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Explore the events on the Road to Emmaus after Jesus' resurrection, fulfillment of prophecies, disciples' doubt, and the significance of Scriptures in recognizing Jesus as Messiah.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
On the Road to EmmausMark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-32 Jesus’ crucifixion Friday afternoon & being placed in the tomb of a rich man fulfilled multiple prophecies On the Sabbath, the chief priests persuaded Pilot to place a Roman guard at the tomb of Jesus
On the Road to EmmausMark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-32 At the dawning of the day after the Sabbath there was a severe earthquake & an angel rolled the stone away – The guards fainted. Mary Magdalene and the other women arrived at different times
On the Road to EmmausMark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-32 Mary left to find the disciples, but the other women saw angels who announced Jesus’ resurrection The disciples did not believe the report of the women, but Peter and John ran to the tomb to see
On the Road to EmmausMark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-32 They saw the empty tomb and the linen grave clothes - John believed, but Peter wondered - both then left Mary returned to the tomb weeping, then saw two angels, and then Jesus Himself risen from the dead
On the Road to EmmausMark 16:12-13; Luke 24:13-32 Jesus appeared to the other women, but the disciples still did not believe their reports The guards reported to the chief priests who then paid them to lie and say the body was stolen
On the Road to EmmausLuke 24:13–32 The eyes of these two men - Cleopas and Simon - were prevented from recognizing Jesus Peter had been to Jesus’ empty tomb but left wondering because he did not yet understand the Scriptures
On the Road to EmmausLuke 24:13–32 The men had heard the report of the women but were doubting like Thomas would be Peter had seen Jesus raise people from the dead, but someone raising himself was beyond his experience
On the Road to EmmausLuke 24:13–32 They did not yet understand that Messiah would be a redeemer before He would He would restore Israel
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures Luke 24:25-27 Luke only gives us a summary statement that Jesus taught them all the Scriptures concerning Himself God wants us to examine the Scriptures for ourselves to see that Jesus is the Messiah
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures The Seed of a Woman – Genesis 3:15 cf. Galatians 4:4; Luke 1:35 Satan would cause Messiah to suffer, but Jesus would utterly defeat Satan A Future Prophet Like Moses – Deuteronomy 18:15 cf. Acts 3:12-26
Correct GenealogyMessiah must have a very specific blood line A descendant of Abraham - Genesis 12:3 cf. Matthew 1:1; Luke 3:34 The promise was through Isaac and not Ishmael - Genesis 17:19 cf. Matthew 1:2; Luke 3:34
Correct GenealogyMessiah must have a very specific blood line Messiah had to be from the lineage of Jacob, not Esau. Gen. 28:14; 35:9-12 cf. Matthew 1:2; Luke 3:34 Messiah also had to be from the tribe of Judah - Genesis 49:10 cf. Matthew 1:2; Luke 3:33
Correct GenealogyMessiah must have a very specific blood line He would have to be a descendant & heir of King David - 2 Samuel 7:12-13; Isaiah 9:7 cf, Luke 1:32-33 He could not be a descendant of Jehoiakim - Jer. 36:30. Blood line through Mary, heir through Joseph
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures Born in Bethlehem - Micah 5:2 cf. Matthew 2; Luke 2 Born at the Right Time - Daniel 9:24-25 cf. Luke 2:1-2; Galatians 4:4 Born of a Virgin - Isaiah 7:14 cf. Matthew 1:23
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures The Son of God - Psalm 2:6-7; Isaiah 7:14 cf. Matt. 3:17; 17:5; Luke 1:35; John 1:34, 39; 11:4, 27; 19:7 Anointed and Eternal - Psalm 45:6-7; 102:25-27 cf. Hebrews 1:8-12
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures Comes Out of Egypt - Hosea 11:1 cf. Matthew 2:14-15 His Way Prepared by a Forerunner - Isaiah 40:3-5; Malachi 3:1; 4:5-6 cf. Mt. 11:13-14; Luke 3:3-6; 7:24-25
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures Ministry in Galilee - Isaiah 9:1-2 cf. Matthew 4:13-16 Spoke in Parables - Psalm 78:2-4 cf. Matthew 13:34-35 Worker of Miracles, Preacher of the Gospel - multiple prophecies in Psalms & Prophets cf. Matthew 11:2-5
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures Triumphal Entry - Zechariah 9:9 cf. Matthew 21:4-5; John 12:13-14 Rejected by His People - Isaiah 53:1 cf. John 12:37-41 Betrayed by a Friend for Thirty Pieces of Silver - Psalm 41:9; Zechariah 11:12 cf. Matthew 26:15
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the ScripturesProphecies Concerning Messiah’s Trial False witnesses (Psalm 35:11 cf. Matthew 26:59-60). Silent before accusers (Isaiah 53:7 cf. Matthew 26:63; 27:12-14). Spat upon & struck (Isaiah 50:6 cf. Matthew 26:67). Hated without reason (Psalm 35:19 cf. John 25:24-25).
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the ScripturesProphecies on Messiah’s Crucifixion & Burial Psalm 22; Isaiah 53. Crucified with transgressors (Isaiah 53:12 cf. Luke 22:37; 23:25,32-33); Pierced through the hands and feet (Zechariah 12:10 cf. John 20:27); Mocked (Psalm 22:7-8 cf. Luke 23:35-36);
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the ScripturesProphecies on Messiah’s Crucifixion & Burial Reproached (Psalm 69:9 cf Matthew 27:39f, Romans 15:3); Gambling for His clothes (Psalm 22:17-18 cf. Matthew 27:35-36); Praying for His enemies (Psalm 109:4 cf. Luke 23:34);
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the ScripturesProphecies on Messiah’s Crucifixion & Burial No bones broken (Psalm 34:20 cf. John 19:32-33,36), His side pierced (Zechariah 12:10 cf. John 19:34); Forsaken by God (Psalm 22:1 cf. Matthew 27:46);
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the ScripturesProphecies on Messiah’s Crucifixion & Burial Die as a vicarious sacrifice (Isaiah 53:5, 12 cf. Romans 5:6-8). Grave assigned with wicked men, yet He was with a rich man in death (Isaiah 53:9 cf. Matthew 27:57-60).
Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Scriptures He would rise from the Dead – Psalm 16:10; 49:15 – Matthew 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20 Psalm 22 prophetically describes the crucifixion of the Messiah Isaiah 53 - The Suffering Servant who would redeem man by His own sacrifice
Arriving at EmmausLuke 24:28–32 Their eyes are opened to recognize Jesus, then He disappeared / vanished / became invisible “Hearts burning” - an expression of great emotion (See Psalm 39:3; Jeremiah 20:9)
Arriving at EmmausLuke 24:28–32 Their sadness & despair turned to glorious hope - Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies and He was indeed alive!
Return to JerusalemLuke 24:33-35; Mark 16:12-13 It would be dark before they got back to Jerusalem, but the risk and difficulty was worth it Mark 16:12–13 - the other disciples did not believe them
Conclusions What it took to believe varied from person to person The Lord is patient as He lovingly exposes the truth to a person that they might believe in Him
Conclusions If you do not yet believe, be diligent and humble in your search for truth If you do believe, live according to the reality of that truth and tell others
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ