (women - wider) Education (low education - wider) Factors explaining variation in range (=number of promises) Kerstin Isaksson

  13. Factors explaining variation in fulfilment and state of the PC Kerstin Isaksson

  14. Degree of contract permanency has an effect on both range, contract fulfilment and state of the PC (permanent employment positive for range but negative for evaluation) Organizational climate significant for evaluation of state+fulfilment by employers Volition, significant direct effect Women report a wider range of employee promises Conclusions Kerstin Isaksson

  15. Degree of job permanency has a positive effect on the PC in terms of range, content differences in dimensions of the PC need more investigation Volition critical for employer side of PC but not employee? Gender differences not in range but in profile? Proportion of variance explained was very low (3-10%), missing factors? Sample limitations ? Discussion Kerstin Isaksson

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